Chapter 84

Actors are faced with two choices at a certain stage.

More than ten years ago, these two choices were called idol school and acting school!
Now it's called traffic, drama bone!

These are two completely different options, and are also difficult to be compatible with.

The former is quick to make money, and in three to five years, you can earn money that others can't earn in a few lifetimes.

Then, no one cares.

After all, those who use color to serve people, color decline and love relaxation.

What Huaxia lacks the most is good-looking people. Now that you are good-looking, everything you say is right, but after a few years, there will be a batch of better-looking people?Who was looking at you then?
Maybe after 20 or [-] years, the group of children who saw their works grow up, and they will be crowned as old-timers, and they will be re-fried, but how many people will know them at that time?
It is slow for the actors to make money, and they need to move forward one step at a time.

But even after more than ten years, decades have passed, when they mention their works, the audience can still remember them.

And Qi Lin, right now, is just at the stage of such a choice!
But there was no hesitation in his heart at all, he had only one goal, to reach the top!

Besides, Qi Lin could still tell the difference between a full meal and a full meal.

On September 2, the crew of "Sword Rain" officially started! "Slaying the Wolf [-]" is officially released!
This is destined to be an unusual day for Qi Lin. Early in the morning, all the cast and crew came to the crew to participate in the opening ceremony.

Qi Lin and Wang Xiaohua also finally saw the old man You were longing for. The old man always had a smile on his face. He couldn't help but get close at first sight. The old man was not impatient when everyone wanted to sign autographs. He gave everyone a smile. All signed one.

However, everyone also understands the matter, knowing that the old man's health is not very good, and they do not dare to bother too much.

"All departments are ready! Countdown to three seconds to start up!"





As director Wu Sen's voice fell, the cameraman's camera quickly advanced.

In the first scene of the filming, Zeng Jing sent Rama's body back to the temple and had a conversation with the abbot Jian Chi.

The camera slid smoothly in front of the old man, who was lying on the bench, gently stroking the beads in his hand, with a peaceful demeanor.

"When Lu Zhu was six years old, he listened to the Diamond Sutra from my side."

"When he was ten years old, he went to Shaolin to practice Buddhism and martial arts on behalf of Fa. He lived there for 27 years."

"The young monks all promised him that he has been in Shaolin for 40 years, and he is the number one in Buddhism and martial arts."

Qi Lin sat on the ponytail behind the director, staring at the monitor without blinking.

There is such a great god in front of you and you don't hurry up and study, isn't that two fools?

If allowed, he would like to stand next to the old man and follow along!

Not to mention, this line skill alone is enough for him to study for a while!
It's just that he didn't pay attention to the aggrieved expression of the reporter on the side. Big brother, this position is mine!

"Master, why did he say before his death that the Zen machine has come?"

Zeng Jing spoke slowly, her Mandarin was not standard, but her emotions were just right.

Playing Zeng Jing is Xiangjiang female artist Yang Qiong!
One of the best female stars in the circle, Long Ge and Hong Bao are her old partners.

It's just that he is already old, and playing a screen couple with Qi Lin not only has high requirements on the acting skills of both parties, but also on the techniques of makeup artists!
Hearing her question, Master Jian Chi paused slightly before speaking.

"Buddha pointed out that the world pays attention to chance. Once the Zen machine passes, the predestination will be gone."

"And the Zen machine hasn't arrived yet, even if it hits the spot, it doesn't hit."

Qi Lin outside the field listened very carefully, and even subconsciously began to imitate silently.

The foundation of this line, not everyone can do it!
It's just the mood that people read, you don't even think about it without that background!

"Then, what does it mean that I would like to become a stone bridge for 500 years and be exposed to wind and rain?"

Zeng Jing turned his head and asked the master again.

Seeing Master Chi Chi smiled, his whole body became more peaceful.

"Buddha's disciple Ananda saw a girl on the road before he became a monk"

"From then on I love it"

"The Buddha asked him how much you like that girl"

"Ananda replied, I would like to be transformed into a stone bridge and be exposed to the wind for 500 years, the sun for 500 years, and the rain for 500 years, but I hope this girl can walk on the bridge."

The old man's words were unpleasant, but the words sounded in his ears and into his heart.

After talking about Shiqiao, Master Jian Chi smiled and looked at Zeng Jing.

"Then he treats you very well, go on with it, come here when you are not in your heart"

This is a long shot, Qi Lin's scalp is numb, and the sense of substitution is full!
He put himself in the role of Zeng Jing, and then put himself in the role of Jianchi Abbot, and began to think about what effect it would be if he played it himself, but no matter how much he tried, it seemed to be a little off.

"Card! Very good! This one is over! The two teachers have worked hard, prepare, and shoot the next one immediately!"

Director Wu Sen's voice sounded, interrupting Qi Lin's reverie.

The make-up artist and field assistant on the side were hurriedly surrounding them, retouching their makeup, and asking for help.

Qi Lin swallowed and stood up slowly, his eyes full of fighting intent.

Play chess with the stinky chess basket, the more you play, the more stinky you get!

If you want to make progress, you can only get stronger when you are strong!
This "Sword Rain" is the best chance to sharpen his acting skills!

"Come! All departments prepare!"

Director Wu Sen picked up the loudspeaker and shouted, and Chang Ji hurriedly picked up the scene board and ran to the camera.

In this episode, Zeng Jing fell in love with Jiang Asheng, who is honest and responsible, but she felt ashamed of Lu Zhu, and also felt that an executioner like herself was not worthy of love. She was in a mess, so she came again See the mad master.

"Three! Two! One! Start!"

After the field recorder hit the board, he quickly retreated. Zeng Jing's knees softened and he fell to the ground.

"Please tell me that I can still have this blessing"

"Please tell me, can life be all over again?"

Zeng Jing's face was full of pain. She knew that she had fallen in love with Jiang Asheng, but she still couldn't get out of Lu Zhu's death.

She didn't dare to accept Jiang Asheng's love, she felt that it was a betrayal of Lu Zhu!
At this time, Abbot Jian Chi picked up the ruler on the side, kicked the bamboo stool in front of him, and the ruler hit Zeng Jing on the back!

"Go! The dead open their eyes to the living!"

At this moment, Master Jianchi's face was full of compassion and anger.

Qi Lin and the director both stared at the screen, their faces full of admiration for the old man's acting skills.

Wei Shaofeng was standing behind the two of them, paddling his feet, and craned his neck to look at the screen.

The poor field recorder squatted aside, holding a small stick and drawing circles, mumbling words.

"Buying vegetables must be doubled! Super doubled! There is no seasoning package for instant noodles."

The old man's tone gradually increased, as if he wanted to wake her up!
"The heart is unattainable in the past!"

"It's unbelievable now!"

"The future is unattainable!"

"The future has become the present, the present has become the past, go with your heart"

These few words almost used up the old man's strength. He shook his head and sighed, putting away the ruler.

"Look, can I get it?"

(End of this chapter)

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