Chapter 456

Ning Yi felt that someone was looking at him, and when he looked back, there was nothing there, his brows were furrowed.

Seeing him standing there in a daze, Guan Guanyun asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Ning Yi said with a grim expression, "Someone is watching me."

Caring Yun's face became a bit serious: "Are you sure?"

Ning Yi nodded: "My feeling is not wrong. Although there is no malice, I can still be sure that someone is watching me."

Caring about Yun Shensi said: "You come in first, no matter whether you are malicious or not, just in case, I will contact other people to take your place."

Ning Yi nodded, it would be fine if they performed other missions together, but now they are with Madam, so they must be extremely careful.

The rooms are all ready. When Guan Yun and Ning Yi went upstairs, he said to him: "From now on, stay in the room and don't come out. If there is anything, let's do it."

Ning Yi nodded, knowing that Caring Yun's arrangement is the best.


Ji Mingxuan didn't know, because one of his actions made Ning Yi and the others vigilant.

in the afternoon.

Zhao Family Village.

As soon as Zhao Jing woke up, Jiang Jun'er and Nan Yunyu were still awake.

Zhao Jing got off the kang carefully, and Nan Yunyu woke up.

The two left the room together.

Zhao Jingyi looked at Nan Yunyu while brushing her hair and asked, "Aren't you going to sleep a little longer?"

Nan Yunyu shook her head: "I've slept for a long time, I won't be able to sleep at night."

As he spoke, he moved his hands and feet.

After finishing her hair, Zhao Jing said, "I'm going out for a while, do you want to go?"

Nan Yunyu asked curiously, "Where are you going?"

Zhao Jingyi said, "Go to the captain."

Nan Yunyu was puzzled: "Why are you looking for him?"

Zhao Jingyi said patiently: "You should tell him when you stay in the village."

Nan Yunyu understood, nodded and said, "I'll go with you."

Zhao Jingyi: "Okay."

The two went out together to the brigade headquarters.

They are already on work right now, so if they want to find the brigade leader, they have to go to the brigade headquarters first. If they can't find them, they can only wait until they get off work.

Zhao Jingyi walked around the village with Nan Yunyu.

Nan Yunyu said: "Your village is quite big, with a large population."

Zhao Jing thought for a while and said, "Well, thousands of people."

Nan Yunyu was a little surprised and said, "It's quite big. The largest village I've ever been to had only 900 people. Your place is pretty good, but it's a bit far away. You usually have to walk a long time to go to the town, right?"

Zhao Jing nodded and said, "Well, it depends on whether you walk fast or slowly. If you walk fast, it takes about an hour, and if you walk slowly, it takes an hour and a half or two hours."

After thinking for a while, he added: "If you have a bicycle, it will take half an hour."

Nan Yunyu nodded.

The two soon arrived at the brigade headquarters, and the brigade leader happened to be there. After Zhao Jingyi talked to the brigade, she left with Nan Yunyu.

It was only at this moment that Nan Yunyu came to her senses and said, "You have quite a seniority in the village."

Zhao Jing and Zhao Leyan: "Yes."

Nan Yunyu looked at her for a while and asked: "The captain is about the same age as my brother, and they call you aunt. In other villages, you are from the ancestors, right?"

Zhao Jing thought for a while and nodded: "Almost."

Nan Yunyu fell silent, which is... too cool.

Suddenly thought of something, looked at her with some anticipation and said, "Then I say your elder sister, maybe they also call me ancestor."

Zhao Jing blinked and looked at Nan Yunyu whose painting style changed suddenly: "..."

 Go do a nucleic acid and come back to continue
(End of this chapter)

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