Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 334 353. Interception!

Chapter 334 353. Interception!

As a Contra, Chen Mo's sixth sense for the crisis has become more acute.

And as he went deeper into the Star Dou Great Forest, this sense of crisis became deeper and deeper.

"Have you found it too?"

Seeing Chen Mo's brows furrowed tightly, Zhou Tong asked in a low voice.

Even the soul sage, he also noticed something was wrong.

It was so quiet around here.

It was so quiet that a group of people seemed to be on an outing.

"Once the situation arises later, immediately cover their retreat."

Chen Mo nodded and ordered.


They had been walking in the Star Dou Great Forest for a few days, and it was impossible to go back at this time.

As they walked, everyone stopped.

There was a rustling just ahead, and a group of people came out, just walking across the door with them.

"Are you here to hunt soul beasts?"

The leading strong man had a kind smile on his face.

"Yeah, uncle, what's the matter with this forest, we walked for several days and didn't see a soul beast."

Tang Tang didn't think much, and complained.

Chen Mo looked at the strong men blocking the way, there were seven of them in total.

It looks more like a soul hunting team.

"The surrounding spirit beasts have been wiped out a long time ago, and there should be some further inside. That's where we came out from."

The strong man issued an invitation: "Why don't we take you in?"

"No need."

Chen Mo refused without thinking.

If they collide with the soul hunting team in the forest, both of them will generally avoid treasure hunting and murder.

But now that the Star Dou Great Forest is weird and terrifying, it is even more impossible for Chen Mo to walk with this group of people.

"Okay, okay, then you go." The strong man smiled and nodded, commanding everyone: "Come on, make way for these brothers."

As soon as the words fell, the group of people gave way in unison.

From the beginning to the end, except for the strong man who took the lead, the rest of the people did not say a word, and stared at Chen Mo and the others.


The strong man made a gesture, squinted his eyes and looked at Chen Mo and the others.

Now, even Tang Tang noticed something was wrong.

This group of people is not like a soul hunting team formed spontaneously by folk soul masters, but more like a well-trained army.

Chen Mo and Zhou Tong exchanged glances, and approached step by step towards the path that the other party gave way to.

Subconsciously, they had already silently stood in formation, surrounding Tang Tang and Xue Qingwu in the middle, with Chen Mo standing at the front and Zhou Tong at the rear.

The one-person trail became swollen with ten people.

The gap between the two parties is less than a few centimeters, as long as you raise your hand gently, you can touch each other.

Chen Mo and others crossed together, when the team had just reached the middle,
The smiling face of the strong man suddenly became ferocious:

At this moment, seven people released their martial spirits at the same time, and they all attacked Chen Mo and the other four.

As soon as he makes a move, it is a murderous plan!
These seven people really came here to hunt them down.

However, just when the blow was about to hit, the figures of Chen Mo and the others suddenly became unreal.

This blow missed the air, and the strong man raised his eyes. At some point, they had already moved to a position 50 meters away.

"Longevity's daughter Tang Tang, seeing her today, she is really good."

The burly man and his party tore off their shirts in unison, revealing the military uniform of the Wuhun Palace.

"What are you, girl, my mother has already seen that something is wrong with you!"

The light of the sixth soul ring in front of Tang Tang's body weakened, and she shouted at the strong man and others fiercely.

The strong man didn't respond to Tang Tang, and turned his eyes to Chen Mo who had released his martial soul:
"I've heard the name of the lion dancer for a long time. According to seniority, I should call you brother."

His right hand was slowly covered with a layer of frost, his body began to swell, and his whole body was covered with snow-like hair.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, and black, eight soul rings surrounded his body.

"Silver Frostwolf!"

Chen Mo's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Senior Brother Chen Mo, if you are still in the Spirit Hall, you will probably become an elder by now. If you work hard for more than ten years, you will not have a problem breaking through to the Title Douluo."

The strong man's face was cold, and his voice became low.

"I really don't understand why senior brother would betray Wuhun Palace and play house with this group of children."

"I do not know you."

Chen Mo took a step forward and stood in front of everyone.

Hearing this, the man's face froze, and then his voice became more gloomy:

"It's okay not to know me, after all, I chose to join the Anbu of Wuhundian after graduation."

Chen Mo's eyelids twitched, and his expression became more serious.

A group of people in Wuhundian have been doing shady tasks, secretly solving unnecessary troubles for Wuhundian.

Just like the roots in the ground, it keeps making the shoots above grow.

"Did you come from Qiandao school?"

Zhou Tong asked in a cold voice.

The strong man smiled coldly, "We are directly loyal to His Highness the Pope."

As soon as the words came out, everyone's expressions changed instantly.

This meant that Bibi Dong had shot at them.

"No matter who sent you, if you want to move them, you must first step over my corpse!"

At this moment, he exuded the terrifying aura of Contra.

"Then let me see the prestige of the lion dance!"

A black shadow fell from the sky like a cannonball, Chen Mo shouted loudly, with his claws across his chest.

The moment the two struck out, Zhou Tong and the others also struck at the same time.

"Restrict the eternal lamp, don't let her use the large-scale transfer soul skill!"

The strong man stepped back, parrying Chen Mo's stormy attack.

The other party obviously came prepared, and just after saying this, a female soul master held a seed exuding black glow in both hands.

Then, she slowly planted the seeds into the soil.

Tang Tang's complexion changed: "My fourth soul skill is useless."

She found that she could no longer feel the space in the distance.

Obviously, the other party came prepared, and directly put an end to Tang Tang's idea of ​​escaping.

Xiao Wu is like a swift rabbit, traveling to surround her soul master.

Seeing that the ignoring attack was about to hit her, a golden light burst out from her whole body.

Invincible golden body!

"Be careful, don't fucking break this soul beast!"

The strong man cursed loudly, and then snapped at Chen Mo.

"Their target is Xiao Wu!"

Zhou Tong's seventh soul skill radiated light, knocking back the two people who came to surround him.

Xiao Wu's goal is very direct, she wants to destroy the seeds buried in the soil.

The body was turned upside down, and the straight long leg descended from the sky, chopping down directly.

In the soil, the seeds took root and sprouted, and countless vines sprang out.

"not good!"

Xiao Wu's expression changed, she knew she was being tricked.

The vines were so fast she had no room to escape.

At this moment, Xue Qingwu suddenly appeared next to Xiao Wu at some point, her eyes shining brightly.

Affected by the light, the growth rate of the vines slowed down.

Then she hugged Xiao Wu, and the two disappeared in the air.

The ever-burning lamp glowed faintly, and the two of them seemed to be teleported to Tang Tang's side.

(End of this chapter)

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