Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 293 Three Clans Gather!

Chapter 293 Four Clans Gather!

"Han Xiao, are you planning to be an enemy of our Li Clan?!"

Tai Xiang didn't expect Han Xiao to be so rampant, and roared angrily.


Han Xiao didn't even look at him at all, instead he used a little more force.

From the very beginning, Taixiang pretended that the Haotian Token belonged to them, and asked for it directly, and had no respect for Han Xiao's attitude.

Han Xiao is not afraid of stubbornness.

Since we want to touch, let's see whose fist is hard.


Tai Xiang's face looked like he had eaten a fly. He had a hunch that as long as he said one more nonsense, this man would really be able to insert a dagger into that disciple's aorta.

He took a deep breath and tried to ease his attitude: "Mr. Han, can you go back to the sect with us, the patriarch has something important to discuss with you."


Han Xiao refused without even thinking about it.

"Don't go too far!"

Tai Xiang clenched his fists, as if he had been greatly humiliated.

Han Xiao glanced at Chen Mo, "You hurt my person, and you think I'm too much?"

After receiving the signal, Chen Mo understood it, and covered his lower abdomen with a painful expression.

"You, you!"

Tai Xiang's black face was flushed with anger. He obviously didn't touch Chen Mo's lower abdomen, but was almost cut off by Han Xiao's gut.

Han Xiao smiled coldly, "The Power Clan, you are too deceitful!"

It has to be said that Han Xiao played around with this group of stubborn gorillas.

After getting to know the four major families of the Clear Sky School, Han Xiao had a plan that would allow him to gain a firm foothold in Heaven Dou City.

Tai Xiang's body trembled, and he was ready to fight Han Xiao.

At this moment, two carriages came from a distance.

A man and a woman stepped down. The man was tall and thick, somewhat similar to Tai Xiang. The woman was tall and thin, dressed in white, like a white crane.

"Taixiang, come here for me!"

Seeing the visitor, the gorilla shrank immediately, shrinking its neck: "Brother Tai Nuo, Miss Bai, why are you here?"

These five big and three thick men are the leader of the Lizhi Clan, Tai Nuo.

The person standing next to him could tell from his appearance that he was a visitor from the Min clan.

After reprimanding Tai Xiang, Tai Nuo waved his hand at Han Xiao, and said with a sneer: "My brother's EQ is too low, please forgive me if I offend you."

He couldn't help being startled when he saw the wound on Tai Nuo's entire arm being twisted out. What kind of terrifying power is it that can do it?
Han Xiao stretched out his hand not to hit the smiling face, and nodded:

"It seems that there are still sensible people in your power clan."

Tai Nuo smiled, and ignored Han Xiao's gun and stick: "Can little brother Han come to our sect for a talk?"

Han Xiao nodded, and looked at the groom Zhou Tong: "Go, the power-changing clan!"

He had originally planned to go to the Titans.

When he came to the meeting room of the Lizhi Clan, Han Xiao was a little surprised when he saw the four people sitting inside.

Except for Tai Tan who was sitting at the main seat, the patriarchs of the other three clans actually came.

It seems that he still underestimated the importance of the Haotian Order.

"Titan, is this the kid holding the Haotian Token?" The person who spoke was old-fashioned, with a beard hanging down his chest, like a goat.

"We have left the Clear Sky School, and this thing can no longer command our clan."

Yang Wudi just glanced at Han Xiao lightly, then turned his attention to the tea in his hand again.

"Damn, we old things are half buried in the soil, and we finally got together for a reason, and maybe we will never get together again in the future."

Tai Tan, the patriarch of the Power Clan, smoothed things over with a smile.

"I'm sure I'll outlive you."

Yang Wudi snorted coldly, and went straight back.

Han Xiao looked at the four old men with interest, and with just a few words, he had already made clear the positions of these people.

It seems that the Titans of the Power Clan want to return to the Clear Sky School the most. He called Han Xiao here for the purpose of the Clear Sky Token in his hand.

Returning the Haotian Token to Haotianzong will not only serve Tang Hao's crimes and meritorious service, but also the cohesive Haotianzong will also be able to come back out of the arena.

Yang Wudi of the Broken Clan has the deepest resentment towards the Clear Sky School, but since he can come to Tiandou from the Star Luo Empire, he wants to see what Han Xiao, the junior that Tang Chen favors, can do.

As for the remaining Minzhi Clan and Yuzhi Clan, when they bickered, they chose to watch from the sidelines, as if they were neutral.

"Young man, can we old men take a look at the Haotian Token in your hand?"

Tai Tan looked at Han Xiao with a smile. Although his words were kind, there was a hint of refusal.

Han Xiao nodded, and turned Haotian Ling out of the soul guide.

The pale golden hammer instantly became the focus of everyone, and even Yang Wudi took a few extra glances.

"Sure enough, it is the Haotian Order!"

They grew up under Tang Chen's protection, so they could tell the authenticity of this sect's treasure at a glance.

Han Xiao only missed half a minute, and took back the Haotian Token.

"Ahem." Tai Tan looked at Han Xiao with a smile on his face: "A gentleman has the beauty of an adult, if little brother Han can return this order more than Haotianzong, he will definitely become the most respected guest of the sect."

Hearing this, Han Xiao sneered inwardly.

This Clan of Strength really knelt down for a long time and couldn't even stand up. After being away from Clear Sky School for so long, they even regarded him as their master.

He smiled slightly, nodded and said: "What Grandpa Tai Tan said is that this Haotian order has nothing to do with me, and the members of the Haotian School are not fools. It is absolutely impossible to obey a person with a foreign surname just because of this thing."

Tai Tan smiled even more, and was about to speak, but was choked back by Han Xiao's words.

"The younger generation will choose a suitable time and personally return the Haotian Token to the original owner."

"Ahem, little brother Han, in fact, you don't need to trouble yourself so much. You can just hand it over to us. The Li Clan will thank you very much."

Tai Tan quickly expressed his thoughts.

Han Xiao smiled slightly, but did not speak.

"Titan, don't I know the crooked ways in your head? No matter who takes this Haotian Token, you, the Li Clan, can't take it."

"Can't pick it up? Why can't I pick it up?!"

Tai Tan, who had endured for a long time, was also angry: "I have no regrets, why can't I take it?!"

Yang Wudi smiled coldly: "Why, could it be that you haven't left the sect?"

"It's good now. After Haotian Ling was born, he wanted to be a whore and set up a memorial archway. Then he should not leave at the beginning, and be a coward with those cowards."


Tai Tan was so angry that he trembled all over, pointing at Yang Wudi, speechless.

Everything he said is true, Tai Tan did withdraw from the Clear Sky School for the sake of his clan.

"Look at him again!"

Yang Wudi got angry when he said that, and pointed at Bai He, the silent head of the Minzhi Clan.

"Our three clans all have means of making a living. The Po clan makes medicine, the Li clan casts iron, and the Yu clan builds." Yang Wudi's goatee trembled, "But what about them? What else do they have besides speed?" ?”

"Has Haotianzong ever taken care of it? It's not like you don't know how they got here all these years!"

The Minzhi clan, which has been impoverished all these years, has been able to survive until now only by relying on the support of the other three major clans, otherwise the birds and beasts would have dispersed.

(End of this chapter)

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