Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 347 Aumanman: If you can't catch up with your daughter-in-law, you'll have another

Chapter 347 Aumanman: If you can't catch up with your daughter-in-law, don't come back

The system reassured: "The host doesn't have to worry, the old man is in good health, especially after you have given them diluted medicinal spring water. Their health has improved a lot, so the host doesn't need to worry."

Zhao Jing nodded, as long as there are no accidents, the old man will be fine.

Although the old man didn't know what she was thinking: "Don't take care of things by yourself."

Zhao Jing hummed and said, "It's nothing serious, but I'm going back in a few days."

The old man paused, looked up at her: "Are you going back?"

Zhao Jing nodded. She originally thought about it for two days before saying it, but after thinking about it, it was almost the same, and she postponed going back for two days at most.

Simply say it now.

"Well, I've been out for more than a month, so I should go back."

In fact, the old man had a psychology in his heart and knew that there would be a day, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

"Isn't it good to go back after the New Year?"

Zhao Jing was slightly taken aback, she was going back for the Chinese New Year, it was almost October now, and there were still a few months before the Chinese New Year.

Seeing the anticipation in the old man's eyes, Zhao Jingyi still shook her head ruthlessly: "Next time."

The old man was a little disappointed, he sighed and asked, "Then when do you plan to go back?"

Zhao Jing thought for a while and said, "The day after tomorrow."

The old man still has no way to leave the capital for the time being, even though he felt very reluctant, he still nodded: "Okay, I will let your cousin buy tickets for you."

This day would come sooner or later, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

Zhao Jing couldn't bear the old man's sadness, so she went to sit next to the old man, hugged his arm and said, "Uncle, I will come back to see you."

The old man knew it, but he just couldn't bear it, and clapped the terrifying Zhao Jingyi's hand: "Uncle just doesn't want to bear you."

Zhao Jingyi is also reluctant, but she has been out for long enough: "I also hate uncle, but I really want to go back."

The old man understood: "Uncle knows."

Zhao Jing hummed.

The system didn't understand: "Host, why did you say that suddenly?"

Zhao Jingyi said softly, "It doesn't matter if you say it sooner or later, you know it early and you are prepared."

I almost forgot that there was one more thing I didn't tell the old man, and it was also what he was most worried about.

"By the way, Cousin Yun's injury, I've already found him an ointment to remove the scar, and it will be removed after a week or so of application."

The old man quickly thought of something and asked, "Where did you get it from the Zhao family?"

Zhao Jing nodded: "Well, so does Cousin Yun's throat medicine."

The old man's first reaction was not happiness, but worry: "Did they put forward any conditions to make things difficult for you?"

Zhao Jing shook her head: "No, they will give it to me if I ask."

He was also afraid that the old man would think wildly, so he pretended to say quietly: "They still want me to be the patriarch, but I refused."

The old man: "..." This news is a bit big, he needs to take it easy.

Zhao Jingyi didn't intend to hide it from the old man, anyway, he basically knew everything.

The old man was still a little worried and asked: "Then they didn't say anything?"

Zhao Jing thought for a while, then shook her head: "No."

It’s fine if you don’t have one, although you are puzzled, but judging by Zhao Jingyi’s appearance, you probably don’t know much about it, so you didn’t ask further: “It’s fine if you don’t have one.”

Zhao Jing nods, no matter what they think, anyway, she just wants to go to school and learn something later, if she doesn't know how to ask the system, then let the village develop.

Let the people in the village live a better life.

Then he retired and lay his body at home.

Live the life she wants to live.

Su Qingyun rested upstairs, and Su Jingyu accompanied him in the room.

Zhao Jingyi chatted with the old man downstairs and sat for the whole afternoon.

When the others came back and cooked, the old man told Zhao Jingyi about going back.

Everyone's reaction was reluctance and persuasion, wanting her to go back after the new year, or not to go back at all.

Zhao Jing tried to persuade them by talking nonsense.

Su Qingyun didn't speak the whole time.

Like the old man, he had already guessed in his heart.

He's recovering pretty well now, and when he's all right, he can still go to Zhao's Village, and at that time, he'll take the old man along with him.

What's more, he knows that Zhao Jingyi is not a person who likes to rely on others.

She knows what she does and what decisions she makes.

Everyone asked to keep Zhao Jingyi, but Su Qingyun didn't. Qi Yuehua looked at him and asked, "Fifth Brother, do you want to persuade Yiyi again?"

Su Qingyun took a sip of the soup, looked up at them and said, "I respect her decision."

Everyone was silent.

As soon as Zhao Jing looked at him, she always knew that no matter what decision she made, he would always be the first to support her.

After that, everyone lost their appetite for dinner.

After eating and packing up, the family sat on the sofa and talked.

It didn't end until after nine o'clock, when the old man saw that it was getting late and said to rest.

As soon as Zhao Jing returned to the room and washed up, she turned off the lights and lay down on the bed to rest.

Ji family.

Aumanman frowned.Looking at Ji Mingxuan disapprovingly: "You still want to go to Ning City?"

Ji Mingxuan nodded, he knew his mother didn't want him to go, but he didn't want to be separated from her: "Well, she's going back, it's just a matter of a few days."

Usually the eldest son is busy and is not around, and there is still the younger son. Later, she had no choice but to go to the countryside. She came back and stayed for two or three years, then left again. After a few months, she finally saw her son again.

Although usually he dislikes him very much, but when it comes time to part, Aumanman will still be very reluctant.

Even though he knew he would not agree, he couldn't help but persuade him: "Xiao Wu, stay in Beijing and work hard, okay?"

Ji Mingxuan looked at her and said solemnly: "Mom, if you stay in Beijing, you won't be able to catch up with your wife."

Aumanman: "..."

Son and daughter-in-law, you can only choose one.

Aumanman decisively chose his daughter-in-law, the reluctance on his face disappeared instantly, and he asked, "When will I leave?"

Ji Mingxuan slightly raised his eyebrows and shook his head: "I don't know yet, but it should only be for a few days."

Aumanman gave him a disgusted look: "Go ask tomorrow, if you can't catch up with your daughter-in-law, don't come back."

Ji Mingxuan: "..." You were not like this just now.

After speaking, Aumanman went upstairs.

The corner of Ji Mingxuan's mouth twitched, and he looked at his elder brother Ji Minghua.

Ji Minghua held back a smile and said seriously: "Mom is right, if you can't catch up with your future siblings, don't come back."

After speaking, I went upstairs.

Ji Mingxuan: "..." Having a wife is great, and he will soon.

I think so, but I still have no idea in my heart, and I have some hesitation in my heart, it should be soon.

They weren't with Mr. Ji, so Mr. Ji didn't know that Ji Mingxuan was planning to return to Zhaojia Village with Zhao Jing.

Ji Mingxuan still prefers to stay in Zhaojia Village, because he can see Zhao Jingyi every day.

I can also take care of Zhao Jingyi personally, although there may be too many light bulbs.

(End of this chapter)

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