Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 470 Not bound by so many rules and regulations

Chapter 470 Not bound by so many rules and regulations
Zhao Jingyi thought it was a little funny, and said helplessly, "Sister has a very good personality, she is free and unrestrained."

Jiang Jun'er felt that Zhao Jing thought too well of her daughter, and said: "You don't understand, your sister, this is fine, there is another one that you haven't seen yet, and that is called lawlessness."

Zhao Jing was slightly taken aback.

one left?
Nan Yunyu explained to Zhao Jingyi: "Your godmother is talking about her other daughter, who is six or seven years older than you. She is 21 and [-] this year. She will not see anyone for most of the year."

Zhao Jing was stunned, and suddenly remembered that the eldest family of the Nan family had two daughters, and the most famous of them was the eldest daughter of the Nan family. The other three ladies of the family.

Zhao Jingyi smiled and said: "Although the godmother talks, she is still happy in her heart. Auntie and the others can do what they like, isn't the godmother the happiest, without so many rules and regulations."

The smile on Jiang Jun'er's face was even stronger, but she still said stiffly: "You, you haven't met your other sister yet, so you help her talk."

Zhao Jing said seriously: "I don't, I'm just telling the truth."

Jiang Juner nodded her forehead helplessly.

Haishi, Nanjia.

When Nan Yunyu came back from the outside, he saw a person lying on the sofa in the living room, and there were fruit peels and candy wrappers on the ground.

It was a mess all over the place, I just felt my forehead bulging.

Taking a deep breath, he said, "Nan Yunhan."

The person on the sofa moved twice, but remained silent again.

The servant heard the voice and came over, and saw Nan Yunyu's face was a little ugly.

He walked over with his head down: "Master."

Nan Yunyu said lightly: "Pack up your things."

The servant nodded respectfully: "Yes."

The things on the table and the things on the ground are all the little lady Nan Yunhan, don't let them move, otherwise it would be impossible to be in such a mess.

Moreover, the young lady said that even though she was asleep, they still didn't dare to clean up without permission.

It was hard to wait until the young master came back and the young master spoke before they dared to clean up.

Nan Yunhan heard a voice beside her, frowned, turned over and continued to sleep.

Nan Yunyu came over and looked at the little girl who was sleeping in the dark, only feeling a headache.

Taking a deep breath, he suppressed a trace of irritability in his heart and said, "Get up, go back to sleep."

Nan Yunhan covered her ears and said impatiently, "Don't make noise."

Then go back to sleep.

Nan Yunyu: "..."

The hall is a place for entertaining guests. Nan Yunhan is a girl who sleeps here without knowing herself. This is the most troublesome for Nan Yunyu, a person who abides by the rules.

"Mother He, let someone carry the little lady back to her room."

He Ma came out of the kitchen and replied, "Yes, young master."

As he spoke, he called a few maidservants to walk over together, lifted Nan Yunhan up, and walked upstairs.

Nan Yunhan woke up a little when she heard his elder brother's voice, but she didn't dare to open her eyes.

Playing too late last night, she fell asleep on the sofa when she came back early in the morning.

In the middle of it, I was still hungry and too lazy to move, so I got up half asleep and half awake to look for something to eat on the table.

She continued to sleep when she was full, as for the rest, she didn't remember.

After being carried back to the room, Nan Yunhan didn't open her eyes, and let them toss around, and only opened her eyes after they finished and went out to close the door.

I yawned, turned over and fell asleep again after a while.

(End of this chapter)

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