Chapter 154 Substitute?

Two days later, Wang Xiaohua picked up Lin Xin at the airport.

Lin Xin was about 1.7 meters tall, and she was wearing a sky-blue denim jacket. When she saw her for the first time, four words popped out of Wang Xiaohua's mind involuntarily.


This even gave Wang Xiaohua an urge to sign her to the studio as an artist!
After getting into the car, Lin Xin didn't ask too many questions, maybe she was a little shy because she wasn't familiar with it yet.

After waiting for the crew, Wang Xiaohua pointed to Qi Lindao, who was on the stage.

"That is Qi Lin, who is also our boss. If you become a life assistant, he will also be your boss in the future."

Before the words finished, He Jiaxin and Li Yue walked over, and Wang Xiaohua introduced again.

"This is the boss's exclusive makeup artist Li Yue, and this is the work assistant He Jiaxin."

After Lin Xin shook hands with the two with a smile, her eyes did not leave Qi Lin in the scene.

At this moment, Qi Lin was playing with Wu Xing, several people were punching and punching, and the fight was lively.

Seeing this, Lin Xin asked curiously, "What are they doing? A rehearsal?"

"Well, action scenes are like this. The actors can only start shooting after they are familiar with the movements."

He Jiaxin on the side gave an explanation, and Lin Xin nodded half understanding.

A few minutes later, Qi Lin and the group performers finished their movements and were ready to officially start filming.

Seeing this, Wang Xiaohua hurriedly waved: "Brother!"

Qi Lin followed the voice, and immediately spotted Lin Xin, and guessed her identity after a second thought.

He waved to the staff around him and walked over, smiling and stretching out his right hand.

"Hello, hello, you are Lin Xin, I'm Qi Lin!"

Lin Xin shook hands with Qi Lin generously and said, "Hi, nice to meet you!"

Qi Lin was taken aback, how should I put it, this man spoke very politely, the kind of politeness that strangers meet for the first time!

It would be normal if it were placed on a normal person, but it would be a bit abnormal if it were placed on Qi Lin!

Because the other party is a woman!

No woman has ever been so polite to him!

Usually when Qi Lin shakes hands with a woman, no matter what age the other party is, there will be some other emotions.

Or shy, or excited, or charming.

But Lin Xin didn't, she looked at Qi Lin as if she was looking at a pig's trotter that was one size bigger!
This feeling makes Qi Lin feel a little strange, but it's not bad, it should be easier to get along with such a person.

Seeing that the two had met, Wang Xiaohua smiled and introduced the job requirements of the life assistant.

In fact, the task of a job assistant is neither difficult nor easy, it all depends on whether the artist you serve is a B!

If yes, then this job is hard!

If not, then burn the high incense!

Because they only need to do one thing, take care of the basic necessities of the artist!
When artists are busy with filming and announcements, they have no time to take care of themselves, and at this time they need life assistants to take care of themselves for them.

You can also understand the life assistant as an all-round nanny!
For example, it is the life assistant's responsibility to pour a glass of water between an artist's filming, to prepare in advance when eating at noon, and to ensure that the artist's meals are hot.

Wang Xiaohua spoke in great detail, even reminding the artists to get up, Li Yue beside him was stunned.

Is being a life assistant so strenuous?Isn't this more old lady than old lady?

It seems that not everyone can do this job, just say yourself, it would be nice if you can take good care of yourself!How can I have so much energy to take care of others?
Qi Lin was also a little confused, what's going on?Let Sister Hua say, I belong to the kind of useless person who is paralyzed in bed and can't move!

I can't wait to be fed!
But he suddenly understood Wang Xiaohua's plan, it was simple, and he wanted Lin Xin to "retire in spite of difficulties"!
But unexpectedly, Lin Xin stretched out her hand and shook Qi Lin's hand again.

"I just got out of the army, and I don't know much about many things, but please give me a month, I believe I can do this job!"

Qi Lin couldn't refuse when he heard the words, Wang Xiaohua squinted slightly, but also didn't say no.

Li Yue on the side jumped out, took out two packs of snacks from some pocket and handed them to Lin Xin.

"Then we will be colleagues from now on, and the boss is actually very easy to get along with, really."

Lin Xin didn't reject Li Yue's kindness, and the chat became a mess within a few words.

On the other hand, He Jiaxin took out her mobile phone and booked a room for Lin Xin in the hotel, and Qi Lin also walked into the set to prepare for the filming.

In this way, the time came to the end of September, Qi Lin's role was about to wrap up, and there was only the last fierce battle with Jia Dan left!
This is also the reason why the investors are willing to pay 30 million for Qi Lin, all they want is this hearty fight!

And "I'm Not the God of Medicine" has also been finalized. Director Xu is editing urgently and doing post-production. It is said that the finished product is almost out and plans to send it for review.

Qi Lin is really looking forward to this. After all, he put so much effort into the role of Lu Yiyi, and he also wants to know the market's feedback on this role.

"Ka! It's very exciting. The two teachers prepared very well. Did the stand-in memorize the movements?"

"Remember the director!"

Qi Lin was startled when he heard this, and turned around in surprise: "A substitute?"

Qi Lin's question also made Ye Xin a little confused. He looked back at the double, and then at Qi Lindao.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Qi Lin was surprised and said: "I didn't say to use a substitute before! Director, I can do all these actions."

After hearing this, the director pointed to the second floor and said, "The other scenes don't matter. There will be a scene where you fall headfirst on the second floor. It will be very dangerous then."

After hearing this, Qi Lin said again: "I knew it during the rehearsal before, director, I can do that move too."

As soon as these words came out, Jia Dan was not very happy.

Originally, Jia Dan also planned to use a stand-in for this part, after all, this action is really dangerous, but now that Qi Lin said that, what should he do?
If a substitute is used, people will say that he is more timid than Qi Lin.

There is no need for a double, if something happens, it will be too late to regret!

Qi Lin's Wu Dai breathed a sigh of relief, others could see the danger, couldn't they?

It's a pity that there is no other way, you are cowardly this time, who will look for you next time?

The circle of martial arts is like this, no matter how dangerous the action is, you have to bite the bullet!Otherwise, why do you pay more than others?Why do you announce more than others?
Ye Xin waved his hand to signal the others to step back, while he put his arm around Qi Lin's shoulder and walked towards a place where no one was around.

"Qi Lin, I know you're famously serious about filming, but why don't you use a double in an action scene? It's not an embarrassing thing. Even Van Loon uses a double. What are you worried about?"

Qi Lin's complexion changed, but finally he shook his head and said.

"Director Ye, if it's an action that I can't complete, then I can also use a substitute! But this time, I can really do it!"

After hearing this, Ye Xin glanced at Jia Dan with a complicated expression.

(End of this chapter)

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