Chapter 437
After washing the dishes, Su Jingyan came out and looked at the fish in the barrel and said, "The fish in the river in the village are very difficult to catch. Sometimes several people are lucky enough to catch one or two."

Zhao Jing glanced slightly, and said with a slight smile: "It's normal, we've lived here for decades, we've always been like this, we eat clams if we can catch them, and if we can't catch them, we eat clams in the river to satisfy our hunger." , Sometimes you can catch some small river prawns, don’t even think about fish.”

Su Jing and sisters nodded: "Fortunately, this river is long enough, otherwise there wouldn't be enough clams in the river."

As soon as Zhao Jing walked to the side, washed her hands and said, "Okay, take the bucket into the kitchen, don't let it dry out in the sun, it won't taste good to eat at night."

Su Jingyan nodded, lifted the bucket into the kitchen, and covered most of the mouth of the bucket with something, just in case the fish would not obey and jump out.

As soon as Zhao Jing washed her hands and feet, she simply wiped her body and went into the house.

After changing clothes and lying on the kang, with the fan blowing, I felt a little drowsy.

I was also tired, and as soon as I relaxed, I fell asleep in a short time.

It's only mid-October now, and the temperature still doesn't mean to drop at all, and it doesn't mean to rain at all.

Other villages have already started scrambling for water to irrigate the land. If it doesn't rain, it will be difficult to plant crops later.

The town, the black market.

Zheng Cheng planned to go to Haishi to help Zhao Jingyi buy a house, and then go to Beijing and come back. It might take a month to visit these two places.

So he came over two days in advance and said to Ru Yan: "Sister, I'm going to Haishi, do you want to go? Or do you need to bring anything?"

Although Ru Yan didn't let go of that hatred completely, her attitude towards Zheng Cheng has become much better: "What are you going to Haishi for?"

Zheng Cheng didn't intend to hide it, and said, "I need to go to help a friend buy a house."

Ru Yan looked at the little girl she met when she came out of Zheng Cheng's house last time, in her mind, she was dressed as a boy, but who was she? She had been in that kind of place for so many years. There is simply nowhere to hide.

"The last time I met that little girl at the door?"

Zheng Cheng was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "You can't hide anything from Sister, but how do you know that she is a girl?"

He didn't even realize that Zhao Jingyi was a girl, and if she didn't tell him, he wouldn't be able to tell with Zhao Jingyi's attire.

Ru Yan smiled lightly, and said in a flat tone: "I've been in that kind of place for so many years, do you think I don't even have this kind of vision?"

Zheng Cheng was silent, and his tone was a little low: "I'm sorry, sister, I'm late."

Ru Yan looked at him like this, feeling a little uncomfortable on her face.

There was a touch of comfort in the tone: "I just said it casually,"

Zheng Cheng looked up at her with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

Before he had time to speak, Ru Yan had already stood up, helped the folds of the cheongsam and said.

"I'll go with you. You are not familiar with Haishi. That girl is your partner. She looks good. She is old enough to be your girl. She should not be married yet. You have to buy a house anyway. of."

After speaking, I went into the house to pack my things.

Zheng Cheng was a little bit dumbfounded, sister was afraid that he would fall in love with the first-year junior high school girl.

But it's a bit sour. My sister cares so much about the first-year junior high school girl, but he doesn't even get her to care about her.

Ru Yan has been in Haishi for more than [-] years, and now she is almost [-]. Because of the proper maintenance, she looks like she is only in her early [-]s.

Her beauty was once all the rage.

But it was also because of her beauty that she suffered a lot.

Fortunately, it's all over.

Zhao Jingyi didn't know that Ru Yan had such a good impression of her.

Maybe it's because of Zheng Cheng, maybe it's because of her own reasons.

Zheng Cheng was also very puzzled, why did sister have such a good impression of the first-year girls, they had just met each other.

This puzzled him a lot.

in the afternoon.

After work, Jiang Lin and the others came to Zhao Jing's family.

As soon as Zhao Jing asked them to sit in the main hall, Su Jingyan and the two sisters poured water for them, and went to do other things.

Blowing on the fan, this long-lost feeling made Chen Mingyun's desire to buy a fan stronger: "We will also find a way to buy a fan at that time, otherwise this day will be unbearable."

Yang Xin also thought that all of them have the conditions, but the four of them are not in the same host, and some male educated youths in the educated youth point want to take advantage of others: "We need to discuss this with them, otherwise we will not have the same host and buy them back. It doesn’t cost money, and it’s free for them to use.”

Qiu Sheng knew what Yang Xin meant. Their families were not bad, and they were all the youngest children in the family, so they were favored, so they could play well. Will go to the countryside.

"Go back tonight and ask Lin Dong if he would like to change the host, the two of us will change with him."

Chen Mingyun thinks it's okay, the four of them are a small group, as long as Lin Dong is willing to talk to the point, it's fine.

"Lin Dong is easy to talk to, but I don't know if he wants to."

Jiang Lin also thought about it, but he was not so optimistic: "Don't think too well, what if he disagrees, right?"

Qiu Sheng and Yang Xin nodded, they both knew.

While they were talking, Ji Mingxuan and Su Jingyang came back. As soon as they came in and saw four strange men, they were subconsciously wary.

Fortunately, at this moment Zhao Jing came out with the book in her arms, and said, "You guys take turns reading these, and when you're finished, bring them back to me. If you need other books, just ask me."

The four of Jiang Lin looked at some twenty books, and thanked Zhao Jing: "Thank you, Miss Zhao, the four of us will remember this kindness."

Regardless of whether they passed the exam or not, Zhao Jingyi's move was in their hearts.

Zhao Jingyi smiled, waved her hand and said, "You're welcome, there are still two more years for you to learn slowly, if you don't understand anything, you can ask me, or ask my sister-in-law and the others."

This can be regarded as telling them how long it will take to resume the college entrance examination.

Let them be prepared.

Sure enough, the four of them heard this, their eyes lit up, and their attitude towards Zhao Jingyi became more respectful.

"Thank you, Miss Zhao, if you can use us in the future, just ask."

Zhao Jing smiled, nodded, and was not polite to them, too polite would be a bit hypocritical.

Su Jingyang came over, looked at Jiang Lin, sized him up and said, "You are Jiang Lin."

Jiang Lin's face value is relatively high, so Su Jingyang recognized who it was at a glance.

Jiang Lin nodded for a moment, he didn't know Su Jingyang, he had heard his name before: "I am, are you?"

Su Jingyang looked at Jiang Lin, he was really good-looking, but he was not as white as his uncle.

"I'm Su Jingyang, the sixth brother of Su Jingyu and Su Jingyan."

(End of this chapter)

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