Chapter 490

In addition to pheasants and rabbits, Zhao Jingyi and the others also found wild kiwis in the mountains, which most people don't recognize.

But Nan Yunyu knew that she was the eldest lady of the Nan family after all, she had never eaten it, and she had seen it before. The wild macaques were not big, and it happened to be the ripening season.

Nan Yunyu and Zhao Jingyi don't like the sweet and sour taste, but they can be regarded as snacks to quench their thirst in the mountains.

Zhao Jingyi and Nan Yunyu picked a lot, they were lucky, they came across a large piece with a lot of growth, and left some for them to eat when they went back later, and gave some to the team leader and the others when the time came.

I also picked a lot of herbs, but I didn't encounter any precious herbs.

Nan Yunyu came over with the rabbit in his arms and asked, "Are you going back?"

In fact, she still wanted to go to a deeper place, but she was afraid that she would encounter dangers like wild boars and she would not be able to protect Zhao Jingyi.

Zhao Jing can do whatever she wants, it doesn't matter if she goes back or not. In fact, she also has the same idea as Nan Yunyu. She wants to go inside and see if she can find any valuable medicinal materials: "Sister, I will go back if I say go back."

She saw Nan Yunyu's entanglement and left the decision to her.

This made her a little tangled up, but it was only for a moment, and she stopped being tangled up, and said a little embarrassedly, "Why don't you go in a little more?"

Looking at her cute appearance, Zhao Jing suppressed a smile and said, "Okay."

Nan Yunyu picked up the pannier and said, "I feel that there must be treasures inside. If there is any danger, remember to hide it, so that sister can not take it into consideration."

Zhao Jing nodded: "Okay, I must hide well."

At the same time, I asked the system in my heart: "Will it be dangerous to go in again?"

System: "Yes, there are traces of wild boar activities inside, and there is also a blind bear inside, but it is deeper, and there are no traces of its activities around, but you hosts still have to be careful."

This mountain is very big, it can almost be said to be the largest mountain here, not at all smaller than the Big Yellow Mountain at the end of the village.

They don't know what's inside. If it wasn't for the system, Zhao Jingyi wouldn't have known about it. They didn't expect that there would be a blind man living in it.

"I see."

The wild boar is not scary, but the blind bear is the scariest.The two of them were walking towards the deep mountain with their backs on their backs.

The further you go inside, the more difficult the road becomes. The grass is much taller than a person.

Fortunately, both of them wrapped themselves up very tightly, otherwise they would definitely have lost their faces.

Not to mention bugs.

Zhao Jingyi asked, "Are there wild boars around here?"

The system immediately surveyed, and then said: "There is a water pool 300 meters ahead, and there are several wild boars drinking water there."

The road is not easy to walk, Zhao Jingyi walked carefully while talking to the system: "So that means we will meet if we walk in this direction?"

System: "Yes host."

It was just noon at this time, and it is reasonable to say that the wild boar would not appear at this time, but these few wild boars were drinking water and grazing by the pool.

The system checked again, and found a cave not far from the water pool. There was their aura in it, and it seemed that they lived nearby.

No wonder it will appear from time to time, and there are traces of other animal activities around, but they are all by the pool.

This is considered to be the territory of wild boars, no wonder you can see them.

The system reminded: "Host, there is a wild boar's territory nearby, you have to be careful."

Zhao Jing was taken aback for a moment: "Wild boar's territory?"

System: "Yes, the host. I found a cave not far from the water pool, which has the breath of those wild boars."

(End of this chapter)

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