Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 275 Full Moon!

Chapter 275 Full Moon!

Han Xiao took a step forward and stepped into the red mist.

An extremely uncomfortable strange feeling came to his heart, Han Xiao only felt that his five senses began to decline, his soul power was suppressed, and his actions became more and more sluggish.

Is it a domain skill similar to the killing god domain?

Han Xiao felt the negative influence on his body, as if he didn't realize that he had fallen into the demon's spider web.

In addition to these negative effects, Han Xiao's sight was also blocked by the red mist, but fortunately his eyes contained the power of stars.

Under its effect, the surroundings become clear.

Suddenly, Han Xiao suddenly lifted Taotie and placed it behind his ear.

In the next second, the crisp collision sound echoed in the dense fog.

Han Xiao seemed to have long eyes in the back of his head, and he accurately predicted the sneak attack of the monster hidden in the red mist.

Hu Liena and Xie Yue were not surprised, nor did they expect to defeat Han Xiao so easily.

After a little taste, the demon retreated and hid in the darkness again, like a hunter hiding in the darkness, ready to strike a fatal blow to the prey at any time.

But who is the prey and who is the hunter?
Han Xiao sighed, and gently stroked his left wrist.

He hadn't planned to use fish intestines in this match, but what he didn't expect was that Hu Liena and the three had greatly improved. If they didn't use fish intestines, the battle would not be resolved in a short time.

The moon blade cut through the red mist, crossed an extremely sharp trajectory, and stabbed Han Xiao fiercely.

With this blow, Yaomei actually chose to confront Han Xiao head-on.

Almost like a muscle memory, Han Xiao raised Taotie and abruptly blocked the blow.

However, another moon blade was drawn from the waist, and accurately pierced Han Xiao's abdomen.

Looking at the extremely sharp moon blade, Han Xiao shook his wrist.

The fish intestines came out of his wrist like a water snake, and Han Xiao clenched the hilt of his sword, controlling the constantly twisting fish intestines.

This soft magic weapon is tightly wrapped around the surface of the moon blade at an extremely fast speed.

not good!

Yaomei seemed to have never expected that Han Xiao's short sword would be so weird, and it was too late to withdraw the Moonblade in her hand.


Han Xiao scolded angrily, and the moonblade flew into the sky.

Immediately, Han Xiao held the gluttonous intestines in his hand, and attacked the Yaomei who was close at hand with the force of a torrential rain.

Yaomei's waist was strong, her body bent down almost 180 degrees, and she perfectly avoided Han Xiao's blow.

It seems that this martial soul fusion technique not only inherits Xie Yue's strong attack, but also has Hu Liena's flexibility.

After a moment of panic, Yaomei stretched out her right hand, and the moon blade in the air was summoned and returned to Yaomei's hand.

Then his body fell to the ground, and with a sudden force from his waist, he cut Han Xiao's ankle with the force of the wind.

The Shadowless Bee was fully opened, and Han Xiao's figure exploded.

Countless silver-white blades are like densely packed spider webs, and the demon's speed has reached the extreme.

At this moment, he was like a big spider lying on the ground holding two knives, constantly waving the sharp blades in his hands.

The area hit by each blow is Han Xiao's vital point.

"Han Xiao, how is it?" Yaomei's voice was neither male nor female, like a combination of two people: "I learned this from you."

After being defeated by Han Xiao, Xie Yue kept summarizing Han Xiao's sword skills, and even delayed the study of Wuhun for this.

His purpose is to defeat Han Xiao one day.

"This trick is called Yuexia 360 Four!"

Yaomei shouted loudly, and the speed of her slashing became faster and faster, and the two moon blades cut towards Han Xiao's lower body one after another.

He pressed his body extremely low, and Han Xiao couldn't fight back at this angle, so he could only dodge through body skills.

Although Yaomei continued to attack, her heart was also shaking violently.

You must know that all the opponent's movements will be slowed down by 50.00% in this red mist.

Although he was also affected by the Killing God Domain, his 360 four cuts didn't even touch Han Xiao's trouser legs.

Seeing the Yaomei sticking to the ground, Han Xiao's gaze became colder and colder, his figure turned instantly, and he rushed towards the Yaomei with a sliding shovel.

In his eyes, the speed of the monster wielding a sharp blade seemed to be slowed down. Han Xiao thrust the Taotie into the ground fiercely, stabbing the monster straight.

This sword, without any bells and whistles, can be stabbed by a child who has just held the sword.

But this sword seemed to contain an infinite sense of oppression, Yaomei's heart was beating violently, and she tried her best to stop it.

In the auditorium, Chen Xin, who had been sitting in the stands with her eyes closed and rested, suddenly opened her eyes, and the eyes burst out with brilliance.

"Old Jian, what's the matter?"

Ning Fengzhi was a little surprised, he had never seen Chen Xin lose his composure like this before.

"This sword shouldn't be, how can he swing this sword with his strength?"

Pupils pierced through the mist, Chen Xin muttered to herself.

His withered hands were trembling, and he couldn't move his eyes away from the guts of the brave sword fish in Han Xiao's hand.

"This sword..."

Chen Xin's voice trembled.

In the arena, Han Xiao's sword actually passed between the two moon blades while Xie Yue was attacking less than a second, and went straight to Yao Mei's eyebrows!

"not good!"

From a long distance, Yaomei felt a tingling pain between her eyebrows, and a stream of blood slowly fell down.

Yaomei gritted her teeth, threw out the moon blade in her right hand, and circled towards Han Xiao like a meteor chasing the moon.

Knowing that she couldn't escape this trick, Yaomei actually wanted to trade her life for her life.

For him, even if he is dying, he must win this game.

Han Xiao tilted his head slightly, dodging the blow as if freehand.

It is precisely because of this side that the speed of sending out the fish intestines becomes a little slow.

"Han Xiao, we have been thinking of a way to defeat you for the past few years, and finally created a self-created skill that can perfectly defeat you. You should feel honored."

Xie Yue retreated, avoiding the oncoming fish guts, while staring at Han Xiao.

Han Xiao smiled, his voice was a bit cold: "You should call me Patriarch."

Hearing this, Xie Yue's eyes glowed with a strange light. Han Xiao's words undoubtedly told him that all the moves you studied were just evolved from him.

Over the years, Xie Yue has been living in Han Xiao's shadow, and Han Xiao's words hit his Ni Lin even more.

Only victory can relieve the depression in the heart!

Xie Yue yelled, and looked directly at the almost glaring fish intestines: "Full Moon!"

His body moved like a whirlwind, and in an instant, his whole body and the two moon blades disappeared almost at the same time, and only a huge white disc appeared in front of Han Xiao.

The whistling sound of friction and wind ceased, as if all the sound had been swallowed by the disc, only the red mist in the enchantment barrier swirled around the disc like a whirlpool.

In order to defeat Han Xiao, Xie Yuehu has desperately used her strongest blow in the end.

From the perspective of soul power, Xie Yue is similar to Hu Liena and Yan, and everyone has their own strengths in soul skills.The reason why he was able to become the leader of the golden generation was because of his self-created skill.

And using this skill in the martial soul fusion skill Yaomei is his strongest blow.

(End of this chapter)

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