Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 265 Severing blood ties!

Chapter 265 Severing blood ties!
Yu Tianqing pointed at Yu Xiaogang's nose and scolded angrily: "Do you think this sect is a fool! Yu Xiaogang, do you really think your three words are very reputable?"

For the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, they cannot advance and retreat together, and they are not worthy of the same blood.

"Wait, let go of me!"

Yu Xiaogang struggled desperately, but he was really too weak, like a little chicken.

"I want to see my uncle, I want to see Yu Luomian!"

He still remembered that his uncle was kind to him when he was a child, so he desperately wanted to grab this last straw.

"From the day you left the sect, I am no longer your uncle."

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded.

Yu Xiaogang turned his head abruptly, only to see Yu Luomian coming from a distance, looking at him with a cold face.


Yu Xiaogang showed ecstasy, and immediately went up to meet him.

Although Yu Luomian failed to become the suzerain, Yu Xiaogang believed that with his energy in the sect, he would be able to persuade Yu Tianqing.

But when he saw Yu Luomian's cold eyes, for some reason his heart tightened.

"Yu Xiaogang, since the suzerain has spoken, you and I are no longer related by blood. For the sake of being a relative, go back."

In her heart, Yu Luomian scolded Yu Xiaogang in front of her countless times.

After failing to seize power, he already had a headache on how to gain Yu Tianqing's trust, but Yu Xiaogang's troubles undoubtedly added fuel to the fire.

"Uncle, don't you even recognize me?"

Yu Xiaogang's voice trembled, and he looked at Yu Luomian sadly.

I haven't seen him for a few years, but the uncle who was once high-spirited and with knives in his eyes looks a little old and tired.

Yu Luomian closed her eyes and stopped looking at him.

The relatives who have blood relationship with Yu Luomian, there are not one thousand but eight hundred relatives in this Landian Overlord Sect.

In addition, Yu Xiaogang's behavior was too much, and it was normal for him to be expelled from the sect.

If it were someone else, even the surname Yu would be taken away.

"good very good."

Yu Xiaogang took two steps back, looking at the mocking crowd, trembling all over.

"Ten years later, I will make you regret it!"

After saying this, Yu Xiaogang turned and left without hesitation.

He seemed to be full of courage, but in fact he panicked inside, for fear of being left behind and beaten violently.

"Master Sovereign, do you want to..."

The soul master on the side put his hand on his neck and cut it.

"Cough cough."

Yu Tianqing coughed twice, looked around, saw that Han Xiao had no expression on his face, and waved his hand:
"This kind of jumping clown, let him go."

Since Han Xiao didn't show any killing intent, he naturally disdains to care about such things.

"Little Gang!"

Seeing Yu Xiaogang like this, Liu Erlong heaved a long sigh and wanted to chase him out.

"Liu Erlong, you also want to betray the sect?!"

Yu Luomian pointed at Liu Erlong, her mouth trembling with anger.

It's not that he doesn't know that these two people have been doing things that the world cannot accept.

Cousin and cousin, if this kind of thing gets out, the Blue Lightning Overlord Zong will definitely be stabbed in the back.

"Liu Erlong, for the sake of you and my father and daughter, I will give you another chance!"

Yu Luomian broke her heart and said angrily: "If you dare to step out of the house today, you and I will have no father-daughter relationship in the future."

As soon as the words came out, Liu Erlong's delicate body trembled.

Yu Luomian had always loved her, but the tone of her words was extremely cold, and her eyes were like sharp swords, ready to cut off the relationship between the two of them at any time.


Looking at Yu Xiaogang who was gradually going away, and looking at the home where he grew up, Liu Erlong was in chaos.

"Father, the child is not filial."

After taking a deep look at Yu Luomian, she ran towards Yu Xiaogang.

"Xiao Gang, wait for me!"

Liu Erlong followed all the way and caught up with Yu Xiaogang.

"Two dragons."

Seeing Liu Erlong who did not hesitate to abandon his family to follow him, Yu Xiaogang was moved in his heart.

"Xiao Gang, don't blame uncle, he can't help himself."

Looking at the haggard Yu Xiaogang, Liu Erlong felt a little distressed.

"Heh." Yu Xiaogang sneered, "Er Long, don't talk too much, I, Yu Xiaogang, wrote down what happened today, and it was he, the Blue Lightning Overlord, who treated me unkindly first!"

This is Yu Xiaogang, even if he breaks with Bibidong, he has the audacity to ask for the secret method of twin martial souls, and he holds a grudge just because he refuses.

His mind may only be the size of a sparrow. Others don't remember his kindness at all, and what he remembers is always others' rejection.

Only villains and gentlemen are difficult to raise.

Yu Xiaogang didn't know that he didn't give anything back to the sect that brought him up.


Liu Erlong let out a long sigh and shook his head helplessly.

The two left the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect in despair, Yu Xiaogang looked up at the sky, the sun was dazzling.

"Xiao Gang, don't worry, I still have some money here, besides, Xiao San's hidden weapon can also be sold for a lot of money."

Liu Erlong comforted him.

Yu Xiaogang smiled bitterly, "I'm such a waste."

Thinking about it carefully, he did not help the Seven Monsters at all except for meaningless devil training for them from the beginning to the end.

"Excuse me, are you the teachers of the Shrek team?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came.

Yu Xiaogang raised his head abruptly, only to see three men in expensive silk and satin coming towards him.

"What's up?"

Yu Xiaogang frowned, he didn't like socializing in the first place, and now that he was in a bad mood, his tone became a bit rushed.

The leading man didn't mind either, and smiled slightly at the two of them: "We are merchants of Barak Kingdom, and we came to Tiandou City to take advantage of this competition and make an investment."

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang waved his hands impatiently, "The logo on our team's uniform has been printed all over, and we are no longer accepting investment."

If you guessed right, the amount of this kind of investment is usually hundreds of thousands of gold soul coins. lower.

Coupled with the good record of the Shrek team, Flender had already filled up his sponsorship, and was unable to print other labels at all.

The man frowned and said patiently, "We don't plan to print our logo on the team uniform."

"Then what are you going to do?" Yu Xiaogang looked at the man in front of him in surprise.

"Hi, my name is Nick."

The man shook hands with Yu Xiaogang, smiling: "We hope the Shrek team will advertise our products."


It was the first time Yu Xiaogang heard this word, and he was a little surprised.

Nick nodded and said: "Yes, we will provide team members with unified team uniforms from the beginning to the morning, which will have our logo printed on it, and at the same time, we also hope that the team members can use our uniform drinks. Use a unified soul guide."

(End of this chapter)

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