Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 305 Haotian is alive!

Chapter 305 Haotian is alive!

When the attendant returned, the answer given was exactly the same as Han Xiao's guess.

"Brother Han, it seems that there must be a misunderstanding. The Ke Qing of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect has been practicing in the sect these days, and has never left the sect."

Ning Fengzhi also looked helpless, and then tried to change the subject: "But little brother Han, you are..."

His eyes swept back and forth between Chen Mo and Han Xiao.

"This is our young master."

Chen Mo opened his mouth to explain.

"Young and promising, really young and promising." Someone praised.

Ning Fengzhi clapped his hands and sighed, "Brother Han is not only talented, but also successful in his career, Ning admires him."

Hearing Ning Fengzhi's praise, Han Xiao smiled coldly: "Sect Master Ning, there is no need to say polite words."

Putting down the teacup, the tea made waves: "Look at these materials."

After receiving the materials handed over by Han Xiao, Ning Fengzhi's expression changed.

The soul masters recorded in this material are the ones Ning Fengzhi sent to make trouble.

"Sect Master Ning, we want to play by ourselves."

Han Xiao said it very directly.

Before coming, he specially told the black market to get information about these soul masters.

Ning Fengzhi's complexion became a little ugly.

"Brother Han, now the Spirit Hall has bared its fangs, and the situation on the mainland is in dire straits. If we don't join forces, we can only watch him helplessly..."

"Why, Wuhundian doesn't unify the mainland, so you Qibao Liulizong will unify?"

Han Xiao sneered.

"I, Ning Fengzhi, have never had such thoughts."

"In that case, we need an explanation."

"What explanation do you want?"

Chen Xin who was standing behind Ning Fengzhi spoke.

He opened his eyes, sharp as a sword.

In an instant, Title Douluo's soul power spread in the air.

Everyone was silent and lowered their heads.

They knew that this banquet was full of gunpowder, but they didn't expect it to happen so soon.

Some people admired it in their hearts, but they didn't expect that Han Xiao was not afraid at all, and directly strengthened the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Jian Douluo's expression was ugly.

He originally admired Han Xiao very much, but he didn't expect the other party to be so ignorant of flattery.

Now that the face has been torn apart, there is no need to talk about it.


At this moment, a muffled hum sounded, instantly dissipating Chen Xin's soul power.

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on the old man who had never moved.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

Bone Douluo was secretly startled, leveled with Sword Douluo, staring at the second elder vigilantly.

"Chen Xin, Gu Rong, haven't seen you for so many years, and you even forgot about me?"

The Second Elder opened his eyes, facing the two Douluo titles without any fear.

The two thought deeply, Jian Douluo suddenly had a flash of light, and suddenly realized: "Tang Tian, ​​it turned out to be you!"

Tang Tian?

Everyone was stunned, who is this Tang Tian, ​​why have they never heard of it.

But looking at the appearance of the two elders as if facing a formidable enemy, it seems that Tang Tian is very powerful.

"You're not dead?"

Gu Rong couldn't believe it.

"Of course I'm not dead. I still have to see with my own eyes how you two old bastards bully the junior."

The second elder Tang Tian sneered, as if he didn't pay attention to the two of them.

The expressions of the two of them changed, and they were at a loss for words.

"Uncle Jian, Uncle Bone, who is this old man?"

Ning Fengzhi didn't expect the three to be old acquaintances, Chi asked.

"The second elder of the Haotian School, Tang Tian."

Sword Douluo stood in front of Ning Fengzhi as if facing a formidable enemy.

Everyone looked at the ordinary old man in disbelief.

Who doesn't know the name of Haotianzong?

Even though Zongmen has been hidden from the world for many years, the name of Haotian has never disappeared on this continent.

Even if that little hammer has been dusty for many years, if it is born again, it can still shock the world.


Ning Fengzhi's pupils dilated, he couldn't believe it.

"Hasn't the Haotian School lived in seclusion?"

"Boy, if my Clear Sky School is not born again, will your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School be the only one?"

Tang Tian smiled coldly.

"Now my Clear Sky School has teamed up with Han Sect Master, if you move Han Sect Master's shop, you will move the Clear Sky School's shop."

"Chen Xin, Gu Rong, we haven't seen each other for so many years, how about the three of us practice our hands?"

Tang Tian moved his body, and the sound of bones colliding together was extremely crisp.

"Senior Tang, this is a misunderstanding."

Ning Fengzhi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

He didn't want to offend Haotianzong again because of this kind of thing.

"In terms of seniority, do you have a place to speak here?"

However, Tang Tian just glanced at Ning Fengzhi indifferently, and didn't give him the suzerain face at all.

Ning Fengzhi's expression froze, he had no choice but to swallow the rest of the words.

For a moment, the air became tense.

Everyone couldn't believe that the once famous Haotian School was actually born.

"Grandpa Tang, you are so angry that you hurt yourself. I believe this matter is just a misunderstanding." Han Xiao persuaded, then turned to look at Ning Fengzhi: "Really, Sect Master Ning?"

"Yes, I really didn't think carefully about this matter."

Ning Fengzhi went down the steps.

"Hmph, I hope so."

Tang Tian snorted angrily, and sat back down again.

Seeing this, Gu Rong and Chen Xin breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not that they are afraid of getting into trouble, but that in their hearts, Haotianzong is an existence that will always overwhelm them.

What's more, it's been too long since we haven't seen each other, who knows what realm Tang Tian has reached?
In this situation, if a civil war really breaks out, the Wuhundian must be the happiest.

"Since it was a misunderstanding, I hope that your sect will not make these low-level mistakes again in the future."

Han Xiao drank the tea in the cup in one gulp, got up and planned to leave.

Ning Fengzhi's complexion was ugly, but he still couldn't eat the fattest piece of meat.

"and many more!"

Some people don't want to watch Han Xiao leave.

"What's the matter?"

Han Xiao turned his head and looked at the speaker.

He vaguely remembered that this person seemed to be a silk merchant in Tiandou City.

The man was a little timid: "What can I do with you?"

As soon as the words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

"Brother Liu, the treatment given to you by my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is definitely quite generous. What do you mean by that?"

Ning Fengzhi's complexion was not very good-looking.

"I... I don't care if the rule of Wuhundian doesn't rule the mainland."

Brother Liu said weakly: "Even if they really broke in, they wouldn't demolish my tailor shop, would they?"

"I don't have the ability to participate in the battle of your big men, I just want to have a full meal."

His words spoke out from everyone's heart.

Yeah, this group of people doesn't care whether Wuhundian is ambitious or not.

They only think about whether the price of cloth will rise today.

And Ning Fengzhi's [-]% profit is undoubtedly about to kill him.

Han Xiao wrote him an address: "Go here tomorrow to find a man named Nick, and he will discuss specific matters with you."

He no longer cared about these things, and believed that as long as the price was lower than the price offered by the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, this group of people would naturally accept it happily.

"I, can I go too?"

There is one person who starts, and the rest are just around the corner.

Ning Fengzhi's complexion became more and more ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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