Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 225 Miserable Tang 3!

Chapter 225 Miserable Tang San!
When the pitch-black light gradually devoured Taotie, Tang San's heart beat more and more frequently.

He wanted to run, but found that his body was no longer in control, and he could only look at Han Xiao who was walking slowly.

One after another pictures of the past flickered in his mind, and even the deeds of his previous life in the Tang Sect became more and more clear in Tang San's mind.


Liu Erlong urged anxiously.

Now Tang San had already lost his desire to fight, if he didn't stop this fight, Tang San might lose his life.

Flender shook his head, his face was deep, and he was ready to stop Han Xiao at any time.

Han Xiao's speed was not fast, he gently sent out the Taotie in his hand, and took Tang San's heart straight.

However, in this slow blow, there seemed to be countless dead souls hidden in it.

How can it be?

Tang San looked down at his trembling hands.

He once thought that he was a person who died once, and if he faced death again, he should not have the slightest fear.

But now when death was about to come, Tang San found that he couldn't control his faintly trembling body.

He was afraid, afraid of the man in front of him who was about his age.

How could it be possible to fall down here? !
Tang San seemed to hide a howling beast in his throat.

His body was shaking violently, and a small hammer slowly appeared in his right hand.

Looking at the small hammer, Han Xiao's pupils shrank suddenly.

Haotian Hammer? !

What he didn't expect was that the boy in front of him also had twin martial souls.

Is the King of Slaughter Tang Chen a descendant?
Han Xiao thought secretly, now he still clearly remembers the astonishing scene of the Haotian Hammer shattering all directions.

Tang San mobilized all the strength in his body, his eyes were already dyed scarlet.

At this moment, he broke through the death limit brought by Jing Ke's dagger, lifted the Clear Sky Hammer extremely slowly, and slammed it at Han Xiao.

The two weapons collided violently at this moment, the terrifying impact made Tang San spit out a mouthful of blood, and flew backwards like a kite with a broken thread.

He fell heavily to the ground, like a deflated balloon, his body was still shaking.

On the other side, Han Xiao retreated a few feet, looking at Tang San in the distance with some surprise.

One must know that even Zhou Tong was helpless in the face of his blow.

What he never expected was that Tang San was able to dissolve it at a critical moment.

Tang San stood up tremblingly, one eyelid drooped heavily, the whole right arm was like soft plasticine, as if it had been dislocated.

"Little San, that's enough!"

Flender looked heavy and shouted loudly.

The current state of the two sides seems to be a winner.

If the fight continues, I am afraid that life will be in danger.

Of course, this danger to life belongs to Tang San.

"It's... not over yet."

Tang San's voice was extremely weak, and he put his hands on the soul guide with great difficulty.

He still hides the last killer move, Yama Tie!
Hades let you die in the third watch, who dares to keep you until the fifth watch?
Hades post has double effects, also known as one post double killing.Highly toxic, no solution is highly toxic.Even if the limbs were cut off at the moment when the poisonous needle entered the body, it could not stop the instant spread of the poison.

Even Tang San himself needs to raise his Xuanyu hand to the limit when using the Hades Tie, and dare not touch it easily.

Only by using this trick...

At this moment, only killing was left in Tang San's mind, killing this man who was slowly walking towards him.

kill him!kill him!kill him!

A flash of madness flashed in Tang San's eyes, and a jade-like light gradually appeared on his hands.

He had to cover his hands with the Xuantian Kungfu before he could activate the Hades Tie, otherwise he would be backlashed by the poison.

However, Han Xiao's eyes seemed to see through his thoughts, and appeared in front of Tang San in the blink of an eye.

The distance between the two was extremely close at this time, so close that Tang San could clearly see the transparent fluff on Han Xiao's face.

Without the slightest hesitation, the Eight Spider Lances behind him stabbed at Han Xiao fiercely like eight long spears.

Looking at the sharp spear, Han Xiao did not hesitate at all, and instantly held the fish gut hidden in his left arm in his hand.

Everyone opened their mouths wide, watching the scene in disbelief.


At this moment Tang San could no longer remain in shock, the severe pain made him cry out heart-piercingly.

Just beside his feet, lay a bloody spider spear, like the tail of a gecko that had been chopped off, still wriggling.

"Impossible, it's impossible!"

Some people couldn't believe it and covered their eyes in pain.

Everyone knew how strong Tang San's Eight Spider Lances were, no matter how terrifying the weapon spirit was, it was impossible to cut off the Eight Spider Lances directly.

However, just now, Han Xiao just drew the sword and swung the sword. These two simple and simple movements cut off the Eight Spider Lances in an instant.

Tang San looked at Han Xiao with only horror in his eyes.

He wanted to run, but he didn't expect Han Xiao to grab the Eight Spider Lance.


Realizing what was about to happen, Flender's complexion changed drastically, and he rushed forward.

Yet it was too late.

The Taotie in Han Xiao's hand radiated light under the sunlight, drawing a beautiful arc.

The next moment, another spider leg was chopped off completely.

When the soul master absorbed the soul bone, the two parties had already merged into one, and the soul bone became an inseparable part of the soul master.

Therefore, when Han Xiao deprived Yu Yuan Zhen Soul Bone, he had to waste a lot of energy, otherwise a little carelessness would cause irreparable damage to his body.

Of course, it is also possible to directly dig out the spirit bone.

So for Tang San, cutting off his two spider legs was no different from cutting off his two arms.

"Enough, Tang San lost."

Flender's face was gloomy, and he released his martial soul directly, and seven souls surrounded his body.

Han Xiao let go of Tang San, and threw the unconscious Tang San into Flender's arms.

"Xiao Ao, hurry up!"

Oscar quickly made a few sausages and stuffed them all into Tang San's mouth.

"Fortunately, it's just a lot of blood loss."

Seeing that Tang San's complexion was a little rosy, Flender heaved a sigh of relief.

"Xiao Wu, send Tang San back to his room to recuperate."

Flender looked at Xiao Wu and said with a gloomy expression.

The distraught Xiao Wu glanced at Han Xiao who was standing in the distance, and then at Tang San who was already unconscious, but he didn't move.


Flender frowned, unable to refuse.

"Your Excellency wants to leave after hurting someone, isn't it a little too much?"

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun stopped Han Xiao who was about to leave, with cold expressions.

"Want to fight?"

Looking at the two, Han Xiao looked normal, and slowly raised the Taotie in his hand.

"Let him go."

Flender stopped the two who were about to move.

Tang San didn't have much reason for this duel.

He didn't understand the reason of the matter, and he just wanted to stand up for Yu Xiaogang, which really didn't make sense.

(End of this chapter)

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