Chapter 609 Story
The students all left, and Qi Lin started to cook dinner.

Bi Zimu helped him, while Sun Mingyi asked the program crew for some throat medicine. He lectured for a day, and if he didn't take some medicine, his throat would definitely be swollen tomorrow morning.

Dinner is naturally still potatoes. In fact, if there is no accident, the food of the three of them will be potatoes in the future!
Potato soup, fried potato shreds.

This is dinner for three people. Fortunately, there is still electricity in the school, so there is no need to light candles.

Under some dim light, the three of them sat at a small wooden square table. Qi Lin had a characteristic of eating, that was the fragrance!
Seeing this, the two of them, who had been tired all day and couldn't eat much, also gained some appetite.

"Qi Lin looked up at the sky while eating."

"It's been a long time since I saw so many stars."

Hearing these words, both of them were taken aback, and subconsciously raised their heads to look at the sky. When they saw the twinkling stars in the sky, they were all in a daze.

Today's urban pollution is really too serious, and layers of smog have long covered the sky.

Even Qi Lin almost forgot how long he hadn't seen so many stars.

As for the Milky Way, I have never seen it since I was a child.

Bi Zimu slowly put down the bowl and chopsticks, looked up at the sky in a daze.

"It turns out that we have been living under such a beautiful sky."

Sun Mingyi was also in a daze, he was really too busy these years.

No one knows the blood and sweat behind the so-called [Tangshi Media] rookie king.

There used to be a saying in the circle that how glamorous people are in front of people is how embarrassing they are when they are behind people. It was actually about people like him.

Since he chose this path, he has been working hard and never stopped his steps!

Walk if you can't run, crawl if you can't walk, keep going anyway!
He who has been pursuing hard forward has not stopped for a long time, looking up at the sky.

At this moment, he also felt the same emotion as Bi Zimu, it turns out that he has been living under such a beautiful sky.

Only Qi Lin looked at the distant stars while eating.

This scene is like an oil painting, starry sky, lights, old tile-roofed houses, and an oil painting composed of three handsome young men.

Qi Lin held his rice bowl and looked at the stars in the sky.

"When I was very young, my family hadn't moved to Hengdian. At that time, I liked to climb on the roof every day. Even if I was scolded, I didn't want to go home!"

"The sky at that time was the same as it is now, as pure as a painting. At that time, I didn't even want to be an actor or learn martial arts."

"At that time, I was full of thoughts about being an astronaut, going to space, and going to the moon to see if there was Chang'e!"

When Qi Lin said this, he was amused.

The other two also had smiles on their lips, and Bi Zimu crossed his legs, somewhat out of character.

"You should also know my family. My parents are busy and have no time to take care of me. I was almost brought up by my nanny. In other words, she is more like a family member to me."

"I still remember that year when I was very young, as if I hadn't even gone to kindergarten yet."

"That day I went out to play and caught a cold. At night, I had a high fever. Aunt Jing, the nanny, hugged me and ran desperately to the hospital."

"At that time, I remembered that the stars in the sky were so bright, and Aunt Jing's tears fell on my face, warm and hot. After so many years, I can still remember the scene at that time."

"She was terrified and kept calling my name and telling me to respond to her."

"The two of us arrived at the hospital just like this. The doctor said that luckily we were discovered early and sent to the hospital in time. Otherwise, I might have burned stupidly."

Hearing what he said, both Qi Lin and Sun Mingyi subconsciously glanced at him.

Did Doctor Xindao say: "Fortunately, it was delivered early, this child is not completely stupid."

After Sun Mingyi listened to the two tell their childhood stories, he hesitated for two seconds before speaking.

"My childhood was actually pretty boring, and I didn't have much time to look at the sky."

"My parents are both teachers, and my discipline is relatively strict. As long as I can remember, every day is a variety of homework."

"The ones left by the school after writing, and those left by the make-up classes, and the ones left by the parents after finishing the make-up classes."

"That didn't change until I was in high school."

"My home is some distance from high school, and it takes about half an hour to ride a bicycle."

"And that half an hour has become my happiest time, because only that half an hour belongs to me."

"I can listen to music, yell, and pedal my bike in the direction of the North Star!"

The three of them looked at each other and smiled at each other. They all felt that this heart-to-heart talk had brought the relationship between the three of them closer.

After eating, Bi Zimu took the initiative to clean up the dishes.

Sun Mingyi went to make the bed. There are two bunk beds in the room. This is where the three of them will live tonight.

Qi Lin chose the lower berth without hesitation. Bi Zimu felt that Sun Mingyi had worked hard today, so he gave him the other lower berth, and he himself climbed up to the upper berth.

Several people have been running around for a long time, and they should be able to fall asleep soon.

But suddenly the environment changed, and both Bi Zimu and Sun Mingyi couldn't sleep.

And the surrounding environment, it is definitely not a problem to say that it is bad!
Qi Lin was fine. It didn't take him even a minute to lie on the bed before he started breathing evenly.

After some time, Bi Zimu turned around and asked.

"Old Sun, are you asleep?"

"Not yet, I've been in the car for too long, and now when I lie on the bed, I feel like the bed board is moving forward like a train."

Bi Zimu couldn't help smiling when he heard the words, and then said.

"Old Sun, I only now know how great those who are supporting teachers in mountain villages are. The conditions are really difficult!"

Sun Mingyi was silent for two seconds before speaking slowly.

"Actually, being a teacher in a mountain village is not just about difficult conditions."

"I once heard a story about a female college student who had just graduated and came to a mountain village with all her enthusiasm to teach, but when she returned to her room at night, she found two old bachelors in the village lying under her bed."

"She was so scared that she ran back to the city overnight. When she arrived in the county, she lost her shoes and the soles of her feet were rotten."

"There is also a male college student who went to a mountain village as a teaching teacher just after graduation."

"In that mountainous area, girls were not allowed to study, and because he taught a little girl to write her own name, the villagers drugged the water and made him a mute."

Hearing Sun Mingyi's story, Bi Zimu felt his whole body go numb, as if countless pairs of eyes were staring at him in the darkness!
(End of this chapter)

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