Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 431 But Auntie Doesn't Listen

Chapter 431 But Auntie Doesn't Listen

For these two children who had no mothers since they were young, Zhao Jing was a little more partial.

Although I don't have much contact with them, I also know that their two children are obedient and sensible.

This is not the first time that Zhao Xiaolan has received something from Zhao Jingyi.

Her father said that it can be taken, and if his father encounters any good things on the mountain later, he will also send them to grandma and aunt.

Zhao Xiaolan nodded: "Okay."

The answer was yes, but after eating, neither she nor her brother would say that they would go to Zhao Jing's house to get it.

She knew that her grandparents loved them dearly.

Zhao Jing wiped their heads and said, "Then I'll go back first, you two are playing at home, don't go outside."

The two children nodded, and responded obediently: "Okay."

Zhao Jing left with the basket in hand.

Now all that's left are the captain's house and Zhao Jianchun's house. After sending these two, I'll peel some more when I go back, and get some for the little girl. She hasn't forgotten hers.

It's just that I will deliver it to them first, and it doesn't matter if Xiaoya's words are later.

Passing by Zhao Jianbai's house, I heard Zhao Jianbai's voice, with helplessness and a little irritability.

Among them, the voice of Mrs. Huang was vaguely heard.

Zhao Jingyi didn't care.

Don't think about it, I know it's Mrs. Huang who is making trouble.

Zhao Jing walked all the way to the captain's house, walked to the door, took out her things, knocked on the door, and left.

When Zhao Xiaozhen came out to open the door, she saw Zhao Jingyi's back going away, subconsciously looked to the ground, and she saw a small cloth bag.

Zhao Xiaozhen was very helpless, I don't know how many times this happened.

Holding the cloth bag, he closed the door and put it in the kitchen. After a while, his mother got up and was talking to her.

As soon as Zhao Jing walked back to the door of the house, she opened the door and walked in, went to the main hall and put down the basket, put the cloth bag on the table with chestnuts in it, and walked out with it.

Came to Zhao Jianchun's house and knocked on the door.

Mrs. Li was puzzled when she heard the voice, who will come at this time?
Although I was very puzzled in my heart, I still responded first: "Here we are."

Zhao Jing stood there for a while, and the door opened.

Seeing Zhao Jing and Mrs. Li was obviously a little surprised: "Grandma."

Zhao Jing nodded, handed her the cloth bag and said, "This is the chestnut I picked up today, I'll give you some."

When Li Shi heard this, her subconscious reaction was: "Grandma, you have entered the mountain again."

Zhao Jing nodded helplessly, "Yeah."

As soon as Li Shi heard it, she immediately started talking about the pattern: "How dangerous this is..."

Zhao Jingyi listened patiently, and waited for the two of them to finish talking before saying, "I didn't go deep, so there's no danger."

Mrs. Li wanted to say that's not okay, it's so hot today, what should I do if this thing suffers from heatstroke.

But seeing Zhao Jingyi's smiling face, she didn't say what she wanted to say after all.

Mrs. Li was very helpless and said, "You, don't allow this in the future..."

He stopped in the middle of the conversation. It seemed that he said this every time, and it seemed that he was not the only one, but his aunt would not listen.

Li Shi's whole body is not well at this thought.

The corners of Zhao Jingyi raised her mouth slightly, and said with a smile, "Okay, I won't do it next time."

Li Shi looked at Zhao Jingyi with some disbelief: "Really?"

Zhao Jing nodded: "Well, go get a basket and I'll pour it out for you."

Li originally wanted to shirk, but remembering what Wang Guihua said, she nodded and turned back to get the basket.

Zhao Jingyi felt that Li Shi and Wang Guihua were similar, they were both so cute.

Very simple.

So she is willing to associate with them.

After Mrs. Li came out with the basket, Zhao Jing untied the cloth bag and poured the chestnuts in.

Said: "Don't disturb your lunch break, I'll go back first."

After finishing speaking, he left, leaving Mrs. Li alone, shaking his head helplessly.

When she saw Zhao Jing entered the house, Mrs. Li closed the door.

Zhao Jingyi was not sleepy at the moment, she took the thorn shells of chestnuts in the main hall to the kitchen, cleaned up the garbage on the ground, Zhao Jingyi took a basket and a big bag and went back to the room.

Go back to the room and close the door, enter the space with the basket and cloth bag, and dispose of the chestnuts that were brought into the space.

When the processing was almost done, Zhao Jingyi came out carrying a bag of thorn shells and a basket full of chestnuts.

Carry the shells to the kitchen, and put the chestnuts in the same way.

After finishing all this work, Zhao Jingyi rubbed her waist and neck, went outside and carried a bucket of water to the back of the kitchen to water the vegetables planted a few days ago.

After finishing, the sound of going to work was heard, and the two sisters of the Su family also got up, washed their faces, and went out to go to work with their things.

Zhao Jing was one step behind the two of them. These days, the sweet potato side had almost harvested, so Zhao Jingyi didn't go to the sweet potato side anymore.

Originally, she wanted to cut rice, but after thinking about it, the captain would definitely not let her go down. Cutting rice is more tiring than other jobs.

After thinking about it, I still go to the soybean field.

This month we will harvest sweet potatoes and soybeans, and next month we will harvest potatoes.

When all the grain in the field is harvested, the Chinese New Year will be almost here.

At that time, the food can be released.

This year, Zhao Jingyi's centimeters are even smaller than in previous years. After all, she went to Beijing for more than a month and didn't have work points for more than a month.

Zhao Jianxing saw Zhao Jing approaching and hurried over.

"Grandma, are you coming to work?"

Zhao Jing nodded: "Well, you can arrange it."

Zhao Jianxing nodded in relief, and led Zhao Jingyi to the other side.

When Qu Hongmei saw Zhao Jingyi, it was like a cat seeing a mouse.

Su Jingyu was very happy to see Zhao Jingyi, but she was afraid that she would not see her, so she kept waving at her.

Zhao Jing smiled when she saw her.

The area of ​​the soybean field is not less than that of the sweet potato field, but larger.

Zhao Jianxing took Zhao Jingyi a sickle and told her to be careful, then told her that she was in charge and left.

Zhao Jing placed a large frame next to her feet, with this large cloth bag inside.

What Zhao Jingyi has to do is to cut off the soybeans with a sickle and put them in a cloth bag.

There are four bags in total, and Zhao Jingyi will fill them up.

Then after weighing, someone will carry the cloth bag containing soybeans to the drying yard to dry.

The plants and pods are covered with short bristles. After being exposed to the sun, the water evaporates, and the bristles will naturally fall off, and the pods will naturally crack, and the soybeans inside will fall out.

Soybean plants are lined up in rows, spread out on the ground in a thin layer to dry. If it is raining, it is more convenient to put them away.If it is exposed to strong sunlight at noon, some pods will make a "snap" sound when they split open. The soybeans feel like they pop out from inside, and some pods pop up and then fall to the ground.

In order to make the soybeans in the pods come out quickly, people can walk on them while drying them in the sun. Some pods will crack if stepped on, or they can be beaten with sticks.

However, if you beat with a stick, you should squat against the wind, because when you beat, some hairs will float up, and some will also flutter with the wind. The hairs will stick to the skin and may itch.

So there will be special tools for this.

(End of this chapter)

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