Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 392 Zhao Qingyan's Three Touches

Chapter 392 The Touch of Zhao Qingyan and the Three
Only then did Zhao Jingyi forcefully open her eyes.

It's seven o'clock, and they will leave after breakfast.

Zhao Jing wrapped up the clothes she made overnight, put them on the side of the kang, brushed her hair a few times, and then went out.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw Ji Mingxuan walking over and said to him, "Wake up, wash your face and brush your teeth, and have breakfast."

Zhao Jing nodded, "Okay."

Then go to wash your face and brush your teeth.

They have already brought the dishes and chopsticks to the main hall.

Zhao Jing didn't notice that the bamboo poles in the open space next to the gate were almost covered with white noodles.

The bamboo pole was cut by Ji Mingxuan and the three of them on the mountain after dinner last night.

Otherwise, it is definitely not enough to hang.After washing her face and brushing her teeth, she didn't notice until she sat down in the main hall, she was stunned.

Su Jingyang said: "These are caused by the second cousin and the third cousin who didn't wake up."

Zhao Jing glanced at Zhao Qingling and Zhao Qingyan, her heart was full of emotion.

"Thank you, Second Sister, Third Sister."

Zhao Qingling and Zhao Qingyan smiled and waved their hands, "It's a small matter."

Zhao Qingyan said: "Eat first."

Everyone moved their chopsticks.

Ten minutes later, Zhao Qingling and Zhao Qingyan put down their chopsticks, wiped their mouths, and said to Zhao Jingyi: "Just let the two of them and the junior from the big country send us out later, and you can catch up on sleep at home. "

Zhao Jing thought about giving them a ride, but thought that there were exactly three places, and it would be a little troublesome if she went there.

Helpless, he could only nod: "Okay, call the village when we arrive."

Zhao Qingyan smiled and nodded: "Don't worry."

Ji Mingxuan said: "I called my friend yesterday, he is waiting for us in the town, and the tickets have been bought."

He arranged everything, Zhao Jingyi looked at him and smiled softly: "Thank you."

Ji Mingxuan shook his head: "It should."

Su Jingyu and Su Jingyan looked at the two of them at the same time, always feeling that they were a little weird.

But I can't tell.

Zhao Qingling stood up and said: "Okay, let's pack up, don't delay the two of them from going to work later."

Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingming also stood up and walked towards the room.

The two sisters Su Jingyu and Zhao Jing took the bowls and chopsticks into the kitchen.

Su Jingyang went to the captain's house to find Zhao Huaiguo, and gathered at the entrance of the village in a while.

Su Jing and sisters washed the dishes, and Zhao Jing went back to her room after washing her hands.

Pass the prepared clothes to Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingling.

"Time is in a hurry, so I can only make one set for you."

Zhao Qingling and Zhao Qingyan were stunned for a moment, they thought she made it for herself, but they didn't expect it to be for them.

Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingling took the clothes she handed over.

Zhao Qingling said: "This is the first time I have received clothes made by the juniors myself, I will cherish them very much."

Zhao Qingyan carefully opened it and took a look, the color was her favorite, and she remembered that it was an embroidered skirt.

"Little girl, my sister likes this gift very much, thank you."

Zhao Jingyi held the hands of the two of them and said, "We are a family."

Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingling looked at each other, and then they hugged Zhao Jingyi into their arms.

At that moment, there was a hint of redness in the eye sockets.

The water light flows in the eye sockets.

Even though they are sisters in seniority, they always treat Zhao Jingyi as a daughter in their hearts.

The moment I received the gift, my heart was deeply touched.

As soon as Zhao Jing felt the emotions of the two, she lightly patted the two of them on the back.

Zhao Jing felt a little bit reluctant to them, and said, "We will meet again soon."

Zhao Qingling and Zhao Qingyan: "Yes."

The two let go of Zhao Jingyi, and carefully put the clothes into the suitcase.

Zhao Jing took out another set of clothes.

After hesitating for a moment, he walked into the next room.

Zhao Qingming packed his things in the house by himself. He had very few things, so he packed quickly.

As soon as Zhao Jing walked in, she called out, "Fourth Brother."

Zhao Qingming looked up: "What's wrong?"

Zhao Jing handed him the clothes in her hand: "It's for you."

Zhao Qingming took it in doubt, and asked, "Can I open it and have a look?"

Zhao Jing nodded: "Yes, this is a set of clothes made for you, I don't know if you like it or not, fourth brother."

Zhao Qingming paused, and looked at Zhao Jingyi in surprise.

"It seems that you have been busy these days, just making clothes?"

Zhao Jing nodded: "Yes."

Zhao Qingming's heart was touched, and a warm smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, this smile was like a spring breeze blowing through a person's heart.

Zhao Jing has always known that Zhao Qingming is handsome, even with a cold face, but she never knew that he looks different when he smiles and when he doesn't.

This smile is so healing, if it wasn't for her brother, she might be tempted.

His handsomeness was different from Su Qingyun's.

Zhao Qingming looked at Zhao Jingyi and said, "I like it very much, thanks for your hard work."

Zhao Jingyi almost couldn't stand it, but fortunately she still had her senses and stabilized herself.

"It's not hard, as long as the fourth brother likes it."

She didn't have time to make two more sets for Zhao Jinyi and Zhao Jinxi, so she could only wait later.

When the college entrance examination resumes, it will be much easier later on. At that time, she will lead the people in the village to set up a garment factory. The women will make clothes, and the men will work at home to earn work points.

This is also an income, and when it stabilizes later, I will do other things.

After all, Zhao Jing is very confident in her skills.

I can't do anything right now, let's talk about it after the college entrance examination.

Zhao Jing walked out as soon as she said a few words to Zhao Qingming.

Not long after, all three of them came out of the room.

It's getting late, so they're going out.

Zhao Jingyi also went out with them. At this moment, everyone in the village was going to work.

Seeing Zhao Jingyi on the road, she first greeted her, and then looked at some strange young people around her.

Looking at them carrying things in their hands, is this going to leave?

Only one-third of the people in Zhaojia Village knew their identities, and the remaining two-thirds didn't know anything.

Some even saw the three of them for the first time.

They lived here for a few days, and no one else knew about it.

Zhao Jingyi followed them to the entrance of the village.

Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingling looked at Zhao Jingyi and said, "Okay, I'll send it here."

Zhao Jing nodded, looked at the three of them and said, "Second sister, third sister, fourth brother, have a good journey."

The three of Zhao Qingming smiled and nodded: "Okay."

Su Jingyang saw that it was getting late and said, "Let's go."

Zhao Qingling and Zhao Qingyan nodded, carrying their things, and sat on the back seat of their bicycles.

Zhao Jing stood where she was, watching them leave.

System: "Host, they are gone."

Zhao Jing gave an 'hmm' and didn't move, her eyes were still looking at the direction they left.

The whole village was discussing the sudden addition of three people to Zhao Jing's family.

Those who knew their identities were afraid to speak.

Now that the situation is unstable, they dare not take risks, even Lao Gentou and Zhao Changshan dare not say anything.

 The new book has started to be updated, I hope you will support me a lot~
  You can collect it, baby~
  Title: "After Being Bombed: Is Aunt Obedient Today"

(End of this chapter)

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