Chapter 328 Mr. Gu Visits ([-])
Elder Ji smiled maliciously, and said, "Girl Yiyi, Grandpa Ji wants to ask you something."

Zhao Jingyi was a little puzzled: "Mr. Ji, please ask."

Mr. Su had a bad feeling in his heart, and looked at Mr. Ji warningly.

Mr. Ji ignored it directly, and asked with a smile: "What do you think of my Xiaowu?"

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Old Man Su couldn't bear it any longer, but Zhao Jing sat beside him and gritted her teeth: "Old Man Ji."

Zhao Jing froze for a moment, her ears became hotter, and her face was slightly pink.

Ji Mingxuan didn't see anything on the surface, but he was really nervous, but he also looked forward to Zhao Jing's answer.

At the same time, he didn't expect his grandfather to ask this question.

Old Mo almost didn't laugh out loud, this old man Ji is really shameless.

But I'm also curious how the girl will respond.

Zhao Jingyi tried to calm herself down and said, "It's pretty good."

Mr. Ji smiled, a little happy in his heart, it seems that there is still hope.

"for example."

Ji Mingxuan said, "Grandpa."

Mr. Ji was a little unhappy: brat, I'm helping you.

Ji Mingxuan is very calm: I can do it myself.

Old man Ji almost died of anger, and almost couldn't resist giving him a stick.

You can, you can, you can, you can catch people.

He also needs to worry about his old bones.

Zhao Jing smiled and said, "Everything is fine."

Mr. Ji laughed, which is true, but the only bad thing is that he doesn't know how to chase his wife.

Mr. Ji has already felt it, and Mr. Su is about to explode.

I didn't ask any more, after all, if the old man really got angry, he would be a little scared.

Zhao Huaiguo looked at Ji Mingxuan with vigilance in his eyes, he knew that Ji Mingxuan was uneasy and kind.

Sure enough, he missed his grandparents and even asked his grandpa to help.

It's just too scheming, grandpa and aunt are too simple, if she is really with him, she will be bullied to death by him.

This kind of thing must not happen, but fortunately, Mr. Su and the others disagree.

He definitely can't do anything like this, but he must keep his grandparents away from him in the future.

Ji Mingxuan felt Zhao Huaiguo's gaze, but he didn't take him seriously.

At this time, an unexpected visitor came outside the door.

Mr. Gu came uninvited with his sons: "Lao Su, Lao Ji, long time no see."

Walking in and seeing Mo Lao, he said in surprise, "Old Mo, you are here too."

Grandpa Su's complexion and that of Ji's sank at the same time.

Gu Jin and his two younger brothers, Gu Heng and Gu Min, called out to Mr. Su, "Mr. Su, Mr. Ji, Mr. Mo."

You don't have to give face to the old ones, but the young ones are right, Mr. Su and Mr. Ji nodded.

Ji Mingxuan stood up and called out: "Old Gu, Second Uncle Gu, Third Uncle Gu, Fourth Uncle Gu."

The three of Gu Jin nodded.

Mr. Gu looked at Ji Mingxuan with a smile on his face: "Xiao Xuan?"

Ji Mingxuan nodded: "It's me, Mr. Gu."

It was only then that Zhao Jing realized that the person in front of her was Gu Beichuan's grandfather, that stupid old man who was confused and wanted a child who was not a good grandson but wanted a junior.

Seriously looked at the old man in front of him, he looked similar to Mr. Su, but no matter how he looked at it, he didn't look like a muddleheaded person, why did he do stupid things?
Next to him are the second uncle, third uncle, and fourth uncle that Gu Beichuan respects the most. These three people are really kind to Gu Beichuan.

He also treats Gu Beichuan as his own child.

Old man Gu's sons are all so smart, how did they give birth to that brainless Gu Feng?

Mr. Su looked at Mr. Gu, and said flatly, "A rare visitor, why does Mr. Gu come to me when he is free?"

A trace of helplessness flashed in Mr. Gu's eyes, he smiled and said, "Old Su, when did we become so strangers?"

Mr. Su said indifferently: "I dare not be that."

Mr. Gu sighed and said, "Old Su, I know you blame me, but you also know that I am also very embarrassed."

Mr. Su wanted to know about their family's affairs, and he didn't want to take care of them, let alone participate: "That's your business, it has nothing to do with me."

Mr. Gu wanted to be strong all his life, but he couldn't be strong when it came to his brothers. He sighed heavily and said, "Go to your study and talk. We can talk about everything. Don't have such an attitude, it makes me very upset." Habit."

When Zhao Jing heard Mr. Gu's words, it seemed that there was something hidden behind the whole incident.

Mr. Su didn't speak, but took a look at Mr. Mo and Mr. Ji.

The two nodded.

They wanted to see what old man Gu had to say.

Old Master Su looked at Zhao Jingyi and said lovingly, "Yiyi, if you are tired, go back to your room and have a rest."

Zhao Jing nodded: "Okay, Uncle, go get busy."

Mr. Su is worried that Zhao Jingyi and Ji Mingxuan will stay here alone.

As for Gu Jin and the others, they didn't know the situation, so it didn't count.

If there is another assist and coaxes his niece around, it will be over by then.

After the explanation, I still felt uneasy, looked at Zhao Huaiguo and said, "Daguo, go to the kitchen and help me call Qing Sheng out, then say that the second uncle of the Gu family is here, and let him come out to entertain."

Zhao Huaiguo nodded, stood up and went to the kitchen.

Mr. Su gave Ji Mingxuan a warning look, then smiled and said to Zhao Jingyi: "Uncle, go take care of some things. When you're tired, go back to your room and rest."

Zhao Jingyi pretended not to see it, and nodded, "Okay."

Grandpa Su smiled kindly for a second, but when he turned around, the smile disappeared.

Walking upstairs, Ji Lao and the others followed.

Only Zhao Jingyi, Ji Mingxuan and Gu Jin were left.

As soon as Zhao Jing was going to pour water for them, she saw Zhao Huaiguo and Su Qingsheng coming out.

Zhao Jing smiled and called, "Big Cousin."

Su Qingsheng smiled immediately, and asked gently: "Yi Yi is back, are you hungry?"

Zhao Jing shook her head: "Not yet."

The three Gu Jin brothers shouted, "Brother Sheng."

Su Qingsheng's relationship with them is quite good, so his attitude is naturally better: "Well, you are here, sit down and drink water."

Ji Mingxuan stood up and called, "Uncle Su."

When he arrived at Ji Mingxuan's place, his attitude became a little colder, and he hummed lightly.

Ji Mingxuan didn't mind either, ever since they knew they liked Zhao Jingyi, there was nothing wrong with him.

Zhao Jing felt very embarrassed as soon as she was sitting just opposite to Ji Mingxuan.

And Ji Mingxuan kept looking at him.

Su Qingsheng had a faint smile on his face, but there was no smile in his eyes: "Xiaoxuan, it's not good to look at an elder so bluntly."

Ji Mingxuan looked directly at him and said, "Uncle Su, one by one is not an elder."

Su Qingsheng is not an old man, he is best at reasoning: "Oh, is that right, my cousin is of the same generation as me, you are of the same generation as Jingyang, what do you call me?"

(End of this chapter)

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