Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 307 Zhao Huaiguo: Is he his own?

Chapter 307 Zhao Huaiguo: Is he his own?

Zhao Family Village.

Su Jingyan's foot injury has almost healed, and she can go to work, but she can't do heavy work, so the team leader arranged for her a relatively easy job.

Drying corn with three girls, Zhao Xiaozhen and Zhao Suhua, in the drying yard.

This drying yard is very large, and there are many things to dry, so the three of them watched it together.

At noon, everyone got off work and went home for dinner.

Zhao Xiaozhen looked at the two of them and said: "Sister Yan, your feet are not healed yet, you and sister Suhua should go back, my brother will bring me food later, I'll just stay here."

Su Jingyan didn't refuse either, and nodded: "Alright then, we'll come over after lunch to replace you."

Zhao Suhua said less, nodded: "Yeah."

Zhao Xiaozhen nodded: "Okay."

Su Jingyan and Zhao Suhua took their things and went home separately.

brigade department.

The captain was just about to lock the door and go home for lunch when suddenly the phone rang.

The captain wondered who would call back at this time.

Put it on the lock, reopen the door, go in and pick up the phone: "Hello."

The older son's naive voice sounded from the other end of the phone: "Hi, Dad, it's me."

The captain hadn't heard the elder son's voice for half a month, but when he heard it now, his serious face softened: "Daguo? When will you and your grandparents come back?"

Zhao Huaiguo has gotten used to it, and this is the first thing his parents ask every time they call: "I don't know yet, I'll go back tonight and ask my grandparents."

The captain hummed and asked, "Well, what's the matter with you calling back?"

The corner of Zhao Huaiguo's mouth twitched: "Father, I just finished my work, so I'll call and ask."

The captain looked at the time and said, "Oh, we are fine at home, is there anything else?"

Zhao Huaiguo felt cold in his heart: "There's nothing wrong."

The team leader heard that he was fine, so he said, "That's it, I'm going home for dinner."

Then hang up...

In the Jun district, Zhao Huaiguo looked at the hung up phone with doubts about his life.

Is he his own?

The captain didn't know Zhao Huaiguo's thoughts, and now he was locking the door and walking home.

Passing by the drying yard, I saw a familiar figure sitting under a tree root, walked over and asked, "Did the two of them go back?"

Zhao Xiaozhen nodded: "Well, Dad, remember to ask the second brother to bring me food and water later, I'm almost done drinking."

The team leader nodded, and said worriedly: "Cheng, the sun is very bright now, be careful, don't suffer from heat stroke."

Zhao Xiaozhen smiled: "I know."

The captain said, "Then I'll go back first."

Zhao Xiaozhen nodded: "OK"

The team leader took a look at the drying yard, then walked home.

The hot breath, even the breeze that blows from time to time is hot.

Zhao Xiaozhen sat under the root of a big tree with a straw hat and fanned the wind.

I haven't seen her for several days, and Zhao Xiaozhen's mood improved a lot when that annoying guy came to their house.

Zhao Jing's family.

Not long after Su Jingyu came home, she saw Su Jingyan coming back: "Sister, you are back."

Su Jingyan walked to the door of the kitchen, washed her hands in the wooden basin next to the water tank, and said, "Well, wash your hands and eat."

Su Jingyu nodded, came out of the kitchen and asked, "Okay, sister, how are you feeling today, do your feet hurt?"

Su Jingyan smiled and said, "It's okay, don't worry."

Su Jingyu frowned, but luckily it was still hurting, and said worriedly, "I'll apply the medicine for you later."

Su Jingyan raised a gentle smile on her face and said, "Okay, my little sister is more sensible than before."

Su Jingxi blushed, and said awkwardly: "I have always been sensible."

Su Jingyan laughed and said, "Okay, I've always been sensible."

I don't know who this awkwardness looks like.

After coming here, my younger sister is not so squeamish, and is much more sensible than before. If my parents know, they will be very happy.

Two in the afternoon.

Zhao Huaiguo, Su Jingfeng, Su Jingshen, and Hua Zhinan came back from outside.

Su Jingshen and Su Jingfeng shouted, "Grandpa, little cousin."

Zhao Jingyi and the old man nodded.

Hua Zhinan also called out, "Grandpa Su, little cousin."

The old man nodded, and Zhao Jing nodded with a smile on Hua Zhinan's eyes.

As soon as Zhao Huaiguo came in and saw Zhao Jing, he would call her first: "Grandma and aunt."

Zhao Jing looked at him with a smile on her face: "I'm back."

"En." Zhao Huaiguo nodded, and then looked at the old man: "Old Su."

The old man nodded, looked at him and said, "I have something to tell you."

Zhao Huaiguo was puzzled: "Tell me."

The old man looked at him seriously and said: "Your grandparents are going to a place tomorrow, and you will follow her when the time comes, and you must protect her."

Zhao Huaiguo didn't ask where Zhao Jingyi was going, just nodded and said seriously: "Understood, even if you don't tell me, old man, I will."

The old man looked at him: "I know, but I still want to remind you."

Su Jingfeng and Su Jingshen were confused and asked, "Grandpa, where is little cousin going? We can also go there to protect her."

The old man said flatly, "You can't go."

Su Jingfeng and Su Jingshen didn't understand what kind of place they couldn't go to: "Why?"

Zhao Jing smiled and said, "Because your surname is not Zhao, and you don't have the blood of the Zhao family."

Su Jingshen: "..."

Su Jingfeng: "..."

What is this regulation?Then Zhao Huaiguo has it?
Su Jingfeng wanted to ask, but suddenly remembered that if Zhao Jing had one, he must have one too.

I was silent, how could I suddenly have such a stupid idea.

Su Jingfeng did not give up and asked, "Must it be like this?"

Zhao Jing nodded: "Yes."

The old man said worriedly: "Zhao Huaiguo doesn't even know if he can go, they just say they want your little cousin to go."

Zhao Jing smiled, and the old man really coincided with her: "Yes, I told them when I sent them out in the morning."

The old man was stunned for a moment, he was still worried: "They agree?"

Zhao Jing nodded, and said reassuringly, "Well, Daguo is also from the Zhao family, he can follow, uncle, you don't have to worry, everything will be fine."

The old man breathed a sigh of relief, and the sadness on his face was no longer so deep: "That's good, that's good, I'm relieved to have him following you."

Zhao Huaiguo was in a daze the whole time, why couldn't he understand what they were saying?

He wasn't the only one who couldn't understand, there were also Hua Zhinan and Qi Ci.

Zhao Huaiguo asked confusedly, "Is it dangerous?"

Zhao Jing was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook her head: "It's not dangerous."

After Zhao Huaiguo asked, he actually regretted it. He was not afraid, but he was afraid that if it was too dangerous, he would not be able to protect Zhao Jingyi.

Su Jingfeng patted him on the shoulder and said, "We understand what you mean, so don't feel embarrassed."

Zhao Huaiguo scratched his head and nodded, feeling relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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