Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 358 Are You Telling Me About Conditions?

Chapter 358 Are You Telling Me About Conditions?
Back in the room, she took out a change of clothes from the kang cabinet, and when she came out, Su Jingyang had already carried the water to the toilet for her.

Su Jingyang came out with an empty bucket and said, "It's done, go in and see if the water is warm. If it's hot, I'll bring it in again."

Zhao Jingyi nodded with a "huh" and walked in with her clothes in her arms.

After putting away the clothes, I reached out to test the temperature of the water, and said to the outside, "Just right."

A smile rose from the corner of Su Jingyang's mouth: "That's good."

Then the barrel was lifted and placed under the eaves of the kitchen door.

Zhao Changzhu's home (that is, the home of the captain's father.).

Zhao Jianbai is also the third half-brother of the team leader and the eldest son of his stepmother. He is an honest man, so Zhao Changzhu and his elders live with him, and everyone else pays some respect every year.

Seeing the captain come to the house, I was a little surprised. I usually don't move around very much. It must be something to come home after dark: "Brother, what's the matter coming here so late?"

The captain nodded to him and said, "I have something to ask my father."

Zhao Jianbai nodded without asking further questions, "Father is in the room, brother, go in."

The captain let out a "hmm" and walked towards his father's room.

What they said could be heard in the room. Old Mrs. Huang, the captain's stepmother, didn't really like the captain and their deceased wives' children, but she didn't hate them either.

The attitude was relatively cold, and when he heard the conversation outside, he got off the kang and walked out with a cold face.

When the captain saw her, no matter what, he still had to be courteous.


The old lady Huang gave a cold "hmm" and walked past him.

The captain is also used to it, and he already knew it would be like this.

Lifting his feet and walking into the room, Zhao Changzhu sat on the kang with no expression on his face.

Captain: "Father."

Zhao Changzhu looked at him and asked, "What's the matter for coming here so late?"

The team leader nodded, and said with a serious expression: "There is something big, I need to ask you."

Zhao Changzhu has the same attitude towards his sons, impartial, and feels a little more guilty towards the children of his deceased wife, but he has always had this temperament, so he feels indifferent and difficult to get along with :
"You ask."

The captain approached, glanced outside, lowered his voice, and only said four words: "The Zhao family of a hundred years."

Zhao Changzhu's originally indifferent face changed instantly, and he looked sharply at the eldest son in front of him.

Trying to see temptation and other expressions on his face, but there is no: "How do you know this?"

Seeing the change in his father, the captain already half believed what Zhao Qingyan said.

Seeing that the captain was silent, Zhao Changzhu's face sank, and there was a strange coldness in his eyes: "Who told you, and where did you know it?"

The captain frowned, looking at the strange father in front of him, feeling a little uncertain: "Someone told me today that our Zhao Family Village is just a part of it."

Zhao Changzhu was shocked. He should have confessed these things when he was about to die. How did he know now? Could it be that he was discovered?
"Who told you that."

The captain didn't answer, but looked at him and asked, "Father, if you want to know, you have to answer my question first."

Zhao Changzhu's face darkened even more: "You are trying to negotiate terms with me."

The captain was very helpless, his father seemed to have misunderstood him: "Father, can I harm us?"

Zhao Changzhu's face softened a little, but it was still ugly.


The captain turned around to close the door, took a stool by the way, walked to the kang and sat down.

"The current Zhaojia Village is not our real home, is it?"

Zhao Changzhu frowned: "Yes and no."

The captain choked, helplessly: "Father, what do you mean by yes or no?"

Zhao Changzhu glanced at him and said indifferently: "This is the household registration, do you think so?"

The captain was slightly taken aback, yes, his mind is confused.

"Then our family is in Beijing, and we came here because of the troubled times."

Zhao Changzhu rubbed his thumb and index finger back and forth while pinching the cigarette stick beside him.

"Who told you about this?"

The captain also noticed it, and was very helpless: "Father, you answer me first."

Zhao Changzhu gritted his teeth and said, "Yes."

When the captain heard the answer he wanted, he was stunned: "It seems to be true..."

Zhao Changzhu had already picked up the cigarette stick, and kept staring at him: "Who told you, how did you know?"

The captain came back to his senses and looked at his father as if if you don't say anything this time, I'll knock him over with a cigarette.

Sighing helplessly, he told him everything that happened after work today.

Zhao Changzhu was stunned, and the hand holding the cigarette rod trembled slightly.

The news was too shocking for him, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

The captain's mood was similar to his, but what shocked him was that he never thought that they were all from big families. To be precise, the whole village knew about them except the older generation. No one who went down knew about it.

Zhao Changzhu came back to his senses, and grabbed the captain's wrist with one hand, with great strength, his old face was full of excitement and restrained joy: "Where is the man?"

The captain was a little hurt from being caught, but he didn't struggle, and honestly said: "Grandma's house."

Zhao Changzhu immediately let go of his hand: "My aunt, I'll go see them."

As he spoke, he was about to get off the kang.

The captain hurriedly stopped him and said, "Father, my aunt and grandma have been tired for a few days, and I'm afraid they are all resting now, and you won't see anyone in the past now."

After hearing this, Zhao Changzhu returned to his senses, tried hard to suppress the excitement in his heart, and nodded: "Go tomorrow."

The team leader breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Tomorrow my aunt will take them to the ancestral hall. If you want to see them, father, go directly to the ancestral hall."

Zhao Changzhu nodded: "I see. Is there anything else? Go back if you have nothing to do. You have to go to work tomorrow."

The captain's mouth twitched, but he saw that it was already dark outside, and nodded: "Okay, but I'm afraid you will have to find out about this matter, do you want to tell anyone?"

Zhao Changzhu frowned and glanced at him, and said with disgust: "Do I still need you to remind me, walk away, go back quickly."

The captain had no choice but to nod, stood up, opened the door and walked out, saying, "Then I'll go back first."

Zhao Changzhu let out a "hmm".

The team leader then went out. In the main hall outside, Zhao Jianbai, Mrs. Huang and her daughter-in-law were sitting there, not knowing what to say.

Seeing the captain come out, he didn't speak.

The team leader walked over and said, "Mother, third child, I'm going back."

The old lady Huang gave a faint "hmm".

(End of this chapter)

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