Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 223 The Role of the Shadow Guard

Chapter 223 The Role of Shadow Guards (Thanks to [Prince Heshuo Limi 1] for the huge reward!)
How could Xun Yu, Xun You, and Cheng Yu not have thought about what Guo Jia said about Zhang Xiu's possible sneak attack.

Cheng Yu first replied: "General Cao Ren has [-] soldiers guarding Yangdi, and General Cao Hong in Xuchang has [-] soldiers. Zhang Xiu has to weigh his weight first if he wants to come."

Xi Zhicai knew Guo Jia very well, and he knew that there must be something inside that they didn't understand.

"Feng Xiao, don't play charades. Have you got some information that we don't know?"

"Say it quickly, don't try to cheat in front of the lord!"

Guo Jia chuckled, not wanting to tempt these old brothers any more, he replied: "Last winter, my shadow guards distributed among Liu Bei, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu found some news."

"Shadow Guard?" Xun Yu and Cheng Yu looked at each other suspiciously.

In fact, there was no special intelligence agency at that time.
Most of the characters who can take on the task of being a spy are military secret agents and some people's eaters.

It was not until Wu Zetian in the Tang Dynasty set up an inner guard that there was a relatively complete espionage agency.

"This is an espionage organization established by Chenliu County." Cao Cao replied for Guo Jia, subtextually meaning, "The Shadow Guard is a formal organization established with my approval."

But the old Cao didn't see the potential of the shadow guard back then, and now although his eyes are tight, he is too embarrassed to ask Lu Yan and Guo Jia for it.
Guo Jia smiled at Boss Cao to express his gratitude, and then continued:

"Although Liu Bei has settled in Xuzhou, he will only close Zhang, and there will always be no advisors.

The original group of Tao Qian's former troops in Xuzhou didn't really admire Liu Bei secretly.

It may not be so easy for Liu Bei to stabilize Xuzhou. "

Hearing this, Cheng Yu became even more puzzled. He asked, "You also said that Xuzhou is not monolithic now. If you don't take Xuzhou before they return to their hearts, it will be more difficult after they gradually recognize Liu Bei. Too much!"

Guo Jia smiled again and said, "I agree with Zhong De.

However, I didn't say not to deal with Liu Bei, I just said that we don't necessarily need to deal with Liu Bei! "

"If we don't do it, who will do it?"

Cao Cao's face remained unchanged, secretly observing the debate between these top counselors.

Guo Jia talked eloquently, with an air of confidence.

Xun Yu, Xun You, and Cheng Yu showed a little bit of surprise, doubt, and surprise on their faces. This was mainly because of the unequal information. Guo Jia could use the exclusive secrets he had mastered to carry out the pretense to the end.

At the scene, only Lu Yan looked like he had nothing to do with himself. He even secretly yawned just now!

After the discussion paused, Cao Cao suddenly turned his head and asked Lu Yan, "Lu Hussar, don't you want to talk about your opinion?"

Lu Yan was taken aback by Cao Cao's sudden attack, and then he slandered in his heart: "Didn't Guo Jia say everything that should be said, and ask me why?"

If it were normal, Lu Yan might really have said that, but today there are newcomers present, in order to take care of Boss Cao and his own face, Lu Yan stood up and cupped his hands and said: "Feng Xiao is right!"


Xun Yu and Cheng Yu, who were well aware of Lu Yan's faith, had an expression of "really your Lu Yan style" on their faces;

On the other hand, Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai turned their heads away in tacit understanding, with the appearance of "I don't know him very well".

Xun You stared at Lu Yan dumbfounded,

He is now like a drunk drunk, and there seem to be two Lu Yan in front of him.

One is Lu Yan, who is rumored to be invincible in all aspects of martial arts and martial arts, and the other is Lu Yan, who is yawning and slacking off at the scene.

No matter how hard Xun You tried, it was really difficult for him to put these two figures together
Seeing his nephew staring at Lu Yan in surprise, Xun Yu coughed lightly, reminding him not to lose his manners.

The corner of Cao Cao's mouth twitched for a while, and he asked again unwillingly: "You created and trained the Shadow Guard by yourself, can't you be serious and give me a good suggestion?"

Suggestion. After pondering for a while, Lu Yan said, "Let's attack Wancheng first."

After speaking, Lu Yan didn't explain anything, just sat down straight away.

Sure enough, Lu Yan had the same thoughts as Guo Jia, they must know some secrets!
Thinking of this, Xi Zhicai couldn't take it anymore, he turned to Guo Jia, and asked, "Feng Xiao, don't be a fool, tell me what secrets you all have?"

Seeing that his old friend was really in a hurry, Feng Xiao was keenly aware that if he hanged himself again, he would probably be beaten.

After Guo Jia raised his hand and made a calm gesture, he said, "Let me first talk about the secrets we have. As for whether you can figure it out, that is your own business!"

"Hurry up!" Xun Yu, Cheng Yu, Xi Zhicai, and even Xun You couldn't resist urging them.

In this gap when no one was looking at Lu Yan, the faint smile that had always been on Lu Yan's face disappeared.

Wancheng Zhang Embroidery Cao Angdianwei
Just when Lu Yan's thoughts diverged, Guo Jia finally revealed the confidential information he had: "Sun Ce exchanged Yuxi for his free body from Yuan Shu."

Imperial jade seal!Yuan Shu!
Xun You and Xi Zhicai's eyes lit up suddenly, while Xun Yu and Cheng Yu looked stunned.

"Qu Yi, together with Xian Yufu, Liu Yu's son Liu He, and others, led a total of 10 troops to surround Gongsun Zan in Yijing Tower."

"Yuan Shao has already surrounded Gongsun Zan?!" Not only Xun Yu and the others, but even Cao Cao couldn't help but sit up straight, thinking to himself: "There is no news in the Central Plains area. The news from the shadow guards can be so fast!"

Did Yuan Shao push Gongsun Zan into such a situation just by relying on his general Qu Yi?
Thinking of Yuan Shao's refusal of the emperor's reward in anger, Xun Yu and others finally gave up the idea of ​​attacking Xuzhou first.

"So that's how it is." Xi Zhicai let out a sigh of relief, shook his head and said, "I didn't expect Yuan Shao's strength to increase so rapidly, and the former White Horse General who was so powerful in northern Xinjiang would be defeated so soon."

"It's not surprising." This time it was Xun You who spoke, "The Yuan family has four generations and three princes, and the disciples and old officials are all over the world.

Yuan Shao has countless talented people under his command. To deal with a Gongsun Zan who is almost insane, the ending is almost predictable. "

Although he thought that Gongsun Zan would lose, he didn't expect it to come so soon.

As long as Yuan Shao defeats Gongsun Zan, he can quickly take over the entire territory of Youzhou.

At that time, Yuan Shao will be the most powerful vassal in the world if he owns the complete land of the two prefectures and some areas of Qinghe.

After eliminating Gongsun Zan and unifying the North, what would Yuan Shao do?Everyone at the scene knew it very well.

"After Yuan Shao ruled the north, I'm afraid I, Cao Mengde, will be the first one to do the surgery!" Cao Cao teased himself in a pretentiously relaxed tone, but everyone couldn't laugh.

At this time, Lu Yan suddenly said: "Since Yuan Shao is unwilling to accept the position of Taiwei, why doesn't Cao Gong give him the general?"

"Huh?" Cao Cao was taken aback for a moment, then clapped his hands and applauded: "Good idea! In this way, Yuan Shao should accept it or not?"

Xi Zhicai followed Cao Cao's words and explained: "If you accept it, then Yuan Shao will have no excuse to send troops. If you don't accept it, then Yuan Shao will appear to disregard the emperor and be too aggressive, which will damage his image in the eyes of the world. !"

After Xun Yu, Xun You, and Cheng Yu looked at each other, they reminded: "But we still can't take it lightly. In the face of interests, all excuses are not worth mentioning."

 Group number: 650341739, brothers and sisters, join the group!

(End of this chapter)

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