Chapter 435
Zhao Jing didn't know what he was thinking, so she smiled when she knew it. After all, she knew how skinny Su Jingyang was.

Even though Su Jingyang thought so, he was not jealous of Zhao Jingyi, on the contrary, he felt very good, because he felt that Zhao Jingyi had suffered with them before meeting them, and it would be best to be pampered by them all the time in the future.

Although Zhao Jingyi is an elder, in Su Jingyang's heart, Zhao Jingyi is no different from his sister, he just wants to spoil her, as long as she is happy.

As soon as Zhao Jing knew that he was protecting the calf, Suoyi didn't intend to stop him: "Okay, I've been tired all day, if you really find a time for her to meet her, you'll have to meet her to make a conclusion."

Ji Mingxuan spoke from the side: "That's right, Jingyang, you are too impulsive, how can you just listen to that educated youth's words and make a conclusion."

Su Jingyang's eyes widened when he heard Ji Mingxuan's words. He didn't seem to say that when he came back.

Ji Mingxuan pretended he didn't see it, cleared his throat and said solemnly: "That female educated youth is greedy for you, how can you listen to her side of things?"

Su Jingyang: "..." Damn, I didn't expect you to be such a brother Xuan. Fortunately, the two of them grew up together, it's too damn good.

Zhao Jingyi thought it was weird but couldn't put it into words.

The system watched Ji Mingxuan 'splash dirty water' on Su Jingyang with a cold eye. This dog man, hehe, I didn't expect the system to have a day when it was wrong.

Thinking of how she had pitied him before, the system felt like it was going to be short-circuited.

Does this black-hearted dog man need to feel sorry for himself?

The more you look at it, the more angry you become, and the more you think about it, the more angry you become. The system feels that it will short-circuit if you continue to watch.

Angrily blocked the picture of the two of them.

Su Jingyang was about to quibble, no, it was an explanation, but in the next second, Zhao Jing nodded and said: "Your brother Xuan is right, Jingyang, you can't be fooled by women like this in the future."

Su Jingyang was stunned by Zhao Jingyi's words, who am I?What's wrong with me?Did I hear wrong?

Ji Mingxuan smiled slightly, looking at Zhao Jingyi with doting eyes, how could she be so silly and cute.

Su Jingyang originally thought that he could save his IQ with Zhao Jingyi.

But Zhao Jingyi had already left, and Su Jingyang was in a bad mood.

Looking resentfully at Ji Mingxuan, who was laughing beside him and looked at Zhao Jingyi's spoiled Ji Mingxuan.

Gritting his teeth angrily.

"Ji Mingxuan."

Ji Mingxuan immediately suppressed the smile on his face, straightened his clothes, and said solemnly: "Remember what your little cousin said, don't be so stupid in the future."

After speaking, he walked away with long legs before Su Jingyang broke out.

Su Jingyang was so angry that he couldn't hide the look in Dao Ji Mingxuan's eyes.

What Su Jingyang didn't know was that besides him, there was another system that also wanted to kill Ji Mingxuan.

The system finally relented, and Ji Mingxuan did not let the system dislike him.

But tonight, the system is really angry, why did I feel pitiful before?

Seeing him cheating on Su Jingyang's cheap look, it's annoying, no, arrogant.

Educated youth point.

Jiang Lin lay on the kang, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

Chen Mingyun was already feeling sleepy, seeing Jiang Lin still tossing and turning, he yawned and asked, "Jiang Lin, what are you thinking, you're not asleep yet."

Jiang Lin looked at the roof and said, "I got a piece of news today."

Chen Mingyun was puzzled: "What news can be happier than you chasing Xiao Su educated youth."

Jiang Lin's ears warmed up, and he said with some embarrassment: "What are you talking about, the two are not comparable."

Chen Mingyun smiled: "Then what are you talking about?"

Jiang Lin leaned over to Chen Mingyun's ear, and told Chen Mingyun what Zhao Jingyi had told him.

Chen Mingyun was stunned, a little excited, but also a little happy and asked: "Really?"

Jiang Lin didn't hide it from him, and said, "What she said herself should be true."

Chen Mingyun knew about it, and the news about Zhao Jingyi's trip to the capital was spread throughout the village.

So it's [-]% to [-]% true.

After being happy, Chen Mingyun said distressedly: "But we don't have books in our hands, how can we review?"

Jiang Lin also thought of this achievement, so he was happy, but a little disappointed: "This..."

Gu Beichuan hadn't slept yet, so he generally understood what the two of them were talking about.

After thinking about it, he said softly, "Sister Yiyi has it. If you need it, you can ask her to borrow it, but you must keep the book well."

Gu Beichuan's sudden opening startled Jiang Lin and Chen Mingyun.

Chen Mingyun suddenly sat up and looked in the direction of Gu Beichuan: "Gu Zhiqing, is what you said true?"

Gu Beichuan said softly, "Yes."

Since Zhao Jingyi told Jiang Lin, she also guessed that Jiang Lin had no books.

What's more, if they really believed in her, then this would be regarded as a favor from them.

Informing is one, borrowing books to learn is one, and this matter is good no matter how you look at it.

If they pass the exam, the favor will be great, if they fail the exam, the favor is still there, and maybe they can still use it in the future.

Gu Beichuan told them that Zhao Jingyi had a book after careful consideration, and it was good for Zhao Jingyi, not bad.

After the excitement, Chen Mingyun calmed down: "But, will Miss Zhao be willing?"

Gu Beichuan was sure that Zhao Jing would borrow it later, but he would not say that, but said flatly: "You have to ask yourself."

Chen Mingyun found out, and sincerely said to Gu Beichuan: "Thank you, Gu Zhiqing."

Gu Beichuan gave a faint 'hmm'.

Then there was no more sound.

Lin Dong, who was in the same room as them, fell asleep a long time ago, and he was a relatively heavy sleeper, so he didn't hear their conversation.

However, on the female educated youth's side, Lin Jing still expected to talk to Su Jingyang more in the future.

Slowly build a good impression in front of him.

Even with some scheming...

Lin Jing originally regretted that she had added embellishments to him, but when she thought that she could get close to him, this regret disappeared: "As long as I can get close to him, even if it is..."

The last words were so soft that they were almost inaudible.

Sun Qianqian turned over and found that Lin Jing was still asleep, she whispered: "Lin Jing, you are still not asleep, go to bed early, or you won't be able to wake up tomorrow."

Lin Jing nodded: "Well, sleep now, you can sleep too."

After finishing speaking, she closed her eyes and went to sleep. Lin Jing didn't know that Zhao Jingyi had mercilessly exposed her trickery.

In Su Jingyang's heart, she is no different from those scheming girls.

The original good impression was also destroyed by her own hands.

the next day.

As always, those who go to work go to work, and go to work to go to work.

At noon, Zhao Jing's family had some guests.

As soon as Zhao Jing looked at the four boys in front of her, she knew why they came.

"Bei Chuan told you?"

Jiang Lin and the others nodded: "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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