Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 301 This little uncle is really unlucky

Chapter 301 This little uncle is really unlucky
An Yue and his wife were listening at the door. They looked at each other with smiles in their eyes.

Su Qingsheng leaned close to An Yue's ear and said, "I'm also afraid of my wife."

An Yue blushed and glared at him. This old couple is old, so she is not ashamed.

The system told Zhao Jingyi that Su Qingsheng and his wife were at the door.

The old man had no choice but to say, "Girl, it's not fear of a daughter-in-law, it's love."

Zhao Jingyi was very helpless, she just ate the dog food of her cousin and niece and hadn't digested it yet, and now she is eating the old man's food again, what happened tonight.

It's too difficult for her, but the old man is not so sad. He has achieved his goal, and it's okay to eat to death.

It's just that what surprised her was that the old man said this to herself.

"I don't understand."

The old man looked at her lovingly and said, "You will understand in the future, you are still young, so don't worry so much."

Zhao Jing nodded: "Yes."

At this time, An Yue and Su Qingsheng knocked on the door, opened the door and walked in. Su Qingsheng was holding a cup filled with honey water.

Go over and hand the honey water to the old man: "Dad, honey water, drink some."

Zhao Jing said, "Drinking this can relieve your headache. Although it can't cure the hangover, it will make you feel better."

The old man was helpless, he didn't like sweets, but he couldn't care less about his niece and son and daughter-in-law, so he took it over: "Okay, listen to you."

Seeing that the old man drank, Zhao Jing held the old man's hand and said seriously.

"Drink it, then rest. Uncle, you just need to remember, you and all of us, we are all worried about you, and my aunt in the spirit of heaven doesn't want you to be sad for her all the time."

The old man's heart warmed up, his eyes were moist, he looked at her and smiled and patted the back of her hand and said: "I know, don't worry, uncle is not so fragile, don't worry, uncle hasn't taken good care of you yet, and hasn't waited for you to get married , I haven't given you a backer yet, how can I be willing to let myself have something to do."

Zhao Jing blushed a little bit with disappointment, no matter how thick-skinned she was, she couldn't bear to be brought up this topic all the time, and her tone was a bit shy: "Uncle, I'm still young, besides, I still have to take the exam. What about university?"

The old man laughed loudly, and it was obvious in his tone that he was happy from the bottom of his heart: "Okay, okay, I'm still young, wait until you get into college, and then live at home, and uncle will send you to school every day."

Zhao Jing wanted to say that she would be fine if she lived in school, but she was interrupted by the old man before she finished speaking: "It's too hard..."

The old man waved his hand and said, "If you don't work hard, how can you work hard? You just listen to uncle on this matter."

An Yue followed suit, with worry and disapproval on her gentle face: "Your uncle is right, living at school is not as convenient as living at home, besides, what if you are bullied at school, and you are not in good health? Well, I can't live in the school."

Su Qingsheng's words directly hit Zhao Jingyi's weakness: "That's right, you can't live here, are you willing to let your uncle and cousin worry about you every day?"

Zhao Jing was stunned, she didn't just live in a school, but it was as if she was going to do something dangerous.

Fearing that she would not let go, An Yue's eyes were flushed with anxiety, and she looked at her tenderly and worriedly: "Yi Yi, it's really not possible to live on campus, how nice it is to live at home, we can take good care of you, okay? it is good."

Zhao Jingyi was most afraid of this kind of thing. She was a soft-hearted person, and she almost cried when she saw An Yue, so she immediately said, "Okay, sister-in-law, don't worry, I haven't left tomorrow."

An Yue looked at her with gentle eyes, and the love in her eyes almost overflowed: "Although I said so, do you know how worried my sister-in-law is?"

Zhao Jing held her hand and leaned her head on her shoulder: "I know, I don't live in school, I live at home."

Su Qingsheng and Mr. Su looked at each other, and both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

They were just worried that Zhao Jing would not agree, and they dared not force her.

Fortunately, I finally let go.

Ji family.

Mr. Ji was carried home by his two sons, Ji Xian and Ji Mu.Just at this time, Ji Minghua, Lin Qing and Ji Mingxuan hadn't rested yet.

I saw it, and went to help immediately.

Ji Mingxuan didn't go forward because of his hand injury, and it was the first time they saw the old man drunk like this.

Aumanman was resting at first, but when he heard the movement, he got up and came out immediately.

Seeing that the old man had fallen asleep drunk, he said worriedly: "Why is Dad so drunk, why don't you two stop him."

Ji Xian said helplessly: "We also want to, but it's useless."

They persuaded them, but the old man gave them a hard time.

Aumanman sighed and said, "I'll make hangover soup, and you two will pour some into it for Dad later, and you two will drink some too."

Ji Xian and Ji Mu nodded: "Yes."

As soon as Aumanman went downstairs and entered the kitchen, Lan Jin came back from the outside.

Lan Jin, Jimu's daughter-in-law, is usually very busy and rarely sees her.

Lin Qing and Ji Mingxuan shouted, "Second Aunt."

Lan Jin nodded: "Xiao Wu, how is the injury on your hand?"

Ji Mingxuan said with a light smile, "It's much better."

Lan Jin nodded and asked, "That's good. Where are your second uncle and your grandfather?"

Lin Qing replied: "Upstairs, in Grandpa's room."

Lan Jin hummed and went upstairs.

Lin Qing asked: "Xiao Wu, you really don't plan to go back to the laboratory?"

Ji Mingxuan said flatly: "The research lab is too busy."

Lin Qing was helpless, there was nothing she could do, but if he didn't go, wouldn't it be a waste of all his abilities.

A person who is obviously so talented, but gave up.

She knew his temper, and since he had already said that, she didn't ask any more questions, and changed the subject and asked, "When are you going to tell this little girl?"

Ji Mingxuan originally planned to talk to Zhao Jingyi at a suitable time when he had the opportunity to see her tonight, but he didn't expect to bump into Hua Zhinan and Su Jingjiao just outside the gate of Su's house and they were forced to Ate a bucket of dog food.

I couldn't get in, and I didn't have a chance to say to her, "Just a few days."

Lin Qing nodded, but she was curious why she didn't say it when she was in Zhaojia Village, and said when she came back: "Well, but you are in the same house as her, why didn't you seize the opportunity to confess your love there?"

Ji Mingxuan also thought about it, but he didn't have a chance: "Jingyang and Uncle Su's two daughters were here, and Uncle Su also went there later."

Lin Qing didn't know what to say for a while, this little uncle was really unlucky: "This is a problem."

Speaking of confession, Lin Qing had never met Zhao Jingyi, and she didn't know what happened to the two of them, so she asked with some doubts, "Are you sure you will succeed?"

Ji Mingxuan was stunned by this question. He didn't know what to do, but he always wanted to try.

Replied softly: "No."

Lin Qing thought she heard it wrong: "No?"

Ji Mingxuan: "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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