Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 442 He Lian is Pregnant Again

Chapter 442 He Lian is Pregnant Again

Thinking of this, Jiang Jun'er's mood became depressed.

After Nan Yunyu finished speaking, he knew that he had said the wrong thing, and a bit of annoyance appeared on his indifferent face.

Nan Yunyu sighed and said, "Mom, if you really want to talk to Sister Jingyi, I have their village phone number, you can..."

The sadness that had just been brewing was instantly covered up by this news. Jiang Jun'er had always paid attention to her elegant image, but now she didn't care about it. She walked over barefoot and looked at Nan Yunyu with bright eyes.

"Give it to me now."

The corners of Nan Yunyu's mouth twitched: "Mom, have you learned how to change faces before?"

Jiang Jun'er rolled her eyes and said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Nan Yunyu: "..." careless.

Jiang Jun'er urged, "Call me quickly."

Nan Yunyu was ashamed, and said helplessly, "It's not on me, it's in my room."

Jiang Jun'er pushed Nan Yunyu out while talking: "Go and get it."

Nan Yunyu silently stepped aside.

Then he said: "Mother, the son is busy first."

Jiang Jun'er waved his hand: "Go, go."

Nan Yunyu was helpless, bowed his hands and left.

Nan Yunyu was urged to go back to the room to get the number, but she was careless.

Zhao Jingyi didn't go to work the next day because she didn't have much firewood at home and was going to collect firewood on the mountain.

Just as she was about to go out, she saw He Lian walking over with her daughter.

Without thinking too much, I was about to lock the door and go up the mountain.

He Lian took her daughter and walked over quickly: "That, Miss Zhao."

Zhao Jing looked over in doubt: "Huh?"

He Lian wiped the sweat off her forehead and walked over, with a bit of embarrassment on her face, she said, "Can I trouble you?"

Zhao Jing was puzzled: "What's the matter?"

He Lian said embarrassedly: "Help me see my daughter, I want to go to the town for an examination."

Zhao Jingyi looked at He Lian's daughter in doubt, and looked at herself with big eyes.

I was about to ask her what was wrong, but saw her hands on her stomach.

"She is pregnant?"

System: "Yes host, just one month."

Zhao Jing smiled, no wonder she put her hands on her stomach.

However, what Zhao Jingyi didn't understand was how she came to find her.

Thinking in my heart, I asked, "Why did you think of coming to me?"

He Lian said seriously: "In the village, I only trust you."

Zhao Jing blinked her eyes, surprised, but since she knew that He Lian was really pregnant, she also knew that she was going to the town for an examination to find out if she was pregnant.

After thinking about it, it only took them a whole morning to do the inspection, and it was okay to fry the fish.

He nodded and said, "Okay, leave it to me."

He Lian was actually ready to be rejected, but she didn't expect Zhao Jingyi to agree, even if Zhao Jingyi refused her, it was normal, after all, the two of them could not be said to be very close.

She was surprised and happy to hear that Zhao Jingyi agreed with He Lian: "Thank you."

Zhao Jing smiled, knelt down, and said to He Lian's daughter with a gentle smile, "I'll take care of you this morning, okay?"

He Linlin glanced at her mother, and when she saw her nodding, she nodded timidly: "Okay."

He Lian gently touched her daughter's head, and said softly: "Linlin, mother will be back soon after going to town, you are playing with your aunt at home, you have to be obedient, you know."

He Linlin nodded obediently: "Okay."

He Lian handed her daughter's hand to Zhao Jingyi.

Said to her: "I'll go first, Gao Wen'an is waiting for me at the entrance of the village."

Zhao Jingyi lightly shook He Linlin's hand, nodded, "Okay, go get it."

Seeing He Lian leave, He Linlin pursed her mouth, tears filled her eyes, she wanted to cry but didn't dare to cry as she watched He Lian go away.

Zhao Jing squatted down and looked at her, and said softly, "Your mother went to the town to buy candy for you, and she will be back soon, and will come to pick you up when the time comes."

He Linlin nodded, and responded in a low voice: "Yes."

To tell the truth, Zhao Jingyi has never brought up children, but she has seen others take care of children, after all, she has seen a little on TV.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Then go home with Auntie and wait for Mom to come back, okay?"

He Linlin nodded: "OK."

Her voice is grandma's soft, she looks good, and her voice is milky and soft, who doesn't like such a child.

When Zhao Jing heard this, her heart almost melted. Don't tell me, Gao Wen'an is not a good person, but the girl he gave birth to is too soft.

Zhao Jingyi led He Linlin to open the door and walked back, took her to the main hall to sit down, and turned on the fan for fear that she would be hot, but she didn't dare to turn it on.

The cool wind blew over, He Linlin watched curiously.

Zhao Jingyi poured her a glass of water, went into the room and took canned food, walnut crisps, toffee, and biscuits from the space, unpacked the bags and poured them into the bag of walnut crisps, and threw the bags away. Back to space.

Zhao Jing looked at so many things that should be enough for a child to eat.

In this way, she shouldn't cry. The canned walnut crisps were all bought by Ji Mingxuan for her to eat.

He Linlin was taught very sensible by He Lian, and He Lian didn't teach her daughter what her mother taught her.

The losses I have suffered, there is no need to let my daughter go back to her old path.

Seeing that Zhao Jingyi brought out so much food, He Linlin blinked her big eyes and looked at Zhao Jingyi.

Zhao Jingyi smiled softly and said, "Eat, these are for you."

He Linlin said seriously, "Thank you, Auntie."

Zhao Jing supported her head and said with a smile, "You're welcome, you are Auntie's little guest."

He Linlin picked up the bowl and took a sip of water, then put it aside, looking at the snacks on the table, it wasn't that she didn't want to eat it, but she didn't dare to eat it.

Zhao Jingyi picked up a toffee and handed it to her.

He Linlin hesitated for a moment, took it and said timidly, "Thank you, Auntie."

Zhao Jingyi gave her a cute face: "You're welcome."

Village entrance.

Gao Wen'an had already borrowed Zhao Huaiguo's bicycle, and he was waiting at the entrance of the village. When he saw He Lian coming out, he picked up the straw hat and handed it to her, saying, "Take it and don't dry it."

With a sweet heart, He Lian took the straw hat and put it on her head.

"Let's go, go early and come back early."

Gao Wen'an nodded: "Okay, Linlin isn't crying."

He Lian shook her head: "She didn't cry when I left, but she should have cried when I couldn't see her. She has never been separated from us. If it wasn't necessary to go, it was hot and I couldn't take her with me. I wanted to. with her."

Before leaving the village entrance, He Lian was already thinking about her daughter.

So did Gao Wen'an, but he had no choice but to say comfortingly, "Let's go and come back quickly."

He Lian hummed, got on the bicycle, and Gao Wenan rode the bicycle to the town.

On the way, He Lian suddenly asked: "If you still have a daughter, will you not love her?"

Without even thinking about it, Gao Wen'an said, "How is it possible, I like my daughter, as long as it's our daughter."

He Lian smiled, gently stroking her stomach with her palm, and resting her head on Gao Wen'an's back.

(End of this chapter)

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