Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 233 Soul King, Han Xiao's Change!

Chapter 233 Soul King, Han Xiao's Change!

Han Xiao was not in a hurry to repair his body, but sat cross-legged, and began to run the sky star map.

Although the griffin's claw was not at its full strength, the wound it caused was two centimeters deep.

If you don't try to stop the bleeding in time, you are very likely to be infected with a high fever due to excessive blood loss, which will have irreversible effects on your body, and even cause death.

Fortunately, with the extremely terrifying self-healing ability of Huntian Xingtu, the wound healed slowly.

But even so, Han Xiao left three long scars on his back.

But he doesn't care about the scars on his body, and he is not a delicate little girl.

After adjusting his physical condition, Han Xiao took a deep breath and began to absorb this ten thousand year spirit ring.

According to the color of the soul ring and the fluctuating soul power, the age of this soul ring should be at least 3 years.

Sure enough, as he guessed, when the soul ring began to fuse with the body, a tyrannical soul power rushed wantonly in Han Xiao's internal organs.

In just one minute, Han Xiao's complexion was as golden as paper.

As expected of a griffin beast, this powerful soul power is even much stronger than that of the previous golden iron pincer spider.

The crackling sound came from Han Xiao's body like fried beans. It was the sound made by his bones being tempered.

As night fell, Han Xiao's body shook like a sieve, but even so, his mind still remained clear.

After all, he has already absorbed the ten thousand year spirit ring once, so if he does it again, he will naturally gain experience.

In addition, the age of this griffin beast has not exceeded too much.

The reason why Han Xiao is in such pain is only because of the powerful mental shock of the Griffin beast.

After all, this is a griffin, a divine beast that only exists in classical mythology, and it may be the only one in the entire Douluo Continent.

Time passed by every minute and every second, the sun rose again, and a whole day and night had passed since Han Xiao devoured the soul ring.

Finally, an extremely tyrannical soul power spread towards the surroundings, and Han Xiao slowly opened his eyes.

His demeanor suddenly changed dramatically, and those still emotionless pupils seemed to contain the years of time, flowing the long river called history.

Instead of changing, there is also Han Xiao's appearance. His facial features, which were already handsome and handsome, have become more three-dimensional, and he looks like a half-breed.

Han Xiao moved his body, and his dexterity was beyond words.

You must know that Han Xiao was already flexible enough in the past, but after absorbing this spirit ring, his flexibility has improved to a higher level.

As everyone said, the soul king is the first watershed for a soul master.

After absorbing the fifth soul ring, all aspects of the soul master will experience a qualitative improvement.

Han Xiao closed his eyes and continued to feel the changes in his body. He believed that the improvement brought by the Griffon was definitely more than this.

Han Xiao flipped his wrist, and Taotie appeared in his hand.


Looking at the dagger in his hand, Han Xiao was a little surprised.

You must know that in the past when absorbing spirit rings, Taotie would undergo some changes.

For example, when absorbing the Hanging Three Flames Tiger, a layer of tiger skin appears on the back of the knife, and when absorbing the Golden Iron Pincer Spider, a golden totem appears on the knife.

These changes are not particularly large, most of them have added the characteristics of soul beasts.

However, this time, Han Xiao did not expect Taotie to undergo such a big change.

The entire dagger changed from thick to thin, slightly curved, becoming more of a machete.

No, Han Xiao suddenly thought of something, and suddenly turned his head to look at the sharp claws that were cut by fish intestines.

Taotie became more like the sharp claws of a griffin.

On the back of the knife, there are also engraved characters of the male protagonist in gray, which are somewhat similar to the ancient Egyptian script of the previous life.

After a short test, he found that not only the sharpness of the Taotie had been greatly improved, but also when it attacked some creatures, it had a bleeding effect.

After careful observation, Han Xiao found that there are dense tooth marks on the edge of Taotie's blade. These tooth marks cannot be seen clearly unless you look carefully.

It is precisely because of these fine tooth marks that once a little wound is caused, these dense tooth marks will completely destroy the texture and cannot be repaired at all.

As long as the wound is a little deeper, it will continue to bleed until death, and it is impossible to treat it.

"This is even more terrifying than the triangular army thorns in the previous life."

Han Xiao shook his head and muttered to himself.

You must know that the triangular army thorn in the previous life was labeled as inhumane because it could destroy people's efforts to prevent it, and was banned by most countries.

Compared with the current Taotie, the irreversible damage caused by the three-edged army thorn has become a bit childish.

Taking Taotie back, Han Xiao turned around and returned to the excellent original road marked all the way.

Now that a griffin beast has brought him enough harvest, Han Xiao does not intend to go deep into the Death Canyon.

If there is no miscalculation, there is not much time left before the start of the All-Soul Master Elite Competition, and he has to hurry back to Canghui Academy.

As for my fifth soul ability, I will save it for testing in the Great Soul Master Field.


Canghui College
"Has anyone been found yet?"

Shi Nian tapped on the table, his face a little gloomy.

"This..." Ye Zhiqiu sighed: "Dean, I have asked the students to search separately, but Han Xiao seems to have disappeared, and he can't find it at all."

At this moment, there is only half a month left before the All-Soul Master Elite Competition.

All the hotels, homestays, and even the homes of some aborigines in Tiandou City were full of people, waiting for the arrival of this All-Soul Master Elite Competition.

Banners were even hung up on the streets to cheer for the soul master academies in each competition area.

This kind of scene where thousands of people are empty and praying together can only appear in the All-Soul Master Elite Competition.

Because this is not only an opportunity for various academies to make their mark, but also a possibility for soul masters to become great guests after graduation.

Once an outstanding performance is achieved in this All-Soul Master Elite Competition, olive branches from various sects and nobles will be thrown to them without waiting for the end of the competition.

"Dean, in case he..."

A teacher said cautiously.

After all, it is simply a fantasy to want to win the No. 1 in the All-Soul Master Elite Competition with only one's own strength.

"Do not."

Shi Nian shook his head, "He won't be so boring."

After a short contact, Shi Nian could also guess that Han Xiao is a person who puts efficiency first, and it is absolutely impossible to waste time doing such meaningless things.

"But we have investigated these colleges, and each of them is terrible this year. It is estimated that this year we will be at the bottom again."

The teacher shook his head bitterly.

All these academies have geniuses born this year, only Canghui Academy doesn't even have a soul king.

Shi Nian frowned slightly, and was about to open his mouth to refute, but suddenly looked at the gate of Canghui College in the distance, and his pupils trembled.

I saw a man in a torn black windbreaker stepping forward in the distance. His clothes were facing the wind. Who else could it be if it wasn't Han Xiao?

(End of this chapter)

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