Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 205 Who Was Pretending To Be Competitive?

Chapter 205 Who Was Pretending To Be Competitive?
With [-] infantry, Cao Cao defeated the Xiliang Army with [-] cavalry.

After this battle, everyone in the world knows Lu Yan's name!
Especially the last dangerous cavalry raid,

Many soldiers swore that they saw Lu Yan annihilate three thousand Xiliang iron cavalry with his own hands!

Well, words are scary, and some things are less true.
Cao Cao and Lu Yan not only won the positions of General and Hussar General, Cao Cao also got the title of Township Marquis, while Lu Yan got the lower level of Ting Hou.

However, these places are not under their own control, so there is no way to talk about food towns, it is nothing more than a good name.

Cao Ren, Cao Hong, and Li Dian got their wish and got a great contribution and were promoted collectively.

The three of them won the titles of General Jianzhong, General Zhaowu and General Zhaoyi, and of course, the title of Marquis of Guannei.

The people on Lu Yan's side,

Tai Shici became a general in battle because of his outstanding performance in the back of the Wei army;

Zhao Yun was canonized as General Yueqi, Dian Wei was named General Li Feng, and even Xia Houlan was awarded the post of General Yamen.

And they all got the title of Marquis of Guannei.

Anyway, Marquis of Guannei does not have food, it is just a status symbol, and Liu Xie will not feel distressed no matter how much he gives.
But the most important thing is that these official positions come from the court and from the emperor of the Han Dynasty, which belong to orthodoxy.

Although most of them are miscellaneous generals, even if they are also miscellaneous, they are much more powerful than Cao Cao's self-proclaimed ones.

After the award was completed, Cao Ren, Zhao Yun and others thanked the emperor one after another.

The next step is to leave Luoyang and go to Xu County.

Since the administration of Cao Hong and Li Dian, Xu County has relied on Chenliu County to attract refugees, prosper commercial agriculture, and expand the city.

Later, after receiving the emperor's edict, Cao Cao even ordered people to build palace complexes ahead of schedule, which had already begun to take shape.

Thanks to the new lijia and household registration system, the law and order of counties and counties under Cao Cao's rule is much better than that of other princes.

Liu Xie and his party entered Chenliu County through Hulao Pass, and finally entered Xu County in Yingchuan County.

Along the way, they saw villages of different sizes one after another, and saw the people who were working hard in the fields amidst the smoke from the kitchen.

Now it's autumn, and the farmers are ushering in their happiest moment of the year, a bumper harvest!
The common people sang some local dialect ditties, harvesting crops in full swing in the fields.

Liu Xie was sitting in a very ordinary carriage,
After he heard the singing outside, he couldn't help but lifted a corner of the car curtain and peeked at the rural scenery outside.

It is different from the miserable scene in Guanzhong where there are thousands of red land and bones everywhere.

The people of Chenliu County and Yingchuan County are far away from war and famine, they live and work in peace and contentment, and their life is getting more and more prosperous!

Liu Xie looked at the scene outside that was like another world, and couldn't help feeling and sighing in his heart.

Finally, Liu Xie put down the car curtain silently, leaned on the backrest and slowly closed his eyes, and said to Empress Fu and Concubine Dong Gui, "I'm a little tired."

[The second year of Xingping, late autumn]

[Boss Cao has successfully welcomed the emperor back, and is about to open a new chapter, ushering in the highlight moment of his own rapid development. 】

[I really didn't expect that I was named a general of hussars. Although Feng Xiao said that Boss Cao and the little emperor had no good intentions, he was a general of hussars after all, I am awesome! 】

[I was just a fascinated by the authorities before, but fortunately Feng Xiao woke me up. 】

[It’s not that Boss Cao harbors evil intentions. He probably thinks of me as a nail inserted into the emperor’s power because he knows me very well and disdains the so-called royal orthodoxy. 】

[To be honest, is it uncomfortable to touch fish and farm? It's so annoying that you insist on asking me to play intrigue or something! 】

[However, I have a bit of weight in the emperor's heart now, how about finding a chance to change my official title and go farming?I think this plan is feasible, and the position of the Da Sinong is very good! 】

Lu Yan first wrote some personal feelings, and then started the complaint mode.


【Forget it, anyway, the little emperor didn’t force me to stay in Xuchang, so I don’t need to complain about him all the time. It’s really good not to have to go to court. If you really want me to get up at four in the morning, wouldn’t everyone go crazy? 】

After complaining about Lao Cao's cruelty and the emperor's ulterior motives, Lu Yan closed the diary tiredly.

At the same time, the system's notification tone sounded on time.

[The diary synchronization is complete, congratulations to the host for successfully signing in! 】

【Diary Content Judgment: B】

[Your sincerity will always be rewarded. Your diary today was rated as a second class, and the level of rewards remains unchanged. 】

[Rewards are being generated, please wait]

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a heart-nourishing jade]

[Cultivating Heart Jade: Apart from making people feel a little more peaceful, it has no other effect, but its appearance is quite delicate. 】

Lu Yan lay this useless jade pendant quietly in the palm of his hand, shaking his head, he still hung it on his waist.

With the nurturing jade in his body, Lu Yan suddenly felt calmer.

put away the diary,
Lu Yan walked out of his room, looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar environment outside, and thought:
"It's been about a month since I left and I came back. Why do I have the illusion that it's been a long time?"

Jizhou, Yecheng.

Yuan Shao was sitting at the main seat in the meeting hall at the moment, quietly watching the news sent by the spies from Chen Liu and Xu Chang.

When Yuan Shao raised his head,
The few think tanks under his command who had been waiting for a long time all clapped their hands together and said, "I have seen the lord!"

Yuan Shao looked at Tian Feng, Ju Shou, Xu You, Feng Ji, Guo Tu, Shen Pei and others, nodded and said, "They're all here."

"Master, how is Cao Cao?" Tian Feng asked.

"Cao Mengde defeated the Xiliang army and has brought back the emperor. What do you think he is trying to do?" Yuan Shao was a little puzzled, so he asked the group of advisers.

Ju Shou first cupped his hands and replied: "My lord, according to my subordinates, Cao Cao naturally wants to coerce the emperor to command the princes!"

"Hehe, Cao Cao wants to coerce the emperor to order the princes, so he has to be ordered!" Guo Tu said with a disdainful sneer.

"Don't underestimate it. If there are too many edicts issued by the emperor, it will be a problem for the lord to ignore them!" Tian Feng said, frowning.

At this time Xu You took a step forward, cupped his hands and said, "My lord, what Yuan Hao said makes sense.

If Cao Cao repeatedly borrows the hand of the emperor to issue edicts to us, will we accept it or not?

But if we don't accept it, we will lose our righteousness and become disobedient ministers who defy the emperor's order; but if we really accept the edict, wouldn't it be a disguised recognition that Cao Cao is orthodox? "

Following what Jushou, Tian Feng and Xu You said, Yuan Shao suddenly felt that it was a big mistake not to welcome the emperor.

But after all, it was his own decision, how could he slap himself in the face?
Guo Tu obviously saw Yuan Shao's entanglement, so he said aloud: "You three, I'm afraid you are a little alarmist."

Ju Shou has a strong temper, and when he heard Guo Tu come out to sing the opposite tune, he immediately shouted angrily: "It's all your fault! When I tried to persuade the Lord to welcome the emperor, it was you, Feng Ji and others who said that the emperor is a burden. Stop the lord from sending troops!"

Ju Shou's yelling yelled at Yuan Shao's face, after all, he also thought so at the beginning
What to do?I pretended so badly that I had to pretend to be complete even with tears in my eyes!

Listening to the think tanks making noise in the hall again, Yuan Shao pondered for a moment irritably, and then said, "The Son of Heaven has nothing to do with the overall situation, let Cao Cao be proud. The most urgent thing is to exterminate Gongsun Zan!"

After Yuan Shao said the words, Ju Shou, Tian Feng and Xu You could only sigh secretly.

Yuan Shao chose not to talk about it, so it was hard for them to touch this bad luck again.

(End of this chapter)

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