Chapter 219: A Change Has Happened! (Thank you [Prince Heshuo Limi 1] for your reward!)
Although the emperor granted Lu Yan the position of Hussar General,
But since Lu Yan returned to Chen Liu, he has been nesting in Chen Liu and has never been to Xuchang, let alone went to court.

For this reason, many ministers secretly sent a small report to Lu Yan, but the emperor wanted to win over Lu Yan, so he ignored all of Lu Yan's impeachment.

After arriving in Xuchang, Taiwei Yang Biao, who felt physically and mentally exhausted, wanted to resign and go back to the countryside on the grounds that he was old and unbearable.

But the emperor thought of his hard work, so he tried his best to keep him. In the end, Yang Biao was worshiped as Taichang, and he was in charge of the etiquette and cultural education of the imperial court and the ancestral temple.

In recent days, Yang Biao, who had a lot of free time, traveled all over Yingchuan County and Chenliu County.

He wanted to see for himself and carefully what made these two counties so prosperous and stable.

After nearly half a month of secret visits, Yang Biao made some discoveries and experiences, but the most shocking thing in his heart was the person he tried to win over back then, Lu Yan!
"Lu Yan's Wenzhi and martial arts are the best in the world, but he has the biggest problem: Lu Yan only cares about the common people, not the imperial power!"

This discovery gave Yang Biao mixed joy and sorrow.

The good news is that the big man has such a genius and attaches great importance to the people. If he is in a high position, the people will definitely benefit endlessly.

The worry is whether there will be big men in the future. That's really hard to say.

Yang Biao decided to visit Chenliu later today. He wanted to try again, to see if he could make Lu Yan pay more attention to the imperial power and the emperor.

At today's court meeting, Cao Cao mainly said two very important things.

The first thing is that celebrities from all over the world gather in Xuchang, and Cao Cao hopes that the emperor can use his talents according to his ability.

For this reason, Cao Cao asked Xun Yu to draw up a list, and then the emperor only needed to give the corresponding official positions to the people on the list.

This is why Cao Cao asked Xun Yu and others to contact those celebrities who came to serve.

Regarding Cao Cao's proposal, all the officials of the emperor had no objection.

In fact, everyone knows that the current emperor is just a puppet.

It's just that the difference between Li Jue and Guo Si is that today's emperor has no worries about food and clothing, and can even occasionally say something and make some ideas.

The second major event was that Cao Cao took out the latest version of bamboo paper from Chenliu Workshop after numerous improvements.

Compared with the piece of bamboo paper that Guo Jia took out at that time, the improved bamboo paper is whiter, more flexible, and the surface is smoother.

Although it still cannot be compared with modern paper, it still drove the entire court into madness!

That's right, whether it's civil servants or emperors, they are all crazy!
This kind of high-quality, good-looking, and extremely cheap new paper is bound to change the pattern of scholars in the world.

What kind of contribution is this?What kind of an excellent opportunity to make a name in history is this!
Cao Cao took out new paper in the court hall, the purpose is to let the emperor serve as a shield for him.

Although the emperor will gain a lot of prestige because of this, the risks Cao Cao has to face are also greatly reduced.

After all, in addition to promoting new paper, Cao Cao also wanted to print and distribute books such as the Four Books and Five Classics in batches, and even wanted to open a school in every village.
Breaking the monopoly of the aristocratic family, the crisis inside is so great that even Cao Cao is unwilling to face it head-on.

Cao Cao revealed his meaning, and the emperor also knew the huge benefits.

So the two sides hit it off, and finally decided to publish and promote the new paper in the name of Hanting.The emperor needs to restore the prestige of the Han Dynasty, and this bamboo paper must be a great weapon.

As for how to promote the new paper, Cao Cao recommended Lu Yan to the emperor again.It's just that if Lu Yan doesn't come to court, the emperor can only send people to Chenliu to discuss with Lu Yan.

By the way, when Cao Cao was in court, he asked the emperor for an official position for Lu Lingqi.

When the Son of Heaven heard that the daughter of Marquis Wen Lu Bu was serving under Lu Yan, he immediately gave her General An Han.

General An Han's position is not low, even higher than that of Zhao Yun, Tai Shici and others.

In this way, Lu Yan's most senior general turned into Lu Lingqi!

Lu Yan's house, no, it should be called General Hussar's Mansion now.

Guo Jia is sharing with Lu Yan the news that the Shadow Guard has inquired from various places recently.

"Changsheng, I have received news that Sun Ce led the army to go south, and it is very likely that he will break away from Yuan Shu's control.

Secondly, Yuan Shao refused the emperor's reward because the rank of Taiwei was lower than that of the general, so we must always pay attention to Yuan Shao's movements. "

Lu Yan nodded and said in his heart: "It's almost done, Sun Ce should really leave Yuan Shu. Then the big event of Yuan Shu's proclaiming himself emperor is about to start."

Seeing Lu Yan bowed his head in thought, Guo Jia poured himself a bowl of tea soup, looked at the cloudy tea, Guo Jia shook his head, and sighed: "Oh, it would be great if it was wine!"

Hearing Guo Jia's words to himself, Lu Yan raised his head and said suddenly, "Feng Xiao, I think Sun Ce probably exchanged the jade seal for his own freedom."

"Pfft!" Guo Jia was startled when he heard the words, and the tea soup he just drank in his mouth suddenly sprayed towards Lu Yan unexpectedly.

Lu Yan is not Cao Cao, how could he be scorned by Guo Jiazi?
The air wall appeared instantly, blocking all the tea.

Guo Jia didn't pay attention to this incident, but asked in surprise: "How can you be sure that Sun Ce will donate the jade seal?"



Although Lu Yan said he guessed it, Guo Jia thought it was more likely.

Yuan Shu coveted Yuxi for a long time, and he has been watching Sun Ce closely, one is to cherish his talent and the other is for Yuxi.

Who is Yuan Shu?That is the ambition is too big, and it has even shown that it wants to replace the traitors of the Han Dynasty!

He got the jade seal, the consequences.
Guo Jia looked at Lu Yan, frowned and said, "Then we have to make preparations in advance."

Regarding Yuan Shu's imminent proclaiming emperor, Lu Yan suddenly remembered Xun Yu's strategy of "driving tigers and devouring wolves"!
So Lu Yan said: "If Yuan Shu dares to proclaim himself emperor, it will definitely cause the princes of the world to attack him.

I remember Xuzhou Mu Liu Bei claimed to be the clan of the Han family, so you might as well take advantage of it at that time. "

Guo Jia's eyes lit up, and he clapped his hands and applauded: "This plan is feasible! Let Xuzhou Liu Bei and Yuzhou Yuan Shu fight first, and when they both lose, we can reap the benefits of the fisherman. However, Liu Bei will really respect the emperor Do you want to crusade against Yuan Shu?"

"Yes!" Lu Yan was sure in his heart.

Because Liu Bei knew that his only advantage was his status as a clan member of the Han family. If he didn't respect the emperor's order, then his status would lose a lot of color.

It was because of Liu Bei's contact with the emperor that he obtained the status of the emperor's uncle. He gradually became famous, and gradually gained the approval of some scribes, and then he got his first real counselor.

May I ask who is the opponent of the heroes in the world?Cao Liu!Lu Yan fears Liu Bei more than anyone else.

Although Liu Bei is also a Minggong, Lu Yan still has to prepare to deal with Liu Bei in order to calm down the troubled times as soon as possible.

Seeing that Lu Yan stopped talking again, Guo Jia wanted to have another sip of tea, but he held back when he thought of the gaffe just now.

Fortunately, Lu Yan didn't think about it for too long, "Feng Xiao, send more shadow guards to investigate Yuan Shu's situation. Once there are signs of him proclaiming the emperor, we will immediately launch a strategy to drive away tigers and wolves, and prepare for the expedition to Xuzhou and Yuzhou at the same time." ready!"

"I understand."

"You still have to find a time to tell Cao Gong, Zhicai, Wen Ruo and others about our reasoning. They can make up for the loopholes in our plan."

"I'll go to Xuchang tomorrow." Guo Jia nodded and replied.

Although Guo Jia's tone was very calm, as if agreeing to a trivial matter,

But Lu Yan knew,
This is exactly when Guo Jia is most serious!
(End of this chapter)

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