Full-time master: a sword of wind and thunder

Chapter 984 Lao Ji Fufeng, the first golden generation, all retire, the glory is over!

In the two World Invitational Championships, the Chinese team's performance was so perfect. The team spirit and competitive spirit displayed by their players on the court conquered audiences from many countries.

As Glory players, they see the players of the Chinese team fighting so hard on the court. They can feel the power in these players that allows them to live, giving them the ability to continue living in this shabby world. courage.

But now that the Chinese team has withdrawn from the World Invitational Tournament, this power has disappeared all at once, the spirit of glory is gone, and the World Invitational Tournament is not that exciting.

Therefore, after the Chinese team withdrew from the competition and the scandal of the World E-Sports Organization was exposed, the number of global online players of Honor Games dropped by 40%.

In less than a week, the number of global Honor online players has dropped by tens of millions. These players have either given up on the game or switched to other games.

During this period, the number of online players in League of Legends increased dramatically.

It has a tendency to surpass Glory and become the most popular game in the world.

This trend has put the World E-Sports League under tremendous pressure. In order to recover from such losses, they updated the Honor version and launched new professions, opening up the Honor 24 professions to 26 professions.

To regain the lost interest of players by adding professions.

However, this method is just like making up for the situation. Although it can temporarily save many players, the rash addition of new professions will have a huge impact on the leveling up of professional players in the Glory League and those players who still like Glory. of.

Therefore, after maintaining its popularity for a period of time, Honor’s online rate dropped directly like Waterloo.

Many old Honor players expressed disappointment with this Honor update that added new professions.

They have played Glory for more than ten years. It has always had 24 professions, and now it has 26 professions. That kind of game is no longer the Glory they are familiar with.

In order to recover the losses, the World E-sports Federation once again found the e-sports bureau of the Chinese team, trying to get the Chinese team to return to the Glory World Invitational Tournament, and is willing to host the next World Invitational Tournament in China.

But the Chinese team rejected this request from the World E-Sports Federation, because our Chinese gaming giant has already begun to develop a new Honor.

This Old Glory cannot keep people by relying solely on feelings. Old people are tired of the same game that has remained unchanged for so many years, and young people do not like this kind of antique game.

The light of glory has faded. This is a certainty. No matter how hard they try to save it, glory will be destined to decline.

At most, in two to three years, Honor will completely withdraw from the stage of game history and can only exist in people's memories. Just like the "Come and kill me if you are a brother" game back then, it will eventually be eliminated by history and forgotten by people. .

Only by developing a brand new Glory can the flame of Glory be rekindled.

Before the Glory crisis was over, the 15th Glory Professional League was announced to be over.

This time the Glory League Finals was a competition between Team Excellent Era and Team Tyranny. There were 6 games played in the finals. In the end, Team Excellent Era defeated Team Tyranny with a record of 4:2 and won the Glory. The championship of the 15th season of the league.

This is also the first time that Excellent Era has won the championship in 12 years after winning three consecutive championships in the first, second and third seasons of Glory.

This is a championship of great historical significance for the IP Excellent Era.

Although this Excellent Era is no longer the same Excellent Era as before, and even the boss and team emblem have changed, the name Excellent Era still evokes memories and joy for many old Honor fans.

This Excellent Era team, which once carried the beautiful memories of tens of millions of Glory fans, finally appeared in everyone's field of vision as a champion after so many years of silence.

Although such a championship is a championship that was picked up by chance and has no gold content.

But no matter how there is no gold-rich championship, it is still a championship, and it is also an honor that carries the expectations and commemoration of many people.

It has been fifteen seasons. The Glory League has developed to this point and has gone through fifteen years without realizing it. It's really not easy.

In the fifteen years since the establishment of the Glory League, countless aspiring young people have appeared. Their dreams are very pure, that is, to bloom their light on the stage of Glory, and under the gaze of millions of viewers, they will pursue that goal. A beam of glory.

But in the past fifteen years, they have witnessed too many young people sweating on the stage of glory. They have dedicated countless beautiful memories to the audience with their youth, but in the end they quietly left this shining world. The stage was eventually forgotten in the long river of time.

For example, the first-generation players of Excellent Era won three consecutive championships with Excellent Era. Now besides Ye Xiu, how many people can remember the names of others?

You know, this is a wealthy team like Excellent Era that has won three consecutive championships. It has the highest exposure rate in the league and the most Honor fans in the league. But even so, few people can still remember the champion members of Honor who won three consecutive championships. name, so who can still remember the first-generation members of those teams that have not won the championship? Those teams that were disbanded before even entering the playoffs, who still remembers the names of their players?

I'm afraid even if these people stand in front of the audience again at this moment, none of them will be recognized.

People's memory is like this, selective memory, and they will only select people who are deeply impressed and automatically store them in their own memory bank.

Until those memories are overwritten by more impressive memories and then expelled from the memory bank.

But this is something that cannot be done by human beings. Even if they will be forgotten, the players still have to, or in other words, have to leave the stage of glory when they reach their age, condition, and opportunity.

Therefore, after the end of the 15th Glory Professional League, the craziest wave of retirements in the history of Glory ushered in.

Almost all of the older generation players who debuted in the Glory League in the third, fourth, fourth and fifth seasons chose to retire after this season.

People like Wang Jiexi, Deng Fusheng, Zhao Yang who debuted in the third season, Huang Shaotian and Yu Wenzhou who debuted in the fourth season, Xiao Shiqin, Chu Yunxiu, Zhang Xinjie, Tian Sen, these golden generations have all retired.

Fang Rui, Wu Yuce and others who debuted in the fifth season also chose to retire.

In less than a month, a total of 18 people announced their retirement!

This has never happened before in the history of Glory.

Such a large number of retirement frenzy is no less than a magnitude 8 earthquake in the Glory League.

You know, most of these retired players are the faces of the league!

Most of them are great players!

Retiring so many great players at once is equivalent to directly draining half of the blood of the league. This will cause the Glory League to lose a large part of its audience.

But this is also something that can't be done.

Even for the players who debuted in the fifth season, this year marks their eleventh year since their debut.

As an e-sports player, how many people can play for eleven years?

Han Wenqing, who has only played ten seasons, was already called a veteran, an old man, and an old man in his thirties.

Not to mention Wang Jiexi and others who debuted in the third season. Veterans of 13 seasons have not retired yet?

Of course, the main reason why there are so many people retiring this year is because there are too many golden generations.

People like Huang Shaotian, Chu Yunxiu and others are all great players who debuted in the fourth season. Their strong talents have made more than a dozen of their current draft players the most spectacular draft year in the history of the league. The most, the most players who have become gods, so now that they have all debuted for 12 years, when they retire, they will naturally have the largest number.

Many of them were actually about to retire last year. If it weren't for the fact that the World Invitational Tournament was held in China, they persisted for one year in order to participate in the World Invitational Tournament again at the end of their careers. Otherwise, last year and the year before that , many of them have retired.

Now that the World Invitational Tournament is over, the Chinese team has won the World Invitational Tournament, and their dream has been fulfilled. These veteran players, who have been in the game for 12 or 3 years, naturally have no regrets and have chosen to retire one after another.

But this time the frenzy of retirement has really drained China's glory circle.

More than ten great players have retired. The retirement of these great players has vacated many god-level accounts, but no suitable players have been found to take over.

In recent years, many players have made their debut, but there are only a few players who can stand alone, and they have already had their careers.   So this time the frenzy of retirements caused the Glory League to suddenly have a shortage of players.

This is the best testimony of the decline of glory!

Someone once said that you young players are the future of Glory.

But now, there are no young potential players emerging in the Glory League, so does this kind of Glory still have a future?

Although there are still Duan Yu, Gao Yingjie, Lu Hanwen, Song Qiying, Ma Yuan, Lei Tianpao, and many great gods from the Mesozoic era supporting them.

But what if Duan Yu retires?

What if Gao Yingjie and the others also retire?

Without someone new to take over, would anyone continue to watch such an honor?

You know, in the past two years, an online game called "League of Legends" has become popular all over the Internet. Many veteran Honor players have switched to playing League of Legends.

As for those young people born in their 10s and 20s, they don’t even pay attention to Glory anymore.

Can such glory continue?

"Glory is going downhill!"

Many people began to feel such a premonition.

Speaking of which, the Honor game has been in its 2013th year since the first zone was opened in the winter of 19.

As an online game, it has been popular for nearly two decades, which is already a miracle in the gaming industry.

In the history of the world's games, there have been many popular games, but the peak period of most games only lasts three to five years. Games that can last for seven or eight years are extremely rare and can continue to be popular for more than 10 years. Ten years of games have never appeared!

Glory was popular for nearly 20 years before it began to decline.

This is unique in the history of the gaming industry.

As the saying goes, there is no banquet that lasts forever, and there is no game that lasts forever.

No matter how fun the game is, it will one day lose its market.

Now Honor is beginning to decline. In addition to the impact of new hit games like League of Legends on the game market, there are also issues of the times.

Because the times are advancing, technology is advancing, human cognition is advancing, and human needs are also advancing.

What people like is constantly changing in progress.

Even though it feels nostalgic to listen to the old songs that were once divine songs after twenty years, they still sound very old and vulgar.

The same goes for games. They used to be popular all over the world, but twenty years later, times have changed. Old things can no longer keep up with the development of the times and are destined to be eliminated.

The world is constantly moving forward, society is constantly progressing, and people's accepted concepts of things are constantly being updated.

Glory is a game from 20 years ago. Although it has been continuously updated in the past 20 years to adapt to younger players, it still cannot satisfy the preferences of those players who are younger than me.

If a game fails to capture the hearts of young gamers, it's not too far away from being shut down.

After all, the old players have basically started families and started businesses. They have seniors and juniors, and they are carrying huge pressure on their shoulders. They are running for their livelihood and survival, so they will no longer play games.

And those kids born in the 10s or even the 20s, these new blood in the gaming industry, are the lifeline of whether a game can survive in the future.

In 2030, the th season of Glory, Duan Yu led the Happy team to win the Glory championship again, becoming the first super-rich team in Glory history to win five championships.

Duan Yu also became the second professional player after Ye Xiu to win five championships. His personal honor also passed through Ye Xiu at this moment, becoming the recognized first person in the history of Glory.

Although Duan Yu and Ye Xiu have the same number of Glory championships, five each, Duan Yu won two championships in the World Invitational Tournament, and also won the titles of Asia's No. 1 Glory master and World No. 1 Glory master.

This is beyond Ye Xiu's reach, so Duan Yu's historical status transcends Ye Xiu's and becomes the number one superstar in the history of Glory, and is also called the God of Glory by fans!

Duan Yu's status in the hearts of Honor fans is comparable to Jordan's status in the basketball world.

In the same year, Baozi invaded, and An Wenyi, Mingguang and Mo Fan chose to retire.

At this point, only Duan Yu and Qiao Yifan are left in the original team of Team Happy's District 10 team.

In 2031, in the th Glory Professional League, Team Xingxin failed to defeat Team Samsara despite the lack of main players. They lost to Team Samsara in the finals and missed the championship.

Zhou Zekai also led Team Samsara to win the third championship in Team Samsara's history, becoming the third team to win three championships after Team Happy and Team Excellent Era.

After the end of this season, Zhou Zekai and Duan Yu announced their retirement.

After Zhou Zekai and Duan Yu retired, the Glory League suddenly lost the number one Glory player who could convince the public.

At this time, the alliance's facade includes Ma Yuan from Team Mist and Rain, Lei Tianpao from Team Thunder, Gao Yingjie from Team Wei Cao, Lu Hanwen from Team Blue Rain, and Song Qiying from Team Tyranny. These people have now become a new generation of great gods. , but their level of dominance is a bit lower than that of Ye Xiu, Zhou Zekai and Duan Yu, the former number one players in Glory.

So for one of them to take the title of Glory's number one, I always feel like it's not worthy of the title.

Moreover, after Zhou Zekai and Duan Yu retired, the audience of Glory went from 6000 million online viewers in the previous finals to less than million viewers in the finals now. This also shows that the audience of Glory is declining seriously.

The number of daily active viewers attracted by the Glory League has dropped sharply, and the commercial value of the league has naturally plummeted as well.

The commercial value has plummeted, and the team can naturally get less commercial sponsorship.

To sum up, the league can no longer make money, and the teams can no longer make money.

As a business alliance, once it no longer makes money, there is no need to continue.

So in 2033, after the Glory League held its th professional league, the Glory League announced that the Glory e-sports professional community was officially disbanded.

In the winter of the same year, that is, on December 2033, 12, Honor’s 3st anniversary, the Honor game announced that it would cease service.

Glory, a game that was once popular on the streets, is over!

Everyone thought that the glory would disappear from everyone's sight, and there would be no more glory in the future.

But in September 2034, a big piece of news came out.

[Glory is back again. This time there is no need for a keyboard and mouse. This time there is no need to use hand speed and operation to measure the strength of an individual. The new version of the Glory Ship, Holographic Glory, will be launched nationwide on December 2034, 12. First server open beta! 】(End of this chapter)

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