Chapter 352 Returning to the Village
The car drove into the mountain road, surrounded by mountains, and there was no village in sight.

Until ten minutes later.

Still can't see the village, Zhao Qingling was puzzled.

Just as she was about to ask, she heard Zhao Jingyi say, "Here we are."

Zhao Qingling was even more puzzled, he didn't see the village here: "?"

In the next second, the car slowly stopped at the edge of an intersection.

Zhao Jing pushed open the car door and said, "Get out of the car, we're here."

Zhao Qingling opened the car door with doubts, and got out of the car with her things.

The young man who was driving also got out of the car, Zhao Jing nodded with a smile, and said politely, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

The man blushed and whispered, "It should."

Go to the back of the car, open the trunk and help them get their stuff out.

Ji Mingxuan said to them: "Thank you for your hard work, you go back first, it's getting late, next time I'll treat you to dinner."

The three nodded: "Okay, then let's go back first."

Ji Mingxuan patted their shoulders and said, "Well, be careful on the road."

The three hummed, got in the car and drove away.

Seeing the three cars leaving without a trace, Zhao Jingyi said, "Let's go back too."


A few people walked forward carrying their things. When Zhao Qingling saw the entrance of the village, she understood why she couldn't see the village all the way. It turned out that the village was all inside.

It was almost five o'clock when we arrived at the entrance of the village.

This is also the time for them to get off work.

Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingling walked in only to realize that the village is really big, although it is said that they are all earthen houses, but at a glance, they are densely packed with earthen houses.

Zhao Jing looked at the two of them with a smile: "Scared?"

Zhao Qingling said seriously: "I'm surprised."

Zhao Jing raised a smile at the corner of her mouth and said, "Go back first, put your things away, and then I'll take you to meet the captain, and I'm talking about the next thing, you can see."

The three of Zhao Qingyan nodded: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Most of the things belonged to Zhao Jingyi and the others, so Zhao Huaiguo followed them directly to Zhao Jingyi's house.

The system felt Zhao Jingyi's happy mood, and he was also happy: "Is the host comfortable when he comes back?"

Zhao Jing nodded, and the feeling of going home is different: "Yes, it's still comfortable to be back."

System: "There is no one at home."

Zhao Jing nodded, Su Jingyan's feet should be almost healed: "They should be back soon, right?"

System: "Yes, host."

Soon, they arrived at the door of the house.

Zhao Jing took out the key and opened the door.

Zhao Qingling, Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingming looked at the yard curiously.

Zhao Qingling looked at the clothes hanging in the yard, and asked: "Is there anyone living with you here?"

Zhao Jing put something on the table, heard Zhao Qingling's nod and said: "Well, the three juniors of the Su family."

Zhao Qingling and Zhao Qingyan were a little puzzled, why did the younger generation of the Su family come here?

As soon as Zhao Jing saw the doubt in their eyes, she said, "Jingyang works in the town, and the two sisters Jingyu and Jingyan went to the countryside as educated youths, and they will be back from work soon."

That's the way it is, but Mr. Su's calculations are pretty good, and his grandson and granddaughter are all thrown over.

As soon as Zhao Jing looked at the three of them, she suddenly remembered that there was no room at home, so it might not be good for them to live with Su Jingyan and the others. The kang in her room was quite big, and it would be fine for four people to sleep.

After thinking for a while, he said, "You two can live in the same room with me."

Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingling had no objection, nodded: "OK."

There was another person, Zhao Qingming, only Ji Mingxuan and Su Jingyang's house remained at home.

After hesitating for a moment, he said, "Can you live in the same room with Ji Mingxuan and the others?"

Zhao Huaiguo was afraid that he would start a fight with Ji Mingxuan, so he said, "You can also sleep with me at my house."

Ji Mingxuan looked at Zhao Qingming.

Zhao Qingming said flatly, "It's good to live here."

Zhao Jing breathed a sigh of relief. If he went to Zhao Huai's country, he would have to bother the captain and the others, and he was afraid that he would be uncomfortable: "Okay, then you and Ji Mingxuan will live in the same room."

Zhao Qingming nodded: "Yes."

Zhao Huaiguo couldn't say anything more, there was nothing he could help here: "Then, grandma and aunt, I'll go back first."

Zhao Jing nodded: "Sure, tell your father, I'll go home and look for him in a while."

"it is good."

Zhao Huaiguo nodded, and walked out with his things.

At this moment, everyone was almost at the village. Zhao Huaiguo hadn't seen anyone when he came out, but someone could see his back from a distance.

It's just that he walked too fast and disappeared after turning a corner. The man thought he was wrong.

Zhao Jingyi and Zhao Qingling took the things into the house.

So did Ji Mingxuan and Zhao Qingming. Ji Mingxuan took out some things that Gu Jin and the others had prepared for Gu Beichuan and put them aside, most of them were clothes.

There are still some that can't take so much, and are still estimated on the way.

As soon as Zhao Jing pushed open the door, the room didn't smell musty. Su Jingyan and Su Jingxiu opened the windows for her to ventilate every day, and cleaned it every other day.

So there is no dust and musty smell in the house.

It was not the first time for Zhao Qingling and Zhao Qingyan to see the Tukang. Looking at Zhao Jingyi's room, there was a table, a kang cabinet on the kang, and two large boxes.

The quilts are all neatly folded, and the windows are all wiped clean.

As soon as Zhao Jing asked the two of them to put things on the table, put some things in the box if they could be put in the box.

Outside the gate.

The door of Su Jingyan's house was open, she was stunned, she stood at the door thinking for a long time, did they forget to close the door when they went out today?
It shouldn't be, they will remember to lock the door every time they go out.

How did the door open?Su Jingyan glanced at the lady's watch on her wrist, the time was wrong, her brother hadn't left work yet.

Just when she was wondering if Su Jingyu came back faster than her this time, she heard her younger sister's voice behind her.

"Sister, what are you doing standing at the door?"

Su Jingyu thought that Su Jingyang would come back early from get off work today, so she had no doubts at all.

I just saw that my sister was standing at the door in a daze and didn't go in, so I was very puzzled.

Su Jingyan turned her head to look at her and asked, "Did you close the door when you went out today?"

Su Jingxi widened her eyes and said, "How is it possible, I will close it every time I go out."

Su Jingyan frowned: "How did the door open?"

Su Jingyu didn't think as much as she did, and said: "Maybe Sixth Brother is back, okay, let's go in, I'm exhausted."

He said and took her hand in.

Seeing that there is nothing wrong with the yard, it is just that there are two more packages in the main hall.

However, Su Jingyan didn't see Su Jingyan's bicycle, so Su Jingyan held Su Jingyu's hand tightly.

My nervous palms were sweating.

Zhao Qingling, who was packing things in the room, looked at the door and said, "Someone came in?"

Zhao Jing said without raising her head, "It should be the two sisters Su Jingyan and Su Jingyu who have returned."

PS: A new article is under preparation~ (this paragraph is not included in the main text)
The introduction is as follows, babies can collect it by themselves~
Title of the book "After being bombed to death, is my aunt obedient today?"

[Sweet pet, cool text, no CP. 】

Nan Xuanyin: Can you believe it?I was killed by a bomb.

If you die, you will die. I thought I could see what the underworld is like, but I didn't expect to open my eyes and be reborn in the body of a notorious rural girl.

Inexplicably bound to a so-called system (he said it himself.)
According to the so-called self-proclaimed system, am I still the aunt of the female lead and the female lead?
Nan Xuanyin was stunned, female supporting role?Mistress?This is not a TV series, something only in novels?
The system said to let me prevent the female lead from being blackened, and then by the way, bring the female lead and the male lead together?
Nan Xuanyin: I was shocked at the time! !
(Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, I was in a large supermarket before I died, and that supermarket became mine after I died.)
(End of this chapter)

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