Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 214 It turns out that this is Guo Jia's cryptic warning!

Chapter 214 It turns out that this is Guo Jia's cryptic warning! (Updated in advance!)

After inspecting the barracks and daily training content, Lu Yan, accompanied by Lu Lingqi, slowly walked out of the barracks gate.

Along the way, Lu Yan always had some weird and unharmonious feelings in his heart.

He feels that the difference between Lu Lingqi's personality and her usual behavior is a bit too big
"No! There is a problem!" The more he thought about it, the more something went wrong. Lu Yan suddenly woke up and immediately reined in the horse and stopped.

Lu Lingqi had been worried all the time, but after seeing Lu Yan's abnormal reaction, she put her heart back in her stomach instead.

Lu Yan turned his head, his face was still the same as usual, but his tone of voice was a little colder, "Who taught you?"

The nonsensical words made Lu Lingqi smile wryly, "As expected, I still can't hide it from you."

Without waiting for Lu Yan to ask again, Lu Lingqi admitted straightforwardly, "It was Guo Jijiu who taught me."

"Fengxiao again?" Lu Yan frowned, suddenly thinking, and said to himself, "I said why this guy didn't go back to Chen Liu because he was afraid of being beaten."

Lu Lingqi thought about it, and decided to explain it thoroughly: "Guo Jijiu said that you are very good in other aspects, but you have a very fatal weakness."

Sure enough, this sentence caught Lu Yan's attention, "What did he say?"

After recalling it, Lu Lingqi said: "I remember some original words of Guo Jijiu, he said: 'Longsheng is the most despised person, if you have some talent and complain to him, he will never turn back. help you.'”

"There's always something in the words!" Lu Yan chewed on the words in his heart, and then asked, "What else did he say?"

"He also said that if I showed you a helpless and wronged expression and promised not to violate certain bottom lines, you would most likely agree to my request."

"Guo Jia's control over people's hearts is still so precise, but why did he plan on me?" Lu Yan was a little puzzled.

It stands to reason that they skipped work together, drank together, went to the battlefield together, and faced the most dangerous moments together. Their relationship should be very close, and Guo Jia will not and cannot harm him!
"Why?" Lu Yan put a big question mark in his heart.

Seeing the puzzled expression on Lu Yan's face, the eldest lady seemed to suddenly think of something, and hurriedly said: "By the way, Guo Jijiu has another sentence for you."

Lu Yan was startled when he heard the words, and said, "Say it."

"People's hearts are treacherous, don't let your emotions influence your reason!"

"Boom!!!" Lu Lingqi, no, Guo Jia's words exploded in Lu Yan's mind like a thunderbolt!

At this moment, Lu Yan seemed to realize something, "Feng Xiao is giving me a piece of advice through Lu Lingqi's mouth! This is to remind me not to be used by others!"

"Advice. Who does he want me to beware of?" One doubt was solved, but more doubts followed.

Lu Yan began to reorganize the conversation between Lu Lingqi and himself, "The most shameful thing is that people are down and out. Sympathy is overflowing. People's hearts are treacherous."

Around Cao Cao, who is the most down-and-out, who is the most down-and-out, and who is most likely to show sympathy to him, Lu Yan?

"Son of Heaven!!!"

Lu Yan almost exclaimed, but fortunately, he controlled his expression in time and suppressed all the horror in his heart.

"Emperor! That's right, Feng Xiao is trying to warn me to be careful of the emperor!"

Once the key points are found, many problems will be instantly cleared up!

"The Son of Heaven granted me Hussar General, Marquis Ting, and his intention to win over me is very obvious."

Lu Yan seized the key point and unfolded it downwards, "The emperor can escape the control of Li Jue and Guo Si and return to Luoyang. He must have someone to help him. If the emperor finds out my 'weakness', maybe they may They will use this to make a fuss about me."

Alas. You are always too soft-hearted, too soft-hearted.
Lu Yan sighed, and finally understood Guo Jia's good intentions.

"This guy, in order to teach me a profound lesson, even used Lu Lingqi."

"No, this Lu Lingqi also got the result she wanted!" However, Lu Yan suddenly realized, "Damn it, these two people actually made a dirty deal behind my back!"

Yes, that's the deal!
Lu Lingqi played a scene for Guo Jia to remind Lu Yan to be careful of the design from the emperor's side; at the same time, Lu Lingqi just took advantage of Lu Yan's "weakness" and got the result she wanted!
"Call~~~Suck~~~" Lu Yan took three deep breaths to calm down the ups and downs in his heart.

Lu Lingqi suddenly felt a shocking pressure just now, almost frightened her into thinking that Lu Yan was about to make a move.

"You don't know how to do it, do you?" Lu Lingqi asked cautiously with a long halberd in front of her.

Lu Yan glanced at Lu Lingqi and replied, "No."

"Then you shouldn't regret it, right?"

Lu Yan was silent for a while, and Lu Lingqi immediately explained: "What I said later is true!"

Seeing that Lu Yan still didn't speak, Lu Lingqi was really anxious.

"I went to Luoyang with my father from Bingzhou, traveled from Luoyang to various places, and finally stayed in Puyang.

Do you know?Bingzhou has been harassed by aliens all the year round, and my father was able to suppress them when he was there. I can’t even imagine what it will be like after my father is gone.
Luoyang is prosperous on the surface, but the people can only live in a place full of sewage and stench. No matter how many people die, those dignitaries are still indifferent.

Only Yanzhou, only Chenliu, like a pure land in this troubled world, can bring real protection to the people."

When Lu Lingqi said this, her tone became more solemn than ever: "I have liked to practice martial arts since I was a child, and my father thought it was because of my personality.

In fact, I just saw too many people who were hurt. I want to make myself stronger so that when I grow up, I can protect the people around me from being hurt. "


As Lu Lingqi said, in Puyang City, she used her "weak" body to protect his mother and little mother.
Lu Yan still stared at Lu Lingqi quietly and did not speak, which made Lu Lingqi feel somewhat guilty.

"I have seen your efforts, and I also know your ideals from Ziheng, Zilong, and Ziyi.

I want to go to the battlefield, and I also want to use my insignificant strength to do something for these suffering people."

Speaking of this, Lu Lingqi suddenly threw away Fang Tian's painting halberd and got off her horse, and solemnly gave a military salute to Lu Yan: "Sir, please let me contribute my meager strength to this troubled world! As long as I don't meet my father, whoever you want to beat me Beat anyone!"

The surrounding atmosphere was unusually quiet, as if the whole thing had been stripped from this time.

After quite a while, just when Lu Lingqi couldn't help raising her head to observe the situation, Lu Yan's voice came faintly: "Then beat Guo Jia for me first."

"Ah? Ah! Thank you, sir?"

After a long reflex arc, Lu Lingqi finally understood the meaning of Lu Yan's words.

When she was overjoyed and raised her head, she found that Lu Yan had already swayed away on the white dragon horse.

 It was updated in advance today, and I need to fill in the hole quickly, because the author is afraid of being beaten to death by everyone.

  Finally, let's ask for a ticket by the way.
(End of this chapter)

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