Chapter 516 October One
Wu Yi valued this opportunity very much, so he found a photographer friend that night, took two audition videos for himself, and sent them to Wang Xiaohua early the next morning.

After watching the video, Wang Xiaohua thought it was very good, and asked Qi Lin to watch it again.

Qi Lin also laughed after seeing it, isn't this the perfect Fat Boy Chao?
With that arrogant appearance, Qi Lin wanted to punch him in the face!
After getting Qi Lin's affirmation, Wang Xiaohua called Wu Yi back.

"Mr. Wu Yi, we think you are very suitable for a role in our play. If you have a schedule next year, we can discuss the salary issue now."

"There are some."

Wu Yi couldn't wait to agree, what reserve, let's go, I still expect this movie to make me famous!
Waiting for the two to tentatively settle down on the phone, after hanging up the phone, Wu Yi was so excited.

Immediately invited Zheng Shi to have dinner together in the evening, Zheng Shi knew from his appearance, needless to say, the role issue must have been negotiated.

"Hahaha, since you've come to your door, I'll have to give you a good meal that night!"

"Of course, of course, this time it's all up to you to take care of it. You decide what to eat!"

And Qi Lin, who is far away in Hengdian, is also very satisfied with Wu Yi. From this point of view, the main characters are already complete.

Most of the rest of the roles can be performed by group actors, and for those with a few roles, it is enough to use the Qijiaban brothers.

There are also a few foreign characters, which are also easy to find.

After all, there are many foreign actors in major film and television cities, but the prices are higher.

Then, there are some studio constructions, but there is no rush, after all, there is still a long time, and there is definitely time.

Qi Lin is also free, except for two hours of rehearsal every day, he spends most of his time exercising to keep his body in peak condition.

When he was in the sports school, this was just Qi Lin's daily life, but now it has become a little rare.

That is to say, when taking a break from filming occasionally, you can strengthen your exercise.

In this way, the time slowly came to October [-]st, and "John Wick" was officially released!
On this day, I don't know how many people rushed to the cinema, wanting to see this Hollywood blockbuster premiered in China!

Qi Lin's fans have already prepared snacks and milk tea, waiting for the movie to be released!

Bai Doudou, a well-known movie commentator!

It is now a well-known 'Qi Chuan' in the industry!

Because all Qi Lin's movies are good movies worth watching in her explanations!

Although this is true, it still makes some fans feel rebellious.

But no matter what, her fans are much more than before, and they are still growing.

Bai Doudou, wearing a mask and carrying two cups of milk tea, came to his seat after queuing up to check the tickets.

Although she has earned some money as a big V with tens of millions of fans, when the movie premieres, she still likes to come to the ordinary hall, sit among the audience, and record how many times the audience laughed, whether anyone applauded, which part Episodes with the most favorable reviews from viewers and more.

Movies are made for the audience, and the feedback given by the audience is the most accurate!
For a movie, all the critics say it is good, and they all say it is high-end, but the audience curses after watching it, it proves that the movie is a failure!

Even if that movie was regarded as a classic by the audience countless years later, he also failed in the era when the movie was screened.

Because no matter what you want to express through the film, the first point must be that the audience can see it!

Otherwise it wouldn't be called a movie, it would be called a punishment!

Bai Doudou put the milk tea away, adjusted the mask slightly, then turned to look around.

There were so many people in the screening hall that it was almost full.

After all, it's Qi Lin's movie, and it's under the name of China's world premiere, so it's normal that there are more audiences.

It didn't take long for the lights in the projection hall to dim, and the movie was officially broadcast.

As soon as the story begins, it continues the plot of the previous one.

In the last movie, the little bastard not only killed John Wick's dog, but also took his car.

And this time, John Wick is to get his car back!
Right from the beginning, the familiar feeling came back!
As soon as the owner of the car shop heard that John Wick was coming, he asked his men to pack up and prepare to run without even thinking about it.

Unexpectedly, Qi Lin had already killed him. He easily overthrew the two younger brothers and got his own car.

But just as he was about to drive away, two blind guys chased him over, and then, a big battle began!
All the old fans have smiles on their faces, it is still a familiar formula and a familiar taste!

I just like this feeling of punching to the flesh and headshots!
A group of young people are naturally no match for Qi Lin.

It didn't take long for Qi Lin to knock all of them to the ground.

When Qi Lin came to the office, the owner of the car shop was sitting in the office without moving. It wasn't that he was confident, but that he thought he was going to die!

No one can escape John Wick!

Unexpectedly, Qi Lin just got a glass of wine, slowly raised his glass and said.

"I just want my stuff back and that's the end of it."

After speaking, the wine glass in his hand moved forward slightly, and the owner of the car shop saw this, so naturally he couldn't say a word of rejection!
At this moment, he suddenly had a feeling of narrow escape!
In this way, Qi Lin returned home, buried the equipment again, and planned to live a peaceful life and be an ordinary person.

But he has already exposed himself, so how is it possible to quit.

Not long after, his friend Anthony from the past came to the door with the badge of the blood bond.

The blood contract is a form of contract in the Assassin's Association. As long as you choose to give the blood contract to the other party, it proves that you will do something for the other party unconditionally!

At this moment, Qi Lin just wanted to quit and rejected Anthony.

However, Anthony is not easy to talk to, so he directly fired a rocket and blew up Qi Lin's house.

Looking at the burning house, the anger in Qi Lin's heart became even stronger!
He decided to come back and kill Anthony himself!
He found the owner of the Continental Hotel, and the owner reiterated after listening to Qi Lin's description.

In the killer world, there are two rules that must not be violated!

Rule one, you can't kill people in the Continental Hotel!
Rule [-], absolutely cannot refuse the request of the blood contract holder, nor can you kill the blood contract holder!
As long as one of these two rules is violated, he will be hunted down by the entire killer world!

The owner of the Continental Hotel gave his own suggestion. He asked Qi Lin to complete Anthony's mission first, and then kill Anthony!That way he wouldn't be breaking the rules.

After thinking about it, Qi Lin decided to follow his suggestion.

He found Anthony and asked him what he wanted to do.

Anthony was straightforward, he wanted Qi Lin to kill his own sister, Anna!
Because only when Anna dies, can he become the sole heir of the family!

(End of this chapter)

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