Chapter 479

The system said seriously: "Don't worry, host, the system will work hard."

Zhao Jing was slightly taken aback, she was only joking, she didn't expect the system to be so serious: "I'm joking, don't put too much pressure on yourself."

The system knows that Zhao Jingyi is joking, but he also knows that he was lazy to upgrade before and now he doesn't know many plots, so he rarely appears recently, and has been working hard: "The system knows, but for the host, the system will definitely work hard .”

The two of them are one, and what needs to be upgraded is the transaction points she spends. She has saved a lot of things, and some of the things have been converted into transaction points by the system, and then some things have been exchanged by the system in the transaction store. .

Now it is still far from being able to upgrade the system. She originally thought about going deeper into the mountains for a while to see if she could find something of higher value.

It's not that Jiang Jun'er and the others came and interrupted her plan.

But it's not a big problem.

It's okay to go by yourself after they leave, while the weather is not cold yet.

Jiang Juner looked at Su Jingyu with the eyes of an elder looking at a junior daughter-in-law and said: "Although Xiao Lin was not raised by me, I have seen him a few times. He is a good boy. If he bullies you in the future, tell auntie , Auntie will teach you a lesson."

Su Jingyu said with some embarrassment: "We are not together yet."

Jiang Jun'er's expression remained unchanged and said: "That's it, it's all right, don't worry."

Su Jingyu nodded shyly.

Zhao Jingyi did not forget that Zhao Huaiguo and the two brothers said: "Please help me move in."

Zhao Huaiguo and Zhao Huai said, "No trouble."

The two helped to move the things on the bullock cart in.

Su Jingyan and the others also helped, only Zhao Jingyi and Jiang Jun'er did not move.

Zhao Jing wanted to help, but Jiang Jun'er held her back: "Just let them carry these, you have small arms and legs, and your health is not good, so don't make trouble."

The words sounded a bit disgusting, but they were actually full of deep concern.

Zhao Jingyi couldn't say that she was fine, so she could only stand aside with Jiang Jun'er.

Watch them move things in.

After moving the things, Zhao Jing said to Zhao Huaiguo and the others, "Stay here for dinner and go back."

Zhao Huaiguo shook his head and said, "No, the food is already prepared at home."

As soon as Zhao Jing wanted to say something, she heard Zhao Huaijun say, "Auntie, we have to pull the cart away and put it away."

They all said that, and she couldn't say anything more: "OK."

After they left, Jiang Jun'er said: "Since Jiang Lin is here, let him come over for a meal. I haven't seen him for a long time."

Zhao Jing nodded and looked around and said, "Okay, Xiaomei, you and Xiaoya go and call him over."

When Su Jingyu was mentioned suddenly, she was taken aback for a moment, and just about to say that she would not go, she heard Zhao Xiaoya happily agree: "Okay."


As soon as he spoke, he was dragged away.

Su Jingyu: "..."

Zhao Jing smiled and shook her head watching the two of them run out.

Nan Yunyu looked at such lively two people and said, "It's good to be young."

As soon as the voice finished speaking, Jiang Jun'er rolled her eyes gracefully: "How old are you, your mother and I haven't spoken yet."

Zhao Jing couldn't hold back her laughter when she realized it: "Pfft."

Su Jingyan also had a smile on her face, and a trace of longing flashed deep in her eyes.

Seeing the happy atmosphere of their mother and daughter getting along, she also missed her mother.

Since coming here, she hasn't called her mother a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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