Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 349 Blood-red 9-headed Bat King!

Chapter 349 Blood Red Nine-Headed Bat King!

10 million years!
This was a bit beyond Han Xiao's expectation.

There are only a handful of 10-year-old soul beasts in the entire continent, but I didn't expect there to be one hidden under the killing capital.

With his current strength, can he forcibly absorb a 10-year soul beast?
"Let's try it, and take advantage of this time to open the road to hell."

After living in it for half a year, it is true that there are no soul beasts worth absorbing around the killing capital.

Even ten thousand year soul beasts are pitifully few.

And the ten-headed blazing sun snake on the road to hell is not suitable for Han Xiao's martial soul.

The truth of seeking wealth and insurance has been carried out by him from beginning to end.

While others are enjoying the preferential treatment of the soul master, Han Xiao is wandering back and forth on the line of life and death.

It was precisely because of this that he was able to overthrow a group of soul masters of the same age.

"it is good."

Tang Chen nodded, "Since you have already decided, then use this time to open the road to hell and hunt down the blood-red nine-headed Bat King."

The opening of the road to hell requires a lot of blood sacrifice.

At this moment, Tang San's battle in the Slaughter Arena had already come to an end.

Facing six people at the same time double-teaming, he opened the distance with his dexterous agility.

Finally, the hidden weapon storm was thrown out, ending their lives.

The cheers could not stop for a long time.

Tang Chen and Han Xiao fell from the sky under the eyes of everyone.

"Congratulations, young King Shura." A deep and sharp voice suddenly came from all directions.The murderous aura released from Tang San actually poured back the instant the sound sounded, and was re-pressed into his body.Tang San's face suddenly turned pale.

The atmosphere in the hell killing field suddenly rose to the extreme, because in the midair, a blood-red figure was descending from the sky.

"King of Slaughter, King of Slaughter, King of Slaughter..." The shouts made the fallen ones hoarse, but they didn't mean to stop at all.

"Crown Prince, Crown Prince, Crown Prince..."

The fallen ones kept calling their names.

The two descended to the ground, Tang Chen's voice was deep and sharp: "I invite the messengers from hell."

Han Xiao turned his head and looked, he already knew in the past six months that the messenger of hell was Hu Liena.

It's just that the two are now fighting each other.

"Hey, this sister looks pretty good."

In the silver box, Yan's gaze was attracted by Hu Liena.

Xie Yue frowned, lowered her head and thought: "Why do I feel like she looks like Nana?"

Hearing this, Yan's expression brightened.

That's right, who else could have that almost perfect figure besides Hu Liena?
Tang Chen lowered his head to look at Tang San and Hu Liena: "King Shura, Hell Messenger, congratulations on becoming the Baisheng powerhouse of the Slaughtering City, your names will be engraved on the monument of the Slaughtering City, and will be respected by the people of future generations." Watch."

Both were a little impatient.

Their task is to clear the road to hell and obtain the killing god domain.

But he still had to listen patiently to the words of the Slaughter King.

"You two, there is a choice in front of you now. Do you want to become the most honorable guest minister in my killing city and gain the title of God of Killing, or choose to enter the road to hell where crises are everywhere?"

"Dear Lord of Slaughter, I don't think it's a choice. The road to hell is the purpose of my coming here."

"Me too."

Tang San said to Hu Liena.

"it is good."

Tang Chen glanced at the fallen people around him: "Since that's the case, then I will announce one more thing."

"The road to hell will be closed forever from now on, King Shura and the messenger of hell will be the last two challengers to enter the road to hell."

This is Han Xiao's request. In the future, under his rule, the Killing Capital will be developed into a powerful organization.

He doesn't welcome those who want to come here to benefit.

After all, opening a road to hell has to pay a lot of price.

Tang San and Hu Liena were a little surprised, they didn't understand why the Slaughter King made his decision.

And the fallen one doesn't care about that.

No matter what decision Tang Chen made, they would firmly support it.

"I think the two of you should not mind, let me enter the road to hell with the Crown Prince?"

Tang Chen squinted his eyes, staring at the two people and asked.

There was an undeniable menace in his voice.

What are these two going to do?
Under the mask, Tang San frowned.

Hu Liena turned her head to look at Tang San, as if she was looking at his opinion.

"Since the Slaughter King has said so, what else can we say?"

Tang San carried his gun with his stick, even though he agreed, he did not forget to hurt Tang Chen.

After all, this is someone else's territory, even if they really tear their faces and prevent them from entering the road to hell, what can they do?
Doing something in front of Tang Chen is courting death.

Tang Chen didn't seem to hear Tang San's secret sarcasm, and raised his arms:

"Thank you for your generosity, my children, use your blood to open the road to hell, this is your glory!"

"Damn, what's going on?!"

Looking at the movement of the audience in the box, Yan was taken aback.

The fallen who were cheering wildly gradually became quiet as the red light landed on the viewing platform. When the red light formed a huge barrier on the entire hell killing field, the screams of pain began to resound from the first person who came into contact with the red light.

Affected by the red light, those fallen people seemed to be half insane, desperately grabbing their faces and bodies...

Most of the fallen who can survive in the inner city have certain strength. At this time, they put all their strength on themselves, and even the screams contained extreme excitement.It seems that in the process of self-abuse, he has obtained unlimited enjoyment.

"This... is the killing capital."

Xie Yue had lingering fears in her heart, and she didn't dare to watch that bloody and disgusting scene again.

The three of them came to Slaughter Capital as the most honored guests. Before coming, Han Xiao also told about the toxins contained in Bloody Mary.

So these audiences were the only ones who were not affected.

Blood stained the ground scarlet.

The blood flowed into the field, but did not spread in a straight line. Grooves appeared on the ground at some point, and the blood flowed into them. Gradually, they converged into a huge blood-red pattern on the ground.

Under the blood-red engulfment, Tang San and Hu Liena felt the space under their feet at the same time, everything around them became illusory, and all perceptions were completely sealed at this moment.


Seeing that the gate of the road to hell had been opened, Tang Chen grabbed Han Xiao's shoulder and jumped deeply.

His sight became dark, and his body kept falling.

However, Han Xiao did not feel the weightlessness.

Until the two of them landed on a disc with a diameter of five meters.

"What are the two of them going to do, kill them now?"

Tang Chen looked at the unconscious Tang San and Hu Liena, and asked Han Xiao for advice.

"no need."

Han Xiao didn't even look at the two of them: "Do you know where the blood-red nine-headed Bat King is?"

Tang Chen was relieved, knowing that Han Xiao was trying to save face: "Follow me."

Entering the road to hell for the second time, the two were familiar with the road and jumped directly onto the steep cliff.

Han Xiao followed Tang Chen like walking on the ground, feeling the strong killing intent brought by the road to hell.

"After the Seagod's Light shot and killed the clone of the blood-red nine-headed Bat King, I caught a wisp of its remnant soul and could feel his presence."

Tang Chen smashed the stone wall in front of him with a hammer, but he didn't expect that there was an extremely hidden cave hidden in the stone wall.

In the cave, scarlet murderous aura continued to seep out.

Han Xiao could feel that the murderous intent here was extremely pure, which was the source of Bloody Mary.

When the two of them stepped in, they saw countless green dots flashing in the darkness, staring at them.

Han Xiao didn't get used to them at all: "Senior Tang Chen, please close your eyes."

Two aluminum iron pipes were lost deep in the cave.

With a soft sound, powerful and dazzling white light instantly filled the cave.

"Squeaky squeak!!!"

There was a piercing scream, followed by the sound of flapping wings.

Those green spots of light turned out to be the eyes of bats.

Seeing the overwhelming crowd of bats, which is almost the favorite of intensive phobia, rushing towards his face, Han Xiao raised his double blade.

His hands were almost to the phantom, and in just a few breaths, the only sound left by the classmates was the sound of bats falling to the ground.

I think back when I was still the soul master, I wasted a lot of energy in the face of these bats.

But now, these bats have become tofu in his eyes.

"Performing well."

Tang Chen slowly opened his eyes and saw a field of bats.

The two continued to move towards the cave, their murderous aura growing stronger.

"There's a big one up ahead."

Tang Chen looked into the depths of the darkness and looked carefully. There was a huge bat standing upside down, wrapping itself tightly in its wings.

Golden ripples appeared on its body from time to time, blinking in the darkness.

"There are also dark gold six-headed bats here."

Han Xiao was a little taken aback.

"I have only explored half of this road to hell. Who knows what horrors exist inside."

Tang Chen's complexion was heavy, and he pulled out the Haotian Hammer.

If the Star Dou Great Forest is compared to the high mountains in the Douluo Continent, and the Sea God Island is the deep sea, then this road to hell is equivalent to the bottom of this world.

This is a young planet, and there are too many secrets waiting to be discovered that cannot be touched by people.

"You come or I come."

Tang Chen saw that the dark gold six-headed bat was still sleeping soundly, and looked at Han Xiao behind him.

"Senior, I haven't understood your big Sumeru Hammer move yet, please demonstrate it again."

"Boy, look after you!"

Tang Chen grinned, and the Haotian Hammer in his hand continued to expand and enlarge.

Even if he didn't release the soul ability, the terrifying power emitted by that giant hammer also squeezed the surrounding air.

"This big Sumeru Hammer is supposed to inject all the spirit rings into the Clear Sky Hammer, but your spirit rings are different from mine, so I'll just cover up my power-exerting skills for you."

Tang Chen lowered his shoulders and jumped up.

The waist drives the upper body, and the upper body drives the shoulders and arms. The muscles on the arms swell to the limit at this moment.

His body is like a bow drawn to the full moon, ready to explode at any time.


Feeling the terrifying crisis, the dark gold six-headed bat woke up instantly.

But when it opened its innocent eyes and saw Tang Chen falling from the sky, it was so scared that it forgot to run away.

The body bent to the extreme exploded at this moment, and the Clear Sky Hammer hit the body of the dark gold six-headed bat.

With a muffled sound, it was instantly crushed into a meatloaf.

Han Xiao couldn't help squinting his eyes.

The exertion posture of the big Sumeru hammer really has a certain mystery.

This dark gold six-headed bat is also a soul beast of 6 to [-] years.

Although it is not difficult for an Ultimate Douluo to instantly kill him.

But someone like Tang Chen who smashed it into meatloaf with one hammer without using soul power can be said to be the pinnacle.

There is also a reason why Han Xiao wants to learn the Great Sumeru Hammer.

The martial souls of the two can be said to be completely different from each other.

Even if Han Xiao really learned it, he couldn't maximize its effect with his short arms.

But there is not only one force to drop ten meetings, but also four liang to pull a thousand catties.

The purpose of Han Xiao learning the Great Sumeru Hammer is to find a way to crack it.

The poor dark gold six-headed bat became a piece of meat pie before it could see who was coming.

"Cough cough cough."

After using this move, Tang Chen coughed violently.

"This body, is it already dead?"

Looking at the blood coughed up on the ground, Tang Chen shook his head and smiled wryly.

Han Xiao walked to his side: "Senior, is there no other way?"

"It's useless."

Tang Chen sighed, but his tone was not too dejected: "Even the Sea God's Light can't purify my body, let alone a panacea."

His body has been corroded to the bone by the dark gold nine-headed Bat King.

If it weren't for Tang Chen's strength, he would have been fighting against him day and night.

Maybe now he has become the body of a soul beast.

After solving the dark gold six-headed bat, the two continued to go deeper.

Gradually, the light became brighter and the temperature in the air gradually increased.

"Be careful, I can feel the blood-red nine-headed Bat King getting closer."

Tang Chen's voice was a little wary as he looked at the light that was shining from the cave's exit.

Now he is not as good as the peak, at most equivalent to a 95-level Title Douluo.

Facing a 10-year-old cunning soul beast, the two may not necessarily be opponents.

Han Xiao nodded, holding Taotie and Yuchang in his hand.

Stepping out of the cave, the two saw an extremely shocking scene.

The sight around became wider, and the stone pillars hung upside down above the towering caves.

Under the feet, there is hot magma, and egg-sized bubbles pop up from time to time, and then shatter.

On the most central stone pillar, hung a dark red bat as huge as an elephant.

On its body, there are countless little bats crawling down.

Han Xiao's pupils shrank. Is this the blood-red nine-headed Bat King?

He could feel that the blood-red nine-headed Bat King's bloody smell was exactly the same as the Bloody Mary that those fallen people drank.

And the spreading scarlet color continued to fall into the magma and flow to the outside world.

At this moment, the blood-red nine-headed bat king slowly spread its wings, revealing nine pairs of scarlet eyes.

Among the nine heads, one fell into a deep sleep.

The remaining eight slowly turned, and finally focused on Han Xiao and Tang Chen.

It can be seen that their throats are constantly agitating, and finally they spit out human words:

"Tang Chen, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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