Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 463 Just because you don't know doesn't mean there's no intersection

Chapter 463 Just because you don't know doesn't mean there's no intersection
Zhao Jingyi knew more or less about these things, but she didn't care.

After all, things like gossip and gossip cannot be controlled at all.

So, she simply didn't care. If there was something wrong, someone would have taken care of it for her without her coming forward.

As for the gossiper, it is nothing more than curiosity or jealousy.

It was getting dark when it was almost time to eat, and there were more people, so there were more dishes to cook.

Gu Beichuan and Zhao Xiaoya are already at home, and now Su Jingshen is missing.

Zhao Jingyi didn't know what he was busy with, he hadn't come back so late, although she knew that Su Jingshen would not starve herself, but Zhao Jingyi was still worried.

It was almost time for dinner, but before seeing Su Jingshen, Zhao Jing looked at Su Jingshen and asked, "Did your third brother not say when he will be back?"

Su Jingyang shook his head and said, "No, he said it would be later, but he didn't say the specific time."

Zhao Jing nodded.

Su Jingyang came over with the dishes and said, "I've left some food in the pot for him."

Zhao Jing nodded, "Well, let's eat."

The meal tonight is richer than what I ate before.

Everyone ate very happily. Fortunately, Su Jingyang and the others occasionally had meaty food in their stomachs. Otherwise, this meal tonight would be enough to make them have diarrhea until dawn.

Until Zhao Jingyi and the others rested, Su Jingshen still hadn't come back.

night passed...

Su Jingshen hasn't come back yet, and Zhao Jing didn't see Su Jingshen's bicycle when she woke up.

He yawned and asked the system: "Did Su Jingshen come back last night?"

System: "The host has not returned."

Zhao Jing frowned slightly, she didn't come back all night, why did he go?

Although she was a little worried, her intuition told her that Su Jingshen would be fine.

After breakfast, they go to work, go to work, go to work.

As soon as Zhao Jing prepared her things, she was planning to take Jiang Jun'er and the others to visit her parents when Su Jingshen came back.

With a tired look on his face, it looked like he hadn't rested all night.

Zhao Jingyi asked with concern: "Why did you go there? How did you make yourself so tired?"

Su Jingshen pinched the center of his eyebrows, and said with a deep tired tone: "Something happened temporarily, but it has been dealt with, is there any food at home?"

He is hungry and sleepy now.

Zhao Jing nodded: "Yes, I'll get it for you, you go sit and rest for a while."

Then he hurried to the kitchen.

Su Jingshen walked into the main hall only to find that there were two people, Nan Yunyu and Jiang Jun'er.

Looking at them with some surprise: "Miss Nan, Mrs. Nan, why are you here?"

Nan Yunyu said calmly, "Third Young Master Su, we meet again, is it strange that we are here?"

Jiang Jun'er was a little surprised, this young man recognized him.

Su Jingshen looked at their mother and daughter warily. He was lucky enough to meet Mrs. Nan, so he recognized her.

"It's really strange. It stands to reason that your Nan family doesn't seem to have anything to do with my little cousin."

Nan Yunyu pretended not to notice his vigilance, and said flatly: "You don't know, it doesn't mean there is no intersection."

Su Jingshen frowned.

At this moment, Zhao Jing walked over with a big bowl containing vegetables and porridge, put it in front of Su Jingshen, and said, "Eat, wash up and rest soon."

Su Jingshen smiled and said, "Okay, thank you little cousin."

Zhao Jing waved her hand and said, "We're all a family, let's not talk about this, let's eat quickly, we have something to do, let's go out for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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