Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 444 Host, You Are Still Carrying a Bundle of Firewood

Chapter 444 Host, You Are Still Carrying a Bundle of Firewood

Zhao Jingyi smiled softly: "Goodbye, Linlin, next time I will come to Auntie's house to play."

He Linlin nodded obediently: "Okay."

He Lian took her daughter away, and Zhao Jing turned around and went back.

Looking at Zhao Leyan who was a little disappointed, Zhao Jing walked over with a smile.

"I still want to play with my sister."

Zhao Leyan nodded awkwardly, teaching the little doll to read is very interesting, she will be bored again when she goes back, thinking of this, Zhao Leyan feels a little lost.

Zhao Jing touched her little head and said, "Learn more, so that when you see my sister later, you can teach her a little more, okay?"

Zhao Leyan looked at Zhao Jingyi, why did these words sound like a bluff.

But still nodded: "OK."

Seeing that it was getting late, Zhao Leyan got off the stool and said, "Grandma, I'm going back."

Zhao Jing looked at how bright the sun was outside, and said, "Why don't you have lunch at home?"

Zhao Leyan shook her head: "Go back and eat."

Zhao Jingyi nodded without forcing her, "Okay, go back and walk slowly."

Zhao Leyan nodded, picked up her little hat, put it on and left.

After Zhao Leyan left, Zhao Jingyi cleared the table and went to work in the kitchen.

When Su Jingyan and the others come back, they can have lunch.

After lunch, Zhao Jing took out all the winter quilts to dry.

Su Jingyan looked at Zhao Jing as soon as she took out the quilt to dry, and then she found the winter quilt and took it to the yard to dry.

After Su Jingyan and the others rested, Zhao Jing went out with a basket to pick up firewood at the Educated Youth Point.

in the afternoon.

Su Jingyang answered the phone with a weird look on his face, then rode his bicycle to the intersection of the town and waited for Ji Mingxuan.

Still a little depressed, he murmured: "Who made the move so quickly, I still can't find out."

Ji Mingxuan bought something and rode his bike over, and saw Su Jingyang in a daze with a gloomy look on his face.

With a guess in my heart, when I came to him, I asked, "Can't find it?"

Su Jingyang looked up at Ji Mingxuan, sighed, and nodded: "Yes."

Ji Mingxuan was relatively calm: "I guessed it, if it doesn't work, let's look at other things."

Su Jingyang turned around: "That's the only way to go." The two rode back together.

Ji Mingxuan noticed in the morning that the firewood in the firewood room was almost used up, and he always remembered it, saying: "When you get home later, you cook, and I will go to the mountain to find some firewood. The firewood in the firewood room is almost gone. .”

Su Jingyang froze for a moment and nodded: "Okay, I see."

Ji Mingxuan didn't know that Zhao Jingyi had found three or four bundles of firewood and brought them home.

When he got home and didn't see Zhao Jingyi, Ji Mingxuan asked Su Jing and the two of them, but they didn't know where Zhao Jingyi had gone.

I didn't know that Zhao Jingyi was still in the mountain, and there was no more firewood in the back mountain, so Zhao Jingyi went to Dahuang Mountain again. Dahuang Mountain was bigger than Houshan, and there were more firewood.

Zhao Jingyi has already found two bundles, and she is still looking for them now, with the help of the system, so Zhao Jingyi's speed is very fast.

Ji Mingxuan took the hemp rope and walked around the back mountain, and found nothing, so he planned to go to Dahuang Mountain to look for it.

As soon as I arrived at Dahuang Mountain, I saw a bundle of firewood rolling down the mountain.

Ji Mingxuan looked up and saw Zhao Jingyi just in time, and Zhao Jingyi also noticed him, but she pretended not to see him, and ran two steps into the grass.

Ji Mingxuan: "..."

Looking at the three bundles of firewood in front of him, he sighed. After putting away the firewood, he followed Zhao Jingyi's direction and went up to find her.

But Zhao Jing drilled very quickly, and Ji Mingxuan couldn't find her for a while.

The system happily watched the play, and reminded Zhao Jing from time to time to go to other places like Zhao, and asked Ji Mingxuan to chase after him.

Just a perfect miss.

Ji Mingxuan wasn't idle either, he didn't forget to pick up firewood while looking for Zhao Jingyi.

Just when Zhao Jing had tied up the fourth bundle of firewood and was about to carry it to the place where she threw the firewood and rolled down the mountain, she happened to meet Ji Mingxuan face to face.

Zhao Jing looked at Ji Mingxuan pretending to be surprised, and said before he could speak, "Why are you here?"

Ji Mingxuan looked at Zhao Jingyi, and watched her easily carrying a bundle of firewood that was bigger than her.

Feeling very complicated, Zhao Jing listened to the system when she saw that he was silent and just wanted to speak.

"Host, he should be scared."

Zhao Jingyi looked puzzled: "Why?"

She didn't realize that she was still carrying a large bundle of firewood.

"Master, you still have a bundle of firewood in your hand."

Zhao Jingyi: "..."

As soon as she let go, a large bundle of firewood rolled down the mountain from Zhao Jing's feet.

The sound broke the silence of the two.

Zhao Jing looked at Ji Mingxuan in embarrassment.

Ji Mingxuan covered his forehead, with a helpless expression on his face, he struggled to carry it, her bundle was bigger than his, how did she do it so easily.

Ji Mingxuan had a feeling that he had discovered Zhao Jingyi's terrible secret.

Zhao Jing changed the subject in embarrassment and said, "Well, we've almost found Chai, let's go back."

Ji Mingxuan sighed and rolled the bundle of firewood up and down the mountain.

"Is this strength natural to you?"

Zhao Jing nodded: "Yes."

Ji Mingxuan thought for a while and said, "No one else knows."

Zhao Jing shook her head: "Cousin knows."

Ji Mingxuan breathed a sigh of relief, that is, besides his uncle, he was the only one who knew that she was born with great strength.Thinking of this, I felt a little happy: "You go back first, and I will give the firewood to me."

Zhao Jing thought for a while and nodded, "Okay."

Zhao Jing took the things down and walked home.

Ji Mingxuan looked at Zhao Jingyi's four bundles of firewood, each of which was larger than his, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

If he didn't know that she was tied up for him, Ji Mingxuan would have wondered if Zhao Jingyi wanted to test his physical strength.

Helpless, he had no choice but to accept his fate, and walked home with two bundles of firewood.

Halfway through the journey, he felt heavier and heavier, and Ji Mingxuan almost wondered if there was something wrong with his physical strength.

Fortunately, it's not far away, otherwise it would be a shame.

When Zhao Jing got home, she was covered in sweat.

Seeing Zhao Jingyi's outfit, Su Jing asked, "Little cousin, have you gone up the mountain?"

Zhao Jing nodded: "Well, I don't have any firewood at home, so I found some."

Su Jingyu nodded and said, "Brother Xuan has gone too, did you meet him?"

Zhao Jing nodded: "Yes, he is behind."

After putting the things down, he said, "I'm going to take a shower first, I'm completely soaked."

Su Jingyu nodded, and continued to collect clothes and quilts.

As soon as Zhao Jing took the clothes, she went to the toilet, took two buckets of water into the toilet, washed her hair and took a shower.

As soon as she entered the toilet to take a bath, Ji Mingxuan came back with firewood on her back.

Seeing Ji Mingxuan picking up such a large bundle of firewood, Su Jingyu was a little amazed, Brother Xuan was stronger than Brother Six.

Su Jingyu thought it was Ji Mingxuan who made such a big bundle, but she didn't know that it was Zhao Jing who made it.

(End of this chapter)

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