Chapter 498
Along the way, the captain had already thought about it, so he went straight to the topic and said: "Miss Nan's meaning, my aunt has already told me, and I thank Miss Nan, but we can't accept you for no reason. You see, how about , how about we buy it from you?"

Nan Yunyu knew what the captain meant, but she didn't want to take advantage of her, so she waved her hand and said, "No, this wild boar belongs to my sister. If there is any reward or something, just give it to her."

The captain was stunned for a moment, then looked at Zhao Jingyi.

Zhao Jing nodded, "Yes."

The team leader breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, this wild boar, I will tell everyone when everyone is ready."

Nan Yunyu yawned, and said lazily, "That's fine. We'll go back when people come later."

After speaking, he stretched his neck and said, "I'm exhausted."

The captain nodded.

Zhao Jingyi was fine, tired or not, not very sleepy, but with this habit of taking a nap, she was a little bit.

After about ten minutes or so.

In the distance, people came one after another.

Zhao Jingyi stood up and said, "They're here, sister, let's go back."

Nan Yunyu nodded, picked up the water beside her and stood up.

The team leader said, "Grandma, I'll share the meat in a while, and I'll ask Daguo to send it home for you."

Zhao Jing nodded, thought for a while and said, "Leave a few bones for me. Look at the pigs' offal. If they want it, send it to my home too."

Captain: "Okay."

Zhao Jingyi and Nan Yunyu walked back, the villagers came this way, and greeted Zhao Jingyi when they saw them.



Zhao Jing nodded in response one by one.

After finally getting back to the door of the house, Zhao Jingyi felt that her head was going to be dizzy.

Nan Yunyu jokingly said: "It seems that being an elder is quite tiring."

Zhao Jing smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm used to it."

The two returned home.

Nan Yunyu was about to take a bath, her body was sticky and uncomfortable.

Hearing the movement, Jiang Jun'er opened the door and walked out.

"I'm back, are you hungry?"

Nan Yunyu had already gone to the toilet to wash up, Zhao Jingyi was washing her hands, she looked up and said, "Godmother, you haven't had your lunch break yet."

Jiang Jun'er smiled and said, "I'm waiting for you to come back."

Zhao Jing nodded and said, "Sister is washing in the toilet."

Jiang Juner asked: "Well, are you hungry?"

Zhao Jing touched her belly and said, "A little bit, godmother, have you eaten yet?"

Jiang Juner nodded: "Drink some porridge."

As soon as Zhao Jing was relieved, she was afraid that Jiang Jun'er would wait for them to come back hungry and that she would not be full, so she asked, "Then do you want to eat more?"

Jiang Jun'er wasn't full at all, so she wanted them to come back and eat something with them: "Let's have some noodles."

Zhao Jing nodded: "Okay, I'll cook, you wait in the main hall blowing the fan."

Then he went to work in the kitchen.

When Nan Yunyu came out of the wash, she was almost ready.

Zhao Jing cooked a pot of noodles with tomatoes, eggs, and vegetables, took it out, and asked the system time. When it was almost time to start work, Zhao Jing took out the bowl.

Then go to Miss Su Jing's room, knock on the door and tell them to get up and eat something.

Just went to work after eating.

Su Jingxiu and Su Jingyan both changed their clothes and walked out, still yawning again and again before waking up.

Su Jingyan patted her face lightly, sobered up a bit, looked at Zhao Jing curiously and asked, "Little cousin, what treasure did you find on the mountain today?"

Zhao Jing smiled and said, "I found some fruits, and I don't know if you like them or not. If you like them, you can take some to work later."

Su Jingyan nodded: "Okay."

Su Jingyu walked over and squatted beside the basket, looking at the small, hairy fruits in the basket, subconsciously feeling a little ugly.

It was the first time Su Jingyan saw a long-haired fruit, and asked with a puzzled look: "What kind of fruit is this? It has long hairs."

Zhao Jing smiled. There is indeed a layer of hair on the surface of the kiwi fruit, which most people have never seen before. They really find it strange: "This is called a kiwi fruit. The skin is very thin, and the inside is sweet and sour. You can take one out and break it open to see if you can see it." unacceptable."

Su Jingyu was a little bit hesitant, but curious, she hesitated and nodded.

Carefully reached in, touched it lightly, tested it twice, it was a little soft, and almost punctured the skin.

After thinking about it, I picked it up, squeezed it lightly, and it was soft.

Carefully break it apart from the middle, the fruit pulp is exposed, and it still has a faint fragrance.

It feels good to ask.

Su Jingyu swallowed her saliva, took a small bite, it was quite sweet, not sour.

Turning around, I handed half of it to my sister and said, "It's not sour, it's sweet."

Su Jingyan saw that her sister was eating well, so she took it and squeezed a little out to eat.

Tastes sweet, not sour.

feel good.

There is a smile in the corner of the eye.

Looking at Zhao Jingyi, she said, "It's delicious."

Zhao Jing smiled and said, "The flesh is not sour, but the middle is a bit sour."

"If it's delicious, you can take a few to eat later."

Su Jingyu and Su Jingyan nodded: "Okay."

Su Jingyu wanted to eat quickly, so she stuffed the kiwi in her hand into her mouth and chewed it twice. It was indeed like Zhao Jingyi said, it was a little sour in the middle.

Zhao Jingyi said helplessly, "Okay, let's eat."

Jiang Jun'er also didn't like to eat this kind of thing, so she said slowly: "Few people know about this kind of thing in general, but I didn't expect it to exist in the mountains. It doesn't look big, but it's wild, and it's pretty good if it grows so big. "

Nan Yunyu ate a mouthful of noodles, and said contentedly, "It's quite a big piece, and there are still a lot. I think I'll pick them all for him tomorrow, otherwise it will be a waste."

Jiang Juner frowned slightly: "Go tomorrow?"

Nan Yunyu explained: "Go and pick the rest and come back, don't just wander around."

Jiang Jun'er had no choice but to say, "Okay, just take care of your sister."

Nan Yunyu felt a little lack of confidence when she heard this. After all, whose sister could lift more than 400 catties of wild boar, just like carrying a small chicken. Although she felt this way in her heart, she didn't show it on her face.

"Isn't it safe and sound, mother, don't worry."

Jiang Jun'er nodded her forehead: "You."

Zhao Jingyi concentrated on cooking.

After eating a bowl of noodles, the whole person came alive and refreshed.

He stood up and said, "I've finished eating and I'm going to wash up."

Jiang Juner nodded.

Seeing Zhao Jingyi, Nan Yunyu ate a bowl, frowned and said, "Eat so little, no wonder you're so skinny, eat more."

Zhao Jing touched her stomach and said, "Sister, I'm full and can't eat anymore."

Nan Yunyu raised her hand and touched her belly. It was flat, as if she hadn't eaten, and said helplessly, "Your belly is as flat as if you haven't eaten."

Zhao Jingyi: "..." I really can't eat anymore, and I can't blame her for that.

Jiang Jun'er picked up the fan and tapped it lightly, Nan Yunyu's head said: "You have the same meal as you for everyone, eat two bowls."

(End of this chapter)

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