Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 467 I Didn't Expect To Fall On Zhao Zhaodi

Chapter 467 I Didn't Expect To Fall On Zhao Zhaodi

Madam Ma's complexion instantly turned dark and ugly.

Zhao Jianjiang's expression was not good, he clenched his fists, and looked at his mother in front of him with a somewhat hoarse voice.

"Mother, do you have to force your son's family to death to be happy?"

The old lady Ma's face became even darker, and she said dissatisfiedly: "Boss, what are you talking about, I am your mother, how could I force you to death."

Zhao Jianjiang said coldly: "I won't agree, mother, if you still treat me as your son, you can exchange the money back, otherwise you can find a way on your own, my daughter, it is impossible to marry such a person."

Standing aside, Zhao Zhaodi was already frightened.

His face was as pale as snow, and he stood motionless with red eyes.

Zhao Laidi stood beside her and accompanied her.

Seeing her son's tough attitude, Mrs. Ma's patience has long since run out. Zhao Jianjiang's attitude is tough, but Mrs. Ma's attitude is even tougher.

"Let me tell you, it's impossible. I've already collected the money, and it's impossible to exchange it back. Anyway, I've already decided that even though the family is separated, you're still my son, Zhaodi is also my granddaughter, and I'm still your mother. This matter I call the shots."

The mother and son were arguing loudly, and the neighbors who lived in the surrounding villages all came out curiously to watch.

Those who lived close could hear what happened clearly, pointed at Mrs. Ma and said that she was not kind, or something.

Mrs. Ma didn't care either.

Zhao Xiaoya was not far from Zhao Jianjiang's house, so she came over to look at the sound, and didn't dare to get too close. After knowing what happened, she hesitated for a while, thinking that Zhao Jianjiang took good care of her, and then ran away As soon as Zhao Jing was notified, there was the previous scene.

Zhao Jingyi probably knew the ins and outs of the matter, and she pinched her brows. Originally, the plot was about Zhao Laidi, but because of some accidents happened to her, and because she came to this year, the plot changed.

This incident was thought to be gone just like that, but it unexpectedly fell on Zhao Zhaodi.

This is no one else, now that the family is living a good life, this old woman has to make trouble.

Zhao Jing raised her eyes to look at Old Madam Ma, her gaze was slightly cold and she said, "It's been a while since I haven't seen you being annoying, and I thought you were being honest, but it seems like a dog can't change eating shit."

The old lady Ma shrank her neck in fear, and said a little unhappy: "I'm doing this for her own good..."

Before she finished speaking, Zhao Jingyi's expression became even colder, and she said without hesitation: "It's so good, why don't you marry me?"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the big guys became strange.

The old lady Ma's face was even more embarrassing and angry.

"Grandma, you..."

Zhao Jingyi said lightly: "Why did I say something wrong? You praise him to the sky, don't you just think he is good? I remember that person is ten years younger than you, and he is about the same age as Da Jiang. Since he is so good , you can get married, but don't yell at Dajiang's daughter."

The corners of the mouths of the onlookers twitched, but it was inexplicably refreshing to see Mrs. Ma dare not speak out.

Lao Gentou came late, and when he heard this, his expression was not good: "Old aunt, be careful."

Seeing Lao Gentou, Zhao Jing didn't panic at all, but remained calm.

"Yo, here we come."

Old Gentou: "..."

other people:"……"

Old Gentou took a deep breath and said, "This is Mrs. Ma's fault. My nephew will discipline me well, but what my aunt said just now seems to be not very good."

Zhao Jing tilted her head and looked at him, and asked pretending to be puzzled: "Not so good? What's not so good? She said it herself, how good is that person, and how blessed is Zhaodi's child after marrying him, then if this is the case Anyway, Zhao Di is not willing, the money is also accepted, and she is not willing to return it, so naturally she will marry herself, is there anything wrong with what I said?"

Lao Gen's forehead bulged when Zhao Jingyi said it.

He gave Madam Ma a vicious look, it was all her fault.

"I will ask Mrs. Ma to return the money to others. I hope my aunt will stop talking about this matter. Mrs. Ma is also my nephew's wife after all."

Zhao Jing snorted coldly and said, "Don't be an example, let me know that you guys are making money by buying your granddaughter, so don't blame me."

Lao Gentou nodded, grabbed Mrs. Ma and walked home.

After watching the excitement, everyone left.

As soon as Zhao Jing stood up, she looked at Zhao Jianjiang's family and said, "If Niang still comes to bother you in the future, let your two daughters come to me. You are a son and you can't say a lot. I'm different. Do you understand?"

Zhao Jianjiang and his wife are good, so Zhao Jingyi doesn't mind helping him.

As for Zhao Zhaodi, Zhao Laidi, how can I put it, they are all poor people, as long as they don't make trouble, she doesn't mind helping them.

Zhao Jianjiang bowed to Zhao Jing with a tired face: "Grandma, thank you."

As soon as Zhao Jing saw him like this, she sighed. There was nothing she could do. She patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, don't think too much, take a good rest, I'll go back first."

Looking at Zhao Jingyi's back as she left, Zhao Zhaodi felt very complicated.

She was very jealous of Zhao Jingyi before, not only was she high in seniority in the village, but also so many people treated her well, look at herself again.

Although she has helped her family many times, Zhao Zhaodi is still jealous of her and doesn't appreciate her.

But even so, she still helped herself, and Zhao Zhaodi suddenly felt that she was ridiculous.

In fact, Zhao Jingyi didn't know Zhao Zhaodi's thoughts, and even if she knew, she didn't feel at ease, let alone cared.

Nan Yunyu was waiting for her in the distance, seeing her coming, Nan Yunyu stepped forward and asked with concern: "Are you all right?"

Zhao Jing shook her head, smiled and said, "Nothing, don't worry."

Nan Yunyu heard what happened there, and said, "At first, I thought that this kind of situation only happened in big families, but I didn't expect it to happen in the village as well."

There are similar situations in big families. For the sake of profit, the daughter is married to someone she doesn't like, or someone who is abnormal.

I thought that the country people are simple and honest, but now it seems that not all are like that.

Zhao Jingyi smiled and said, "It's normal."

There are people like this everywhere.

Nan Yunyu pondered for a while, then said earnestly: "It seems that I still don't know enough."

Then he thought of the old man just now, and said with a smile: "However, your prestige in the village is still quite high. The old man just now seemed to be difficult to get along with, and he can only be scolded in front of you."

Zhao Jing was slightly taken aback, she didn't expect Nan Yunyu's focus to be so strange.

"They're wrong, otherwise it's useless even if they have a high seniority."

Nan Yunyu nodded, thinking so too.

Said narcissistically: "However, what you did just now is somewhat majestic like your elder sister and me."

Zhao Jingyi: "..."

Seeing Zhao Jingyi's surprised face, Nan Yunyu couldn't help laughing out: "Hahaha..."

(End of this chapter)

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