Chapter 511
She didn't know what attracted him to her and made him so interested in her.

Zhao Jing thought that maybe they could try to go further, she chuckled lightly, looked at him and said, "I haven't finished talking yet, what are you in such a hurry for?"

Ji Mingxuan froze for a moment, clenched his hands slightly, swallowed nervously, and fixed his eyes on Zhao Jingyi.

Hope once again rose from the heart that had been lost.

Zhao Jing looked at him with seriousness on her face, but she was actually a little nervous and shy in her heart.

"I took what you said to heart, and I also thought about it seriously. Although I don't understand what you like about me, I can feel how kind you are to me, so I think we can get to know each other further. What do you think?"

After Ji Mingxuan listened to Zhao Jingyi's words, his whole heart beat faster, his hands trembled slightly due to excitement, and his eyes looking at Zhao Jingyi were full of tenderness and joy.

He opened his mouth several times to answer Zhao Jingyi's words, but he couldn't speak because he was too excited.

Zhao Jing looked at him who was shrewd and steady, and now she was so happy that she couldn't speak, her heart ached slightly.

It's hard for him.

Zhao Jing stretched out her hand to hold Ji Mingxuan's hand, and said softly, "Control your emotions now and take a deep breath."

Ji Mingxuan shook Zhao Jingyi's hand, it was small and soft, with a touch of warmth.

The moment I held her hand, the empty place in my heart seemed to be filled.

"I think it's good. I will try my best to prove it and let everyone accept our relationship."

Zhao Jing smiled and nodded: "Let's work hard together."

Although I don't know what the future will be like, at least for now he is good.

They'll be fine too.

Seeing that the official wiring between its own host and Ji Mingxuan has reached 60.00%, the system feels a little sour.

He looked at Ji Mingxuan with a bit of displeasure.

Looking at his own host's heart, he felt aggrieved that his Chinese cabbage was being bullied by other people's pigs.

Nan Yunyu came out of the room, still holding needlework and half-made things that she didn't know whether it was a skirt or clothes, and she was about to ask Zhao Jingyi why this place was so strange.

Before he could speak, he saw the two of them holding hands.

Everyone was stunned.

The first reaction was that this kid Ji Mingxuan actually took advantage of his sister, he got angry immediately, and was about to walk over to teach Ji Mingxuan a lesson, when he saw the tenderness on Zhao Jingyi's face from the corner of his eye.

The anger in Nan Yunyu's heart disappeared instantly, she still couldn't bear to destroy it after all, seeing her like this.

Sighing heavily in my heart, I turned around and went back to the room, losing my thoughts about making clothes.

Sitting on the edge of the kang, Nan Yunyu's expression was not very good, she didn't know what she was thinking.

After a while, he sighed heavily, with a bit of sadness and relief in his brows.

And when Nan Yunyu turned to go back, the system told Zhao Jingyi that Nan Yunyu saw her holding hands with Ji Mingxuan.

Zhao Jingyi felt a little guilty, as if her parents found out about her relationship.

Sensing that something was wrong with Zhao Jingyi, Ji Mingxuan asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

Zhao Jing touched her nose and said in a low voice, "Sister came out just now, she seems to have found out about the two of us."

Ji Mingxuan was stunned for a moment. All he paid attention to just now was on Zhao Jingyi and didn't notice Nan Yunyu coming out. Seeing Zhao Jingyi's guilty expression, he asked helplessly and fondly, "Are you afraid of her?" Not happy?"

(End of this chapter)

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