Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 488 Su Qingyun's Viewpoint

Chapter 488 Su Qingyun's Viewpoint
There is no basis for this statement, not to mention that we are all in the same village, so we can hide something?
It's better to choose a method that is well-founded and they will not doubt it.

The system nodded: "The host is still smart."

Zhao Jing smiled and said, "It's just telling the truth, just let him go with the flow."

Nan Yunyu was very careful, taking care of all dangerous things that would hurt Zhao Jingyi, and she also paid special attention to her feet, so the journey, all the way to the middle of the mountain was smooth.

The system did not strike because of Nan Yunyu's presence, scaring away the dangers that were neither too far nor too close to them to go to other places.

Although Nanyunyu can protect Zhao Jingyi, the system still avoids it just in case.

Beijing City, Su Family.

Mr. Su sat on the sofa, holding the phone in one hand, and said in a solemn tone: "I will discuss this matter with your fourth uncle and fourth aunt when they come back."

"Well, I'll call Zhaojiacun later if something happens."

Su Qingyun came down from upstairs. She was about to say something, but when she saw that the old man's expression was a little off, she frowned slightly and walked over.

After the old man put down the phone, he asked, "What happened?"

The old man sighed and said, "Xiao San called and said that my sister-in-law is in Zhaojia Village and has fallen in love with an educated youth who is the nephew of the eldest wife of the Nan family."

Su Qingyun probably understood, the old man's worry: "Are you worried that the Su family and the Nan family will get involved because of this, and the Su family will stand on the cusp again?"

The old man nodded, and said with a heavy tone: "I originally thought about going to Ning City for the elderly in a few years. If you brothers want to stay here, I will give you a few brothers. The Su family's limelight is high." , if the people above know about it, they will fear us even more, when the time comes..."

Although the last words were not spoken, Su Qingyun already understood.

Su Qingyun didn't have much reaction to the fact that Su Jingyu had someone she liked, after all she was sixteen or seventeen years old: "Then wait for Fourth Brother and the others to come back and discuss it together, Xiao Liu is not young anymore."

The old man nodded: "This is the only way to do it now. Let's see what your fourth brother and fourth sister-in-law say."

Relatively speaking, Su Qingyun prefers to keep the family away from here: "Don't think too much, at worst, we all submit applications and become ordinary people."

The old man gave him an angry look and said: "I know what you said, how many people were involved in it, and you don't know the matter."

The root of their Su family is not here, but Haicheng. Every year before the Chinese New Year, one of their brothers goes back. Now that the grandson has grown up, it is the children who go.

The old man has been in Beijing since he was young, and it is impossible for him to leave easily when he has reached his current status.

Seeing the sadness on the old man's face, Su Qingyun said helplessly.

"You just think too much. Uncle Ji and the others also have the same meaning. Besides, if they know about this, they may not necessarily make a big move. Let's not talk about Uncle Ji's family, the Hua family, and the Liao family. We are family friends, so the Gu family can be considered."

Halfway through the talk, I got a little thirsty, picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip of tea, and continued: "Half of the forces in Beijing are related to us, and those above have to think about it, let alone us There are so many members of the Su family in the BU team, and they all have important positions, even if they don't worry about the friendship between the other families and us, they still have to worry about the position of the eldest brother."

(End of this chapter)

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