Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 273 Han Xiao 1 vs 7!

Chapter 273 Han Xiao hits seven!

The seven members of the Wuhundian Academy's team moved at the same time, surging soul power erupted from their bodies in an instant.

The three of Xie Yue standing in the front, each of them had the best soul ring accessories of five soul rings, two yellow, two purple, and one black.

The other four people behind them are also the best equipped with two yellow, two purple and four soul rings.

Xie Yue looked directly at Han Xiao, and what disappointed him was that when Han Xiao saw the configuration of the three soul rings, he didn't show much expression on his face.

Although the Canghui team had prepared early, when they saw the three soul kings releasing huge waves of soul power at the same time, they still showed fear and their legs trembled.

"Brothers, hold on, don't forget that we have Boss Han."

A team member's voice trembled, and he looked hopefully at Han Xiao standing in front of him.

Han Xiao glanced at Xie Yue and the others lightly, then slowly raised his hand, and Taotie appeared in his hand.

He really is stronger!

The ten-thousand-year soul ring, which is one more than the normal soul king, is particularly eye-catching at this moment.

"Xieyue, Yan, don't be impulsive and act according to the normal plan."

Seeing the two eager to try beside her, Hu Liena reminded her.

Even if there is no evidence for the rest except Han Xiao, but because Han Xiao is standing in the front, they fight this match as if it is a final.

Xie Yue and Yan nodded, and distanced themselves from each other.

Hu Liena rushed forward first, and an ambiguous light bloomed in her eyes.

A light red light emanated from him, and everyone couldn't help but look at her.

"Close your eyes, it's a crowd charm!"

Cang Hui's team members' complexions changed drastically, but it was too late. In just one minute, three team members had already been charmed by Hu Liena.

The three rushed towards Hu Liena's direction desperately, and the defensive formation of Cang Hui's team was instantly broken up.

Hu Liena snorted, her face turned pale, and she looked at Han Xiao in disbelief.

I saw that Han Xiao didn't cover his eyes, and stood there motionless.

"Are you planning to split the formation?"

Han Xiao sneered coldly, his head was only blunted for half a second, and he rushed towards Hu Liena who was controlling the three of them.

"Xieyue, Yan!"

Hu Liena saw that the extremely fast Han Xiao was about to come in front of her, and shouted coquettishly.

And at this moment, Xie Yue and Yan attacked Han Xiao from two directions.

"Let you see my strength!"

Yan shouted loudly, and the arm under the blessing of the flame lord's martial soul was mixed with flames, and blasted towards Han Xiao.

Han Xiao stepped back half a step, supported his feet, and fell backwards, dodging the blow like a dancer.

However, without waiting for Han Xiao to catch his breath, the moon blade behind him, like a sickle for the soul, took Han Xiao's head straight.

The cooperation between the two was extremely tacit, and it forced Han Xiao to a dead end.

In order to defeat Han Xiao, the three of them have been fighting all the time, day and night, and now the combat experience is not even inferior to some soul saints.

Looking at the scimitar slanting towards him, Han Xiao's eyes were filled with stars.

Back in time!

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, the red scimitar was slowly retreating, and Han Xiao's figure was bent at an incredible angle.

Seeing her scimitar getting farther and farther away from Han Xiao's neck, Xie Yue shouted: "Yan, come on, we are going to succeed!"

In his cognition, Han Xiao would only use this abnormally powerful skill when he had no other choice.

Yan shouted loudly, the soul ring flickered, and a tumbling flame rushed towards Han Xiao.

At this time, Han Xiao had nowhere to hide, but his eyes were still as calm as water.

The stars dissipated, the sticky time returned to normal, and Xie Yue's scimitar followed.

The hearts of everyone in the audience were in their throats. Once Han Xiao got the trick, this match would mean technology.

"how is this possible?!"

Someone stood up and looked into the arena in disbelief.

I saw Han Xiao raised the Taotie in his right hand with lightning speed.

With a crisp buzzing sound, Taotie collided with the scimitar in Xueyue's hand.

Xie Yue's complexion changed drastically. He still remembered that when he fought with Han Xiao, he was also suppressed by Han Xiao because of the characteristics of the scimitar.

He panicked for a moment, and hurriedly wanted to withdraw the scimitar, but how could his strength be greater than Han Xiao?

The moment the two blades intertwined, Xie Yue's complexion changed drastically, and a feeling of being swallowed came to her heart.

It was at this moment of distraction that Han Xiao picked up the scimitar with a force of four or two, and Xie Yue let go, and the scimitar flew towards Yan behind him at an extremely fast speed!


Xie Yue's complexion changed drastically, and she hurriedly reminded Yan.

Seeing this, Yan gritted his teeth, had no choice but to retract the flames, and hastily avoided the moonblade flying towards him.

After the two adjusted their status, they found that Han Xiao had already broken through the encirclement.

However, at this time, three members of the Canghui team had been eliminated by Hu Liena, and Yan and Xieyue's restraint could be said to be extremely successful.

Several other members of the Wuhun team kept harassing the rest of the team members, and the result of this battle seemed to be decided.

The Wuhun team was indeed the first-seeded team. Except for the three of Hu Liena, the remaining four were outstanding in any academy, and they were all cleared out in less than 5 minutes.

"It seems that you haven't improved much in these years."

The seven members of the Martial Soul team formed an formation again, even if Han Xiao was the only one left.

Shi Nian's face was pale, and he leaned weakly on the chair.

There is almost no chance of a comeback in this battle.

Standing beside Bibi Dong, Ghost Douluo had a gloomy expression, and subconsciously clenched his fists.

He didn't want to watch this match, no matter if it was Han Xiao or Hu Liena, the palms and backs of their hands were full of flesh.

"Your Highness, let me congratulate the Wuhun team for advancing to the final."

Ju Douluo's voice was soft and pleasant.

Bibi Dong looked at the soul field calmly, without speaking.

All the soul masters present at this time already believed that the Wuhun team had won.

Some spectators even left early.

This battle has been declared over for them, and there is no need to watch it any further.

The Han Xiao who was blown up to the sky now seems to be nothing more than that.

Looking at the seven soul masters staring at him, Han Xiao tightly clenched the Taotie in his hand.

For him, this battle has just begun.


Hu Liena shouted coquettishly, and the seven of them rushed towards Han Xiao from different angles.

There was a gleam of scarlet in Han Xiao's eyes, and the killing god domain was fully opened.

In an instant, everyone's speed slowed down.

In the field of killing gods, no matter who it is, it will be affected.

Han Xiao moved, but the footsteps were invisible, and the speed was almost blurred.

His target is the most affected soul master.

"not good!"

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they wanted to help.

However, Han Xiao stomped on the ground with one foot as if he had eyes in the back of his head.

In an instant, countless frosts spread out from under his feet, completely covering the ground in the arena.

(End of this chapter)

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