Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 307 There is only one room left

Chapter 307 Only One Room Left

Seeing that he was ignored, the fat-headed man became a little angry, and turned his attention to Han Xiao.

"Boy, what's the relationship between you two?"

"Brother manages three mercenary regiments, what about you, what do you have?"

The man stood in front of the two of them, angrily: "Listen to my advice, you can't handle this kind of woman, let me do it."

One is handsome and the other is beautiful, they really look like a couple walking together.

Over the years, Feilong has played with eight hundred women if not one thousand.

However, the moment he saw Qian Renxue, he realized that all he played was fart.

The heart covered with lard was revived again.

This let him know that he must seize this opportunity.

"Why don't you deal with this situation?"

Han Xiao frowned.

"I stood here for half an hour in advance, and a total of seventeen men came to strike up a conversation like him, and I was tired."

Qian Renxue hugged her shoulders with great interest and looked at Feilong.

At the beginning, she was able to give the group of men a cold look and say fuck off.

Until there are too many people who strike up a conversation, they are simply ignored.

"Boy, are you scared stupid?"

Feilong looked at Han Xiao and sneered, inadvertently revealing the pure gold watch on his hand.

However, Han Xiao just glanced at him lightly, and the sagging fat on Feilong's body instantly tightened.


Drips from the forehead.

Just one look seemed to kill his soul in an instant.

It wasn't until the two of them passed by him that Fat Long came to his senses and sat down on the ground, panting heavily.

It's hard to imagine that this terrifying look came from a human being.

After leaving Tiandou City, the two headed towards the Star Dou Forest.

Qian Renxue looked around at the scenery passing by the roadside from time to time, her steps were a little light.

Han Xiao stared straight ahead, "According to the survey and research, women like two opposite sexes to prove their attractiveness for their outbreak of conflict."

Qian Renxue stopped and looked at Han Xiao coldly: "You mean, I let that man harass me deliberately, just to wait for you to help me out?"

As the granddaughter of Qian Daoliu and the daughter of the former pope, how could she do such a stupid thing.

"I just thought of something, and I just mentioned it casually, some people should not take their seats." Han Xiao urged her to leave quickly.

Qian Renxue snorted coldly and quickened her pace: "I'm different from those stupid women."

"Yes, your situation is special, and you need the approval of the opposite sex even more."

"You fart!"

Qian Renxue became angry, "Han Xiao, don't wait for Title Douluo, you and I will fight now!"

As soon as the words fell, Qian Renxue couldn't bear it anymore and rushed directly to Han Xiao.

"If I were your suitor, I should be defeated by you at this time, to satisfy your feminist vanity."

Han Xiao stepped on the Shadowless Bee and quickly evaded Qian Renxue's attack.

Qian Renxue's pretty face flushed with anger, and her attacks became more and more fierce.

Ever since she was a child, no man had ever made her so angry.

The two chased after each other, and unexpectedly arrived at the outskirts of the Star Dou Great Forest in less than two days.

These two days, Han Xiao can be said to have been on guard all the time, avoiding Qian Renxue's assassination from time to time.

"Han Xiao, obediently let me beat you up, and this matter will be exposed from now on."

Qian Renxue was tickled by Han Xiao's weird body style, and she always missed Han Xiao, but the other party was like a cunning loach.

When they came to the market outside the Star Dou Great Forest, the two also stopped their game of cat and mouse.

"Han Xiao, you are very honored, I will never forget you in this life."

Qian Renxue gritted her teeth and stared at Han Xiao fiercely.

"I am very honored."

Han Xiao nodded and smiled back.

He is very protective of the calf, and the purpose of doing this is to avenge Xue Qingwu and Xiao Wu who were deflated that day.

Qian Renxue, who has always been at ease, was restrained to death when facing Han Xiao.

The two of them came all the way to the outskirts of the Star Dou Great Forest, it was already late at night.

Breaking into the forest at this time is not a wise choice.

It's better to find a hotel, sleep for a night, and start the next morning.

"From now on, don't say a word between you and me."

Qian Renxue hugged her shoulders, as if she was still angry.

Han Xiao shrugged, agreeing with him.

"Let's go, first look for a nearby tavern."

Han Xiao said, and took the lead in taking steps.


Qian Renxue snorted coldly and had no choice but to follow.

Along the way, the taverns were brightly lit, but Han Xiao didn't think too much, he just chose one and walked in.

"Let me see, the tavern here is too dilapidated, and there are still drunkards making noise downstairs, so I can't live here at all."

Qian Renxue looked at the tavern Han Xiao was walking towards, and said something indifferent.

Later, she deliberately emphasized: "I'm not talking to someone, I'm just talking to myself."

Han Xiao was helpless. He didn't expect this young lady, who had always been aloof, to show such a side.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, people are not flat. For Qian Renxue, although she has been in a high position for a long time, she is still a girl in her heart.

Under Qian Renxue's pick and choose, the two finally found a tavern that met Qian Renxue's strict requirements.

"Boss, two upper rooms."

Han Xiao slapped two gold soul coins on the table.

When the boss saw Qian Renxue, his eyes straightened.

Afterwards, he stammered and said, "We only have one room left."

After speaking, he winked at Han Xiao with admiration in his eyes.

"Then change to a tavern."

Qian Renxue frowned and said.

"Beauty, let me tell you the truth. There may be rooms available sooner. At this moment, you can't find one in any other tavern except ours."

The tavern owner said solemnly.

Qian Renxue frowned.

She didn't expect that she would pay the price for her pickiness.

"Should I open a room, or go straight into the forest?"

Han Xiao looked at Qian Renxue indifferently.

However, in the eyes of the hotel owner, he looked at Han Xiao with even more admiration.

This is an absolute master!

Aren't those who enter the forest now all fools? Saying this seems to give the woman the right to choose, but in fact the other party has no choice at all.

Sure enough, only masters can pick up good girls.

"A room is a room!"

Qian Renxue snorted coldly, turned and went upstairs.

The body is not afraid of the shadow slanting, anyway, Han Xiao can't beat her, what else can happen in one night?
After paying the room fee, the two went upstairs, looking at the big bed in the room, Qian Renxue was in trouble.

Immediately she gritted her teeth and said to Han Xiao: "Go to sleep, I will meditate."

After finishing speaking, Qian Renxue sat straight on the sofa and began to close her eyes to meditate.

Han Xiao didn't have any feelings of pity and pity, and lay directly on the bed.

However, after a while, a burst of ambiguous music came, and the two discovered that there was a mystery hidden in this house.

(End of this chapter)

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