Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 394 Do You Want Me To Invite You In Personally To Sit And Watch?

Chapter 394 Do You Want Me To Invite You In Personally To Sit And Watch?

Seeing her son and the others coming back, Mrs. Huang was at first relieved, but when she saw the captain and the two brothers also came, she felt guilty and fearful.

This scene did not escape Zhao Jingyi's eyes.

What is she afraid of?What are you guilty of...

The team leader walked to Zhao Jingyi's side: "Grandma."

Zhao Jingyi nodded slightly: "Here we are."

The captain nodded: "Yes, let my aunt worry about it."

Zhao Jianyuan came over: "Grandma."

Zhao Jing looked at Zhao Jianyuan, who looked different from the captain, and gave people a simple and honest feeling. Of course, he was also the same.

The captain of the two brothers, the captain of the captain looks like his father Zhao Changzhu, Zhao Jianyuan and his sister look like his late mother.

Zhao Jing nodded to him and asked, "Are you all here?"

Zhao Jianyuan glanced at the three brothers behind him and nodded: "Yes."

In addition to the absence of two married daughters, Zhao Changzhu's house is basically full of people, not to mention the younger generation.

Zhao Jing looked out of the yard, and saw several old ladies poking their heads.

He frowned and said coldly: "I like to watch the excitement so much, why don't I personally invite you to come in and sit and watch."

As soon as the words fell, the women walked away with embarrassing expressions.

Zhao Jing snorted coldly, looked at Zhao Changzhu and Mrs. Huang and said, "Since you are all here, you can handle this matter yourself."

Said and walked aside.

Zhao Changzhu looked at Zhao Jing and opened his mouth.

In the end, he didn't say anything.

Wang Guihua and Huang Hongli looked at each other and walked to Zhao Jingyi's side.


Zhao Jing nodded and said, "Tengzi's daughter-in-law is pregnant, and she looks a bit uncomfortable. The two of you go over and take a look."

Wang Guihua and Huang Hongli looked over, nodded and walked over.

As for their affairs, she won't participate for the time being, but just watch from the sidelines?

I heard the captain ask: "Father, what are you?"

Zhao Jianbai sighed and frowned and walked over: "Mother, did you quarrel with dad again?"

Mrs. Huang didn't say a word, she kept looking at Zhao Changzhu.

No matter how Zhao Changzhu pushed her hand away, she would reach out and grab him the next second.

Zhao Changzhu had an undisguised disgust on his face: "Release."

Zhao Jianbai was stunned, seeing the disgust on his father's face, this was the first time.

The captain and Zhao Jianyuan looked at each other and asked, "Father, what happened."

Zhao Changzhu said without any hesitation: "I want to divorce your mother."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

There was also silence in the yard.

After a while, the captain came back to his senses and asked, "Father, you must be joking, this joke is not funny."

Zhao Jianbai also came back to his senses, and said in agreement: "Yeah, Dad, we are all this old, and it's fine, why do we suddenly have to..."

Zhao Changzhu raised his crutches and beat the ground twice, and said angrily: "You don't need to worry about this matter, this marriage must be divorced."

The captain has a headache, why is this old man so capricious all of a sudden.

The team leader had no idea that Zhao Changzhu was so angry because of him.

"You said you want a divorce, you have to tell us a few, why."

The old lady Huang cried and begged Zhao Changzhu, her whole body was trembling, and her face was also a little pale, as if she was afraid of something.

"No, don't, don't, please brother Chang Zhu, I was wrong, I don't dare to do it again, I really don't dare to do it again, you think I am good this time, just this time, I will definitely not be like that in the future It's..."

Zhao Changzhu took a few steps back when she reached out to grab him, with impatience, deep disgust, and self-blame on his face.

He has never regretted it so much as now, regretted saving her, and even more regretted marrying her when he was soft-hearted.

Zhao Jianbai had a bad premonition in his heart: "Mom, what have you done?"

The fourth son, Zhao Jianxin, has a bad temper. He didn't fart after asking for a long time. In addition, the weather is hot now, and he is easily irritable: "Mom, can you stop making trouble and live a good life? Why are you making trouble all day long? Brother and his temper Okay, what are you doing all the time?"

Mrs. Huang didn't look at him, ignored him, and stared at Zhao Changzhu closely.

With pleading eyes.

The captain frowned: "Father, you can tell me a reason."

He was not born to Mrs. Huang, so he couldn't force him to ask Mrs. Huang, but could only keep asking his father.

Zhao Changzhu didn't want to say that he didn't want his sons to know that their mother was like that.

So no matter how much they pressed and pressed, Zhao Changzhu kept silent.

Zhao Jianxin walked over to the main hall and asked Zhao Minghe: "Little sister, you have been at home, tell me."

Zhao Minghe didn't dare, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Fourth Brother, you can ask Dad."

Zhao Jianxin almost lost his temper. He gritted his teeth and said, "If Dad said that, I would still ask you?"

Zhao Minghe had a headache: "Fourth brother, I can't say that either."

Zhao Jianxin's face was darkened, and he scratched his buttocks irritably.

What is this called.

Time passed little by little, and the sun was getting bigger and bigger.

Zhao Jing walked into the main hall to hide from the sun.

It's too hot.

Looking at the few of them still outside, they said stiffly, "If you have anything to say, come in and say, don't wait until you get heatstroke."

As soon as Zhao Jing opened her mouth, they walked in one after another.

Zhao Minghe went to move the stool.

Zhao Jingyi looked at Zhou Qiao and said, "Go back to the room and lie down, don't think too much, leave this place to your father and the others."

Zhou Qiao nodded: "Yes."

Zhao Minghe helped her back to the house.

Zhao Jingyi looked at Zhao Changzhu and his wife and said, "It's a big deal, we have to take into account that there is a pregnant woman at home."

Zhao Changzhu bowed his head and admitted his mistake: "Auntie, it's my fault."

The moment he saw something, he was so angry that he lost his mind and quarreled in front of the junior.

Forgot that Zhou Qiao was still pregnant.

Zhao Jing nodded, and then said, "Are you going to stay frozen?"

Zhao Changzhu was silent, he didn't want to, but he couldn't bear Huang's behavior.

If it wasn't too much, how could he be so angry.

Zhao Jianyuan persuaded: "Father, just tell me, otherwise we will have to sit here all the time today, and the centimeters of this day will be gone."

Zhao Changzhu was very powerless at the moment, how uncomfortable these sons must have been.

But don't say it, I'm sorry for the eldest son, I'm sorry for the second son.

System: "Host, this system has discovered something very interesting."

Zhao Jing was puzzled: "What?"

System: "There are two ugly dolls in that pile of clothes."

Zhao Jing suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart, suppressed the bad premonition, and asked, "What ugly doll?"

The system doesn't make a fool of it either: "The names of the captain and his younger brother are written crookedly on the front."

With a bang in her head, Zhao Jing stood up abruptly.

The anger in my heart rose up.

Gritting his teeth, he asked, "Is that what I think?"

(End of this chapter)

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