Chapter 420 Medicine

After Zhao Jingyi left the brigade headquarters, on the way back, she saw Mrs. Ma sneaking towards the end of the village.

Zhao Jingyi looked puzzled: "What kind of moth is this old woman going to do?"

Originally, if she was walking normally, Zhao Jingyi wouldn't feel confused.

But she looks around, sneaks around, and looks like a thief, so it's hard for people not to notice.

Zhao Jing carefully followed behind her.

Mrs. Ma walked all the way to the most remote place at the end of the village.

Few people come to this place, and there is a lot of grass growing, so the road is not easy to walk.

When Mrs. Ma arrived at the back of a dilapidated house, she kept looking around.

Zhao Jing didn't dare to approach for fear of being discovered. She was about 50 meters away from Mrs. Ma, and she hid behind the wall.

Ask the system to call up the picture on Madam Ma's side.

After a while, I saw Mrs. Liu, also sneaking over.

There seems to be something hidden in the stomach.

Zhao Jing frowned and watched.

Mrs. Ma looked at the things in Mrs. Liu's hands and asked, "Old sister, is this thing really useful?"

As soon as the words came out, Mrs. Liu was unhappy: "What are you talking about, I tried to get this for you, and you don't believe it."

The old lady Ma looked embarrassed and said, "It's not that I don't believe it, old sister, it's just that nothing will happen to this thing."

Mrs. Liu said angrily: "What can happen, many people use this thing, as long as you don't use too much, nothing will happen."

After listening to the old lady Ma, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good. If this matter is going to happen, it will be for your benefit, old sister."

Look at the things in your hands, just like a baby.

Mrs. Liu's face looked better now, and she stretched out her hand in front of Mrs. Ma and said, "Just remember, I'll give you the things, and you should give me the money. These things are not easy to get."

Mrs. Ma took out a dollar from her pocket and handed it to Mrs. Liu.

With a painful face, he watched his one dollar being taken away by Mrs. Liu and put in his pocket.

Mrs. Liu said angrily: "Why do you feel bad, the matter is over, and there is nothing else you can do."

The old lady Ma thought about it, and Lehe left.

Mrs. Liu watched Mrs. Ma leave and spat hard.

"What the hell, one dollar is still deducted from Soso."

After speaking, he also left.

Zhao Jingyi's expression was not very good. What Mrs. Ma was holding was medicine for animals, which was similar to sleeping pills.

Moreover, the production is very rough, and the slightest carelessness can cause death.

"Swap the medicine in her hand for flour, monitor her, and see what she's going to do."

The system nodded: "Don't worry, the host has already changed, and the system will keep an eye on her."

Zhao Jingyi's face softened a bit, but the anger in her heart did not drop a bit.

She could feel that Mrs. Ma did not use this medicine for animals, but for humans.

That's why she was so angry.

It seemed that the old woman had had enough of her life and wanted to find something to do.

Zhao Jing waited for Mrs. Ma to go far away before she turned back.

All the way, she was wondering who the old lady Ma's goal was.

Is it...

As soon as this idea came up, Zhao Jingyi immediately denied it.

No, Zhao Laidi is already engaged and will get married next month, so it can't be her.

In the original plot, Zhao Jianjiang's family was not separated, and Zhao Laidi was sold to an old man, and was beaten to death after giving birth to two daughters in a row.

But now Zhao Laidi's fate has been changed, and she is about to get married, so it should not be her.

Although Zhao Jingyi thought so, she also kept a secret in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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