Chapter 260 Reverse!

At this moment, the emotions that Yu Tianqing had accumulated for a long time were like a time bomb that finally exploded.

His heart was beating vigorously, his blood was scorching hot, and there was a loud sound, and he unexpectedly revealed all the activities of Yu Qingkuang and Wuhun Temple during this period.

Although he is the puppet suzerain, at least he bears the title of suzerain, and Yu Qingkuang will naturally take him with him.

Yu Qingkuang's body was trembling, if eyes could kill, Yu Tianqing would have died thousands of times by now.

"If I don't say these things again, I, Yu Tianqing, will be scolded by my juniors for thousands of years in the mourning hall of the suzerain. How can I have the face to meet the old suzerain in the future?!"

"Huangkou kid, I'll kill you!"

Yu Qingkuang finally couldn't bear it any longer, and slapped Yu Tianqing hard with his palm, which contained the full strength of Contra.

Yu Tianqing's complexion changed drastically. He was only relying on the large number of people and the support of Han Xiao behind him. He didn't expect Yu Qingkuang to really dare to fight in front of so many people.

No one noticed that the mouth corner of the attendant standing behind Yu Tianqing slowly curled up.

"Yu Qingkuang, do you know what crime it is to attack the suzerain!"

Yu Luomian seemed to have expected that Yu Qingkuang would attack, and appeared in front of Yu Qingkuang in an instant, resisting the blow!
The two of them retreated at the same time, and Yu Luomian's face turned pale.

But at this moment, he couldn't care about so much, he actually knelt down on one knee, and bowed to Yu Tianqing: "Sect Master, Protector Luo Mian is late, please punish him."

Looking at the respectful Yu Luomian, Yu Tianqing was in a daze for a moment.

This elder, who used to be indifferent to him, actually knelt in front of him, begging for forgiveness?
One must know that before this, he and Yu Luomian had a sworn feud.

Yu Tianqing, who hadn't recovered yet, suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his waist, he quickly reacted, and helped Yu Luomian up with a smile on his face.

"Luo Mian, I am not worthy of virtue, there is really no need to be like this."

If someone who doesn't know the inside story sees this scene, he will definitely know that the monarch and his ministers are deeply affectionate.

However, they would never have imagined that a year ago, Yu Luomian wished to tear Yu Qingkuang and Yu Tianqing into pieces.

"You, you!"

Yuqing's fingers trembled wildly, and the roots of his beard stood up.

After the play, Yu Luomian pointed at Yu Qingkuang with grief and indignation: "We have worked together for decades, and I, Yu Luomian, never thought that you would be this kind of person!"

At this moment, the Landian Overlord Sect, which was originally united in one mind, was once again divided into the Chu River and the Han Realm.

It was still Yu Qingkuang and Yu Luomian, and the two sides confronted each other.

However, this time, Yu Qingkuang cooperated with Wuhundian and tried to hurt the suzerain, but it seemed that Yu Luomian had caught him, and his face was a little ugly.

Yu Tianqing exited the stage, and retreated to the corner with Han Xiao, who was wearing an attendant outfit, quietly watching the farce.

"The young master is really a fortune teller, he can even predict that Yu Luomian will make a move."

Yu Tianqing stretched out his thumb sincerely and sighed.

Han Xiao looked as usual, quietly watching the two groups of people in the quarrel, like the audience sitting under the theater.

In this world, there are not many true friends.

It's nothing more than an exchange of interests.

Yu Luomian can hate Yu Tianqing to the point of itch, and can also become Yu Tianqing's minister in one night.

As long as Yu Tianqing can let him see the hope of regaining control of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

Let alone kneeling once, what's the point of kneeling for a day?
Yu Tianqing's ability to break the jar like this is undoubtedly a signal to Yu Luomian that he is not happy being the puppet suzerain and plans to change to an elder to serve him.

Since he has this opportunity to control the power of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, how could he, Yu Luomian, let it go?
"What do you stubborn old antiques know! Cooperating with Wuhundian is the only way out for the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. For the future of the sect, what's the point of asking me to lick Bibidong's shoes?!"

Yu Qingkuang now has disheveled hair and red eyes, like a loyal minister admonishing the foolish lord.

Hearing this, the Great Elder who had been watching silently felt a little sympathetic.

No matter how you say it, Yu Qingkuang is loyal to the Blue Light Overlord Sect, but the decisions he made were too radical.

If you compare Yu Qingkuang to a radical, Yu Luomian on the other side is a typical conservative.

The faces of the elders were also somewhat hesitant.

It has to be said that during the period of cooperation with Wuhundian, the Blue Lightning Bawangzong developed rapidly in all aspects. Apart from the lack of Title Douluo guarding, its comprehensive ability was even stronger than that of Yu Yuanzhen.

Looking at the somewhat silent crowd, Yu Qingkuang slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

People are like this, once they have tasted the sweetness, no one is willing to let them return to their original life.

Obviously, Yu Qingkuang grasped the weakness of human nature.

"Everyone, I hope you can believe me, Yu Qingkuang, just like what Yu Tianqing said, I am willing to be the one on the pillar of shame of the sect, all for the sake of the sect's survival, for the sake of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect Can once again become a frightening sect!"

This passage was so heartfelt that even Yu Tianqing's face was a little moved.

He sighed deeply in his heart, and had to say that this Yu Qingkuang was definitely a good suzerain who endured humiliation, but it was a pity that he ran into Han Xiao.


At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a panting servant broke in, ignoring the people who were confronting each other.

"So frizzy, how decent!"

Yu Qing frowned wildly, his one-man show had just begun when it was interrupted by this winking servant.

"Elder Yu, something serious happened!"

The servant looked like the end of the world was coming, trembling all over.

"What happened, tell me!"

Yuqing glanced wildly at the elders around her, and already understood that this matter cannot be kept to herself.

The servant took a deep breath and stammered: "Wu, all the soul masters stationed in our territory in the Wuhun Palace were withdrawn overnight."

Yu Qingkuang's body trembled violently.

He only felt that there seemed to be a big net invisibly, and he fell into the net from the beginning, and now it was time to close the net.

"Speak clearly!"

Yu Luomian frowned.

At this time, the servants realized that all the senior leaders of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect were here, and their expressions changed drastically.

He understood that this kind of thing could no longer be hidden, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and grit his teeth: "Reporting to the second elder, Wuhundian unilaterally tore up the terms of cooperation with us, and now even their person in charge cannot be contacted."

Reversal, a reversal beyond imagination.

Yu Tianqing can't wait to get hopped peanuts to watch this good show.

Yuqing sat paralyzed on the ground, her fingers trembling, her face pale.

Those highly respected elders clutched their scepters tightly, their faces livid.

When will the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect be able to be manipulated by the Wuhun Palace at will?
Randomly tore up the contract unilaterally, which can be said to have slapped the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect severely.

(End of this chapter)

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