Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 228 Han Xiao's Confidence!

Chapter 228 Han Xiao's Confidence!
"The teacher just wanted to stand out for us. I didn't expect that group of gangsters to be unreasonable at all. Not only did they bully the few with more, but their teacher was also worthy of being a nest of snakes and rats. They beat Teacher Ye seriously."

Having said that, the disciple creaked his fists and drank the strong wine in the glass.

This incident became Ye Zhiqiu's nightmare, and it still lingers in his throat until now.

Although some powerful titled Douluo have the ability to instantly kill soul masters with just a raise of their hands, they don't know how to do such things.

Only those who are self-satisfied with a little bit of strength will bully the weak under the name of mediocre people who don't cause trouble.

It is precisely this principle that chivalry uses martial arts to break the ban.

A real strong person cultivates not only the spirit and body, but also the mind.

"Don't talk about such shameful things outside."

Ye Zhiqiu waved his hand. Although he was smiling, Han Xiao could see the distress in the corner of his eyes.

Han Xiao took a sip of his wine and asked casually, "Since this is the case, hasn't Canghui Academy thought about taking revenge on Shrek Academy?"


Ye Zhiqiu shook his head, smiled wryly and said, "I'm just a teacher of Canghui Academy, how could the academy avenge me?"

"The only way is this All-Soul Master Elite Competition."

Ye Zhiqiu took a deep breath, drunkenly: "I really want to swell Shrek Academy's face, the only thing I can rely on is our students knocking Shrek Academy out of the competition."

"Fortunately, our five children are also up to the challenge and have made full preparations for this All-Soul Master Elite Competition."

Speaking of this, Ye Zhiqiu's eyes showed a little more relief.

"Mr. Ye, I have a deal here. I don't know if your Canghui Academy is interested."

Han Xiao put down his wine glass and looked at him calmly.

"Oh?" Ye Zhiqiu was a little surprised, "What deal?"

How did the good wine game develop on a strange route in the end?

Han Xiao pointed to the pig's head meat placed on the wine table: "I will help you win the championship of this All-Soul Master Elite Competition, and all the rewards will belong to me."

The words were out of the mouth, and the people who were chatting enthusiastically fell into silence.

After a while, the shopkeeper was shocked by the explosion-like laughter in the tavern, and looked at the crowd in bewilderment.

"How many dishes, drink like this?"

"Brother, stop drinking and go upstairs to sleep!"

"This joke is really interesting, brother, you are so humorous!"

Everyone was already laughing and laughing, their tears were choked back.

Han Xiao looked at the laughing crowd, without speaking, he released his martial spirit directly.

In many cases, it is better to explain than to show directly.

Looking at Han Xiao's soul ring configuration, the tavern became strangely quiet again in an instant.

Some people suspected that they had drunk too much and rubbed their eyes desperately.

The peanuts in someone's mouth fell to the ground, and a mouthful of beer was sprayed out.

Some people pinched their thighs desperately, thinking it was a dream.

"Isn't that enough to win the All-Soul Master Elite Competition?"

Han Xiaoyun calmly took a sip of the spirits and asked casually.


Ye Zhiqiu looked at Han Xiao in disbelief, his voice trembling.

"I'm old enough."

Han Xiao explained to him.

After a long time, Ye Zhiqiu came to his senses, and he was almost sober from the wine.

"I have to discuss this matter with our dean."

You must know that a year ago, Canghui Academy was preparing for this All-Soul Master Elite Competition, and even the list of participating in the battle had been determined, and everything was indispensable.

If they change in the middle, their one-year training plan will also be invalidated.

"In that case, how about we go to Canghui Academy together tomorrow?"

Ye Zhiqiu showed a friendly smile at Han Xiao.

Han Xiao nodded. Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to drink these swill-like liquors. He got up and said goodbye and went upstairs.

Early the next morning, under the leadership of Ye Zhiqiu, everyone returned to Canghui College.

Different from Shrek Academy, this place is obviously much grander and grander. The whole gate is made of marble, and on both sides of the stone gate, there are two flying town house beasts.

The gilded plaque that pierces the sky is engraved with four bold characters, Canghui College.

It could be vaguely seen that there were still many scattered students in the college, and the expressions on their faces were not relaxed, as if they were affected by this All-Soul Master Elite Competition.

"Canghui Academy also has a history of more than ten years, and the higher-ups have issued a death order. They must rank well in this elite competition of all soul masters."

After a few days of getting along, the two have become familiar with each other.

Ye Zhiqiu sighed, the college seemed to be under a lot of pressure from above.

Han Xiao nodded, without saying anything, followed Ye Zhiqiu to Shinian's office.

After waiting in the living room outside for about 15 minutes, Ye Zhiqiu motioned him to go in.

Han Xiao nodded, pushed open the door, and walked into this luxurious office.

The middle-aged man sitting in the middle, with sunken cheekbones and thick dark circles, was looking at him with interest.

"Hello, I am the dean of Canghui College, Shi Nian."

He shook hands with Han Xiao with a smile on his face, then pointed to the high-end leather chair in front of him.

Han Xiao sat down slowly, and looked at Shi Nian expressionlessly: "I believe Ye Zhiqiu has told you everything that should be said. I don't know what Dean Shi thinks about it?"

Hearing this, Shi Nian couldn't help laughing, and shook his head: "Can I see your martial soul with my own eyes?"

Han Xiao nodded and released the soul ring directly.

Shi Nian's pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart trembled.

It turns out that Ye Zhiqiu really didn't lie to him!

When he first heard about Han Xiao's soul ring configuration, Shi Nian thought that Ye Zhiqiu had met a liar.

But the coercion released by the year of the soul ring is impossible to deceive.

"Dean Shi Nian, do you believe it now?"

"I'm getting old, now Douluo Continent is full of talented people." Shi Nianchang sighed and nodded.

"However, I don't understand one thing. The little brother has such an amazing talent, even if he is placed in Tiandou Royal Academy or Wuhun Academy, he is still a hot existence. Why do you come to this small temple like my Canghui?"

Shi Nian looked at Han Xiao with scorching eyes, but that unwavering face did not give the answer he wanted.

"Dean Shi, this is not what Canghui Academy needs to care about. This transaction can make a lot of money for you and me. This is the most important thing, isn't it?"

How could Han Xiao tell him that this was Bibi Dong's mission?

"It's full of money?" Shi Nian's face was gloomy like water: "I think you are the only one who can make a lot of money, right?"

You must know that the reward for the champion of this All-Soul Master Elite Competition is the most outrageous one in previous years, a total of three soul bones.

 Before writing this paragraph, I specifically looked through the complete set of Douluo Continent physical books I bought when I was in elementary school. It was the first edition. The conflict between Cang Hui and Shrek was caused by Ma Hongjun's cheap mouth. Poor Ye Zhiqiu.

(End of this chapter)

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