Chapter 406 Rumors Spread
Su Jingyan was tired all day, took off her shoes, and went to the kang: "Let's rest."

Su Jingyu nodded, turned off the light and lay down.

Su Jingyan originally wanted to sleep, but found that she was tossing and turning, she frowned and said, "Do you have something on your mind?"

Su Jingxi sighed, she knew that she couldn't hide anything from her sister.

"I don't know what to say."

Su Jingyan was puzzled: "It's because of my little cousin."

Su Jingyan shook her head: "No."

It's not because of my little cousin, but why?
After thinking for a long time, Su Jingyu still didn't know what to say, her heart was in a mess: "I'll tell you when I think it over."

Su Jingyan froze for a moment and nodded: "Okay."

Then she thought of something, Su Jingyan looked at her sister lying beside her in the dark.

It's not that she didn't hear the rumors in the village, but she came back and noticed that her sister didn't seem to have changed, and she didn't mention Jiang Lin at all.


Su Jingyan pinched her eyebrows.

Early the next morning.

Su Jingyu came out with dark circles under her eyes, which shocked everyone.

Su Jingyang clutched his chest, looked at Su Jingyu, who was listless with dark circles under her eyes, and almost died of fright: "Did you become a thief last night?"

Su Jingyu shook her head and said, "No."

Su Jingyang frowned: "Then you didn't sleep all night?"

Su Jingyu nodded absent-mindedly: "Yes."

Zhao Jing watched from the side, and probably knew what was wrong with her.

Although Su Jingyang is unreliable, he still looks like a big brother: "Didn't you have a good night last night?"

Su Jingyu twitched the corners of her mouth and said, "Sixth brother, I'm fine."

Seeing that she was unwilling to speak, Su Jingyang frowned.

Zhao Jingyi walked over with the bowls and chopsticks and said, "Go back to your room to rest after eating, and you don't have to go in the morning. I'll help you talk to the captain later."

Su Jingyang didn't know what happened, she knew it, but she didn't expect that Su Jingyu, who was always nervous, would suffer from insomnia because of this.

Su Jingyu shook her head and said, "I'm fine, I can't sleep if I stay at home."

Zhao Jing looked at her for a while, then nodded: "Okay, just say it when you're too tired, don't be brave."

Su Jingyu nodded.

Su Jingyang wanted to ask, but didn't know how to ask, so she didn't say anything.

Asked Su Jingyan, Su Jingyan said she didn't know.

It's hard to guess what my daughter is thinking at home.

After breakfast, those who went to work went to work, and those who went to work went to work.

As soon as Zhao Jing came to the sweet potato field, she happened to see Jiang Lin.

Good guy, this guy also has two panda eyes.

The tacit understanding between the two is really...

Zhao Jing shook her head and went to work.

At noon, the news that Su Jing's concubine and Jiang Lin both had dark circles spread, and there were several rumors.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Jing frowned.

Looking at the woman talking in front of her, she asked aloud, "Who spread this word?"

Several women were startled: "Grandma."

Zhao Jing gave a faint 'hmm' and asked, "Who passed it on?"

A few women, you look at me, I look at yours, hesitantly dare not say: "This..."

Zhao Jingyi got a little angry and her tone was a bit heavy: "Who passed it on."

The women were startled by Zhao Jingyi's cold face and said, "It's from Daxin's family."

Zhao Jing was puzzled: "Who is in Daxin's family?"

One of the women whispered, "That's, that's the daughter-in-law of the captain's fourth brother."

Zhao Jing was taken aback for a moment, Zhao Jianxin's wife?Zhao Jing cast her eyes down and said, "You guys also have daughters, how dare you talk nonsense like this?"

The other woman smiled awkwardly and said, "Grandma, I, we are just talking gossip, don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously."

Zhao Jing snorted coldly, and said sharply, "It would be your daughter instead."

The woman jumped up without even thinking about it and said, "It's impossible for my daughter, who dares to talk nonsense, I will tear her mouth to pieces."

It was embarrassing after I finished speaking.

Immediately shrank his hands and feet and lowered his head, not daring to look at Zhao Jingyi.

Zhao Jingyi sneered and said, "You also know it's impossible, so what are you guys doing now? Bullying people without parents by their side? Can you arrange others as you please?"

Several women quickly waved their hands and shook their heads: "No, no, grandma, we really didn't think that way, we were wrong, and we will never dare again."

Zhao Jing got a headache, looked at them and said coldly: "If I hear you make up a teenage girl like this, then don't blame me for not being sympathetic, her parents are not here, and My dear cousin, when will it be your turn to make irresponsible remarks."

Several couples shook their bodies and said with some fear: "We know we were wrong."

"Okay, let's go to work."

After hearing this, the three of them immediately separated and went to work in their own places.

Jiang Lin on the side saw it.

Originally, he was about to explain, but Zhao Jingyi was one step ahead of him.

And Su Jingyu didn't expect that she just suffered from insomnia and was rumored to be like this by the villagers.

As soon as Zhao Jing put down the tools in her hand, she went to find Zhao Jiandong.

Zhao Jiandong was originally patrolling not far away.

Seeing Zhao Jing approaching, she immediately walked over.

"Grandma, what's the matter?"

Zhao Jing kept getting to the point and asked, "Where is your wife, Zhao Jianxin?"

A woman next to her immediately said, "I know, it's on the side of the soybeans."

Zhao Jing nodded, "Thank you."

As he said that, he walked towards Soybean's.

Zhao Jiandong was left at a loss, what's wrong?

The woman asked Zhao Jiandong: "Dongzi, what's wrong with my aunt? Why do you feel so angry?"

Zhao Jiandong shook his head: "Sister-in-law Liang, I don't know either."

Sister-in-law Liang watched Zhao Jing walk away, thinking of what she had just heard, she wondered if it was because of these two things.

Zhao Jiandong looked at her suspiciously and asked, "Sister-in-law Liang, do you know?"

Sister-in-law Liang told Zhao Jiandong what she heard today.

Zhao Jiandong's face darkened: "Nonsense, Xiao Su educated youth has been living at the aunt's house, and the news from Daxin's wife is that the aunt is not strict in discipline, not to mention that this is not a bad aunt's reputation."

Sister-in-law Liang thinks so too.

Zhao Jiandong was not afraid that Zhao Jing would suffer a loss, but he was afraid that this new wife would be angry with Zhao Jing.

But I couldn't leave for a while.

I was in a hurry.

Soybean land.

Zhao Jingyi didn't know which one was Zhao Jianxin's daughter-in-law, so she walked over and went directly to the team leader who was in charge of the area.

The person in charge here is Zhao Jiandong's cousin, Zhao Jianxing.

I was a little surprised to see Zhao Jing coming over.

"Grandma, why are you here?"

Zhao Jing kept going to the topic and asked, "Is Zhao Jianxin's wife here?"

Zhao Jianxing and Zhao Jiandong looked somewhat similar, nodded: "Yes, here, aunt, are you looking for her?"

Zhao Jing nodded: "Well, call her over for me."

Zhao Jianxing nodded, and walked over to where Zhao Jianxin's wife was.

(End of this chapter)

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