Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 240 Tianshui College

Chapter 240 Tianshui College

Shi Nian was slightly taken aback: "What deal?"

Although Canghui Academy is not as good as Five Elements Academy and Tiandou Royal Academy, it is more than enough compared to some small academies.

Han Xiao leaned forward and looked straight at Shi Nian: "I hope that some teachers of Canghui Academy can teach students with my training philosophy and methods."

"After these students complete their studies at Canghui College, they will naturally have to join my forces and be used by me."

Money, now Han Xiao has it, and the intelligence network, too.

What is Han Xiao missing now?

And the academy is the biggest resource point for obtaining high-quality soul masters.

Shi Nian was slightly taken aback, and thought for a while before he understood.

This is to parasitize their Canghui Academy.

"Dean Shi, you are a smart person, you should know what you can get if Canghui Academy really wins the championship in this competition."

What Han Xiao asked for was not too much, and he only needed to raise his lips to get it.

"But how can you ensure that those students will definitely join your forces after graduation?"

The colorful world is fascinating, soul masters are the most popular profession in the whole continent, but soul masters who can show a certain talent have received invitations from countless forces before they graduate.

These forces will change the law and give rewards that cannot be refused.

Those who like money give money, those who like beauties give beauties, and those who like natural treasures give treasures.

Nobody likes nothing.

Under these temptations, even morality will become pale, let alone a treaty.

"Dean Shi, don't have to worry, I accept apprentices, and I will not refuse anyone who comes."

"No matter what the opponent's innate soul power is, as long as it is not a waste martial soul, you can come." Han Xiao raised a finger: "At the same time, the tuition is free."

For an assassin, is soul power important?

Life and death are all in one thought, when the assassin fails to control the enemy with one move, the assassination has already failed.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for an assassin to engage in soul skills battles with a soul master, which is stupid.

All they need to master is the ability to kill with one blow, and that's enough.

As for if someone really chooses other forces after being cultivated by resources, just kill them.

"You plan to use Canghui Academy for your own use?!"

Shi Nian looked at Han Xiao with scorching eyes, and he finally understood.

Isn't doing this the same as those sects who cultivate their own strength?

"Dean Shi, don't be so harsh. I said I only want some teachers. How can they all be mine?"

Han Xiao shook his head and smiled slightly: "I don't want any of those students who are really talented, they just eat the garbage you don't want, and doing so just happens to build a good reputation for you, doesn't it?"

Hearing this, the face of the year's cloudy weather finally improved a lot.

He looked at Han Xiao and laughed dumbfoundedly: "They accept students with strict requirements for innate soul power and martial soul. It's better for you to pick those with poor talent."

Han Xiao didn't speak, but smiled slightly.

He never agreed with the theory of talent.

Those relatively poor soul masters can also shine, it just depends on how you use them.

As for the worse ones, even the martial soul is a waste martial soul.

It can only be said that the path of soul master is not suitable for him.

Didn't the blacksmith still forge magic weapons that can smash martial souls?

After reaching an agreement with Shi Nian, Han Xiao left Canghui Academy.

He didn't care about the next fight against Tianshui Academy.

After all, although these soul masters are talented, they are far behind Han Xiao in terms of combat experience.

Just like today's battle with the Shrek team, Han Xiao didn't even have a single scratch on his body.

He was going to see how the black market was developing during this time.

After all, in a year's time, it's hard to guarantee what people's hearts will become.

However, at this moment, a group of tall women blocked his way.

Han Xiao took a closer look. These women were uniformly wearing light blue silk robes, and they had a good figure. Each of them was definitely the focus of the crowd.

When they were all gathered together, it was like a beam of flashlights was fired above their heads, and passing men had to look back two or three times.

"You are Han Xiao?"

The leading middle-aged woman is a mature woman with all kinds of styles, and her frown and smile touches the heart of a man.

Han Xiao nodded, "Is there something wrong?"

If you guessed right, this group of girls is the most popular Tianshui Academy in this team.

Although they are not the strongest, the seven members of Team Tianshui are all girls, and each one is even more glamorous.

Because of this, it has been welcomed by many men.

A team that was due to face off in a few days, suddenly found the main force of the enemy, so it was a bit strange no matter how you thought about it.

"I wonder if little brother Han would like to go to Tianshui College with his sister to experience the style of our college?"

The middle-aged woman blinked at Han Xiao, full of flair.

There was a hint of confidence in Shui Qingyue's eyes, a boy of this age can be said to be a killer for her.

"If you have something to say, let's talk about it here."

However, Han Xiao didn't even look at him.

"Hehe, little brother, take a look, is it appropriate to say it here?"

Han Xiao looked around, and found that in less than a while, he was already surrounded.

"Brother Han, I believe you will not be disappointed this trip."

Shui Qingyue winked at Han Xiao as she spoke.

"Let's go."

Han Xiao nodded. Looking at it like this, if he doesn't go back with them, he might be in trouble next time.

Everyone went forward together and came to Tianshui College.

Unlike Canghui College, Tianshui College is obviously much smaller, but every building here is extremely delicate, and a river divides the college into two parts.

Han Xiao also saw many soul beasts playing on the water.

"This river is called the Jingbo River, and it is the most iconic building of our Tianshui College."

Shui Qingyue introduced to Han Xiao.

The appearance of Han Xiao became the focus of Tianshui Academy.

After all, this academy has a requirement that it only accepts women, and the martial soul must also be related to the water attribute.

Led by Shui Qingyue, the two came to the reception room of Tianshui College.

"Brother Han, you are not a student of Canghui College, are you?"

Shui Qingyue narrowed her eyes and looked at Han Xiao with interest.

But any fool can see that, with the teaching level of Canghui College, how can students like Han Xiao be cultivated?

"I'm not."

Hearing this, Shui Qinghua was a little surprised.

She didn't expect Han Xiao to admit it directly and generously.

"If this situation is discovered, do you know what will happen?"

"The rules of the competition simply don't allow anyone over the age of 25 to participate."

Shui Qingyue wanted to continue talking, but was interrupted directly by Han Xiao.

"If you called me just to warn me, I don't think there's any need to continue the conversation."

(End of this chapter)

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