Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 277 Vicious Tang San!

Chapter 277 Vicious Tang San!
"I declare that the Canghui team wins!"

The whole place was silent.

No one would have thought that Han Xiao would be able to fight against the team with his martial soul alone.

You must know that the Wuhun team didn't take this match lightly at all, they formulated special tactics from the very beginning, all the other members of the Canghui team were eliminated, and Xie Yue and Hu Liena even used all the soul skills at the bottom of the box.

However, even so, there is still no way to resist Han Xiao.

"Team Shrek and Kamikaze are ready to enter!"

Next, the second team to enter the final will be selected.

The Kamikaze Academy and the Blazing Academy cooperated privately to integrate the two core members, Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu, into the Kamikaze team, and it was only through this that they made it to the present.

The Shrek team won the victory after Tang San used the Wuhunzhen of the Clear Sky Hammer.

Finally, there is only the last anomalous competition left in this year's All-Soul Master Elite Academy Competition, and this competition will be held in three days.

"Little San, are you okay?"

Yu Xiaogang rushed forward quickly, and grabbed Tang San who had lost his strength after releasing the spirit avatar.

"Teacher, don't worry."

Tang San shook his head, gave Yu Xiaogang a reassurance, and looked at the rest of his teammates.

"We have finally reached the final!"

There was no excitement on the faces of the people, on the contrary they were a little heavy.

Although the runner-up result is already enough to make Shrek Academy famous in the mainland.

But for them, the meaning of the next opponent is not the same.

"The last time we fought, Rong Rong and Oscar didn't play. This time we will fight with all of us, and we will definitely defeat him."

Ma Hongjun boosted morale.

"Do you think we have a high probability of winning against the Wuhun team?"

As soon as Ning Rongrong said these words, Ma Hongjun shut up.

That's right, the Wuhun team that had the most hope of winning the crown lost to Han Xiao, so what about them?

Yu Xiaogang stroked his stubble, and looked at everyone: "I always believe that reasonable tactics can defeat strong strength, not to mention that the opponent must use all their cards in the battle with the Wuhun team."

"In the first battle with the Canghui team, we didn't know his martial spirit and routines."

"If I can analyze his hole cards in this game, I believe I can beat him!"

If you want to defeat your opponent, you must become more aware of yourself than he is.

Back at the tavern, Tang San gathered his teammates together in the room and began to formulate tactics.

"If I didn't guess wrong, he should have two martial spirits."

"Same as you, third brother, you have twin martial souls?!"

Oscar exclaimed.

Dai Mubai nodded, although he didn't want to admit it, he still had to say that Han Xiao's strength was already abnormally strong.

"His martial soul should have two, a dagger and an extremely flexible dagger!"

Tang San gestured to the crowd about the length of the Taotie, and said at the same time: "The martial spirit he majors in should be that Taotie."

While speaking, Tang San wrote down the skills Han Xiao had used on the paper.

"His ice and fire ability, if Rongrong gives me a buff, I should be able to fight against it."

Ma Hongjun changed his usual hippie smile and said solemnly.

Last time in the battle with Han Xiao, although Ma Hongjun was extremely brutal, Ma Hongjun still released his key skills.

If he gets the powerful boost from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, Ma Hongjun believes that he can definitely solve Han Xiao's ice and fire by himself.

"Leave the miscellaneous fish to me to clean up."

Dai Mubai said in a deep voice.

Tang San nodded, Dai Mubai's formidable strength is indeed the fastest way to clean up miscellaneous fish.

Immediately, he turned his head to look at Xiao Wu: "Xiao Wu, what about you?"

"Xiao Wu?"

Seeing Xiao Wu wandering out of the sky, everyone gently pushed her shoulder.


Only then did Xiao Wu react, and said cautiously: "Let me protect Rong Rong and Xiao Ao."


Hearing this, Tang San frowned.

"Excluding Boss Dai and Rongrong Xiao Ao who are cleaning up the trash, if the four of us forcibly suppress each other, it is impossible for him to withdraw and attack Xiao Ao and Rong Rong."

Yu Xiaogang nodded: "Unless the other party wants to change their lives, not to mention Xiao Ao's flying sausage can delay a lot of time."

They counted countless situations, but they would not think that Han Xiao would take the initiative to attack and assist the soul master.

"He will."

Xiao Wu said anxiously.

"how do you know?"

Seeing that everyone was looking at her, Xiao Wu quickly shut her mouth.

"The arena is flat and there are not many obstacles. It is also extremely difficult to lurk."

Tang San frowned. Although Xiao Wu didn't say anything, he could tell that Xiao Wu was a little absent-minded in the two battles against Han Xiao.

In order to protect the two auxiliary spirit masters without hesitation in sacrificing combat power, Tang San didn't intend to waste precious troops.

"Xiao Wu, don't you believe me?"

Tang San's eyes are sincere.

"Little San, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just..."

Xiao Wu hesitated to speak, she couldn't tell Tang San that Han Xiao's most terrifying strength was assassination.

"That's it, tomorrow we will follow this plan."

Tang San rubbed the center of his brows, his voice could not be refused.

Xiao Wu's state made him a little upset.

He has to admit that his affection for Xiao Wu has already deteriorated.

Tang San expressed his feelings to Xiao Wu several times, but she always confused him.

Tang San wanted to ask several times, but found that she even started to avoid him.

Coupled with Xiao Wu's inexplicable attitude towards Han Xiao, Tang San was even more determined to kill Han Xiao.

With his strange poison, he believed that he could definitely kill Han Xiao in the game without anyone noticing.

"Han Xiao, if you want to blame, blame you for targeting me everywhere."

A hint of viciousness flashed in Tang San's eyes.

Gentleman on the outside, vicious on the inside, this kind of hypocrite is extremely terrifying.

It may be possible to shake hands with you on the surface, but in fact it has already tripped you in the dark.

Unfortunately, what he met was Han Xiao.

In the tavern, Han Xiao suddenly opened his eyes, and a throbbing came from his chest.

The aura cloak that has been sleeping all this time has moved!
He could feel that the aura cloak seemed to be raving in the depths of his heart.

There was a little fluctuation in Han Xiao's stagnant eyes.

One must know that even Bibi Dong couldn't recognize the special nature of the aura cloak.

Han Xiao also didn't know what would happen after the aura cloak ate up all the herbs around the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi.

Three days passed in a flash.

During these three days, Han Xiao did not choose to continue to practice, but continued to stabilize his realm and testify to his state.

Under his constant attempts, the aura cloak also awakened on the last day.

"Everyone, are you ready?"

Shi Nian glanced at the crowd, with uncontrollable excitement in his eyes.

Although Han Xiao promised that he would make Canghui Academy the champion, but when the champion is really in front of him, he still feels like living in a dream.


The team members who answered him seemed to have changed a group of people.

(End of this chapter)

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