Chapter 410 Kindness
Zhao Jing was a little surprised when she heard this.

Facing her son's questioning, Qu Hongmei felt guilty and afraid. She really didn't mean it, but she just said it casually and she would not lack a piece of meat. It was all because of this little bastard, and the resentment towards Zhao Jingyi deepened in her heart. points, but she dared not show it.

"I, I, I was wrong, Ah Xian, mother already knows that I was wrong, mother won't do it anymore, and won't do it in the future."

Zhao Huaixian had a look of struggle on his face.

Zhao Jingyi patted him on the shoulder and said, "Leave this matter to the adults. Leave it alone and go to work."

Zhao Huaixian froze for a moment, looked at Zhao Jingyi, and pursed his lips into a straight line.

He clenched his hands tightly, and finally let go weakly, nodded, turned and went back to the ground.

Seeing her son leave, Qu Hongmei really panicked this time: "A Xian, A Xian..."

Zhao Huaixian gritted his teeth to keep himself from looking back, he should trust his father.

What's more, his mother did something wrong. The eldest sister said that the most important thing for girls is reputation. The mother knew it, but she still went to spread rumors about the younger sister.

Not to mention his father and the others, he was also very angry.

Seeing her son leave without looking back, Qu Hongmei's heart went cold.

As soon as Zhao Jing looked at her, she didn't know what she was thinking.

After a while, he said: "Take her to apologize to the two of them. If they forgive me for two months, I have nothing to say, but if they don't forgive, then they won't be able to keep you. Zhaojiacun's usual gossip is fine. But this kind of behavior of maliciously slandering others is too vicious and must be severely punished."

The team leader understood Zhao Jingyi's meaning. It is true that there was no gossip in that village, but if the incident became serious and I deliberately spread the word to others, if it was serious, it would not be a trivial matter if people were killed.

"Don't worry, grandma, I will definitely deal with it."

Zhao Jing nodded, glanced at Su Jingyu who seemed to be unaffected in the distance, and sighed.

Then go to the sweet potato field.

On the other side, Su Jingyan was not so good. She went to argue with the villagers and cried aggrievedly.

Fortunately, Wang Guihua was by her side, otherwise, how could Su Jingyan alone be able to speak against them.

As soon as Zhao Jing returned to the sweet potato field, Zhao Jiandong walked over.

"Grandma, are you okay?"

Zhao Jing shook her head: "I'm fine, don't worry."

Zhao Jiandong looked at her for a long time before nodding.

"It's fine."

Zhao Jing gave an 'hmm', and then went back to her place to work.

Jiang Lin noticed Zhao Jing as soon as she came back.

Seeing her come back calmly, she didn't know what she was thinking.

After about half an hour, the team leader brought them over.

After talking to Zhao Jiandong for a few words, Zhao Jiandong nodded, and then shouted to Jiang Lin: "Jiang Zhiqing, come here."

Jiang Lin nodded slightly in a daze, and glanced at Zhao Jingyi indiscriminately.

Then he put down his tools and walked over with a cold face.

Zhao Jing watched this scene.

System: "Although it is said that the host opened his mouth because of Su Jingyu, looking at Jiang Lin's behavior, he probably remembered the host's kindness."

Zhao Jing had expected it early in the morning, so she didn't feel unimpressed: "It's expected."

Although the matter was caused by the villagers, it was resolved quickly. Jiang Lin was still very grateful to Zhao Jingyi. He didn't care, but Su Jingyu was a girl.

Fame is too important to her.

(End of this chapter)

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