Chapter 249 Letter from Qingzhou
The night is getting dark.

In the daytime battle, Huang Zhong and Dian Wei were tied, while Wei Yan was slightly inferior to Xu Chu.

Before Lu Yan was worried that Wei Yan would be hit after losing in front of Cao Cao, but in the end he found that he was worrying too much.

Although Wei Yan is proud, he is not someone who cannot accept setbacks.

In fact, warriors who can reach this level, whether it is patience or heart, are absolutely top-notch.

But what surprised Boss Cao even more was Wei Yan's understanding of leading the army.

Wei Yan is bold and cautious in using soldiers, and likes to catch people by surprise, which is quite similar to Boss Cao's temperament.

After Cao Cao and Wei Yan had an in-depth chat about the art of war, he was even more loved by Cao Cao than Huang Zhong.

Anyway, if Lu Yan didn't believe it, neither would Cao Cao.

It was getting late, but the Hussar General's mansion was brightly lit and bustling.

Cao Cao brought a group of people back from an outing to visit sages, and everyone happened to meet, so they held a welcome banquet at Lu Yan's mansion, and everyone sat down and ate hot pot together!

Xu Chu, Dian Wei, and Guo Jia are all alcoholics, and Huang Zhong and Wei Yan never refuse a toast.

After drinking for three rounds, the atmosphere at the banquet naturally became lively.

A few strong men held the wine jars, shook their arms and punched,
"Two little bees!"

"Fly among the flowers!"

"Left fly!"

"Fly right!"


"Ha! You lose, drink!"

The scene was accompanied by the lines shouted when punching. Lu Yan didn't dare to participate, but just drank and ate food on his own.

As Lu Yan ate, he suddenly felt something was missing.

After looking left and right, he suddenly discovered that Miss Lu, who usually likes to be lively the most, is not here!
Lu Yan looked around, and finally saw the back of the eldest lady in the corridor outside the hall door.

Compared with the lively banquet,

Lu Lingqi stood alone in the corridor looking at the sky in a trance, looking so lonely and lonely at the moment.

Lu Yan took an empty bowl and poured wine into his bowl and the empty bowl.

Holding wine bowls in both hands, Lu Yan came behind Lu Lingqi.

"Miss, don't you like to be lively on weekdays? What's the matter today?" Lu Yan said, and handed the wine bowl in his left hand to Lu Lingqi.

Lu Lingqi turned her head and looked at Lu Yan's face that was as refreshing as always. After taking the wine bowl, she forced a smile and said, "It's nothing, it's just a trivial matter."

After drinking it all in one gulp, the eldest lady was as forthright as ever.

It's just that Lu Lingqi has stayed by Lu Yan's side for so long, how could Lu Yan not see that she was pretending to be relaxed.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Yan still didn't ask the reason. He just took the empty bowl and stood side by side with Lu Lingqi, looking up at the empty sky in a daze.

"What are these two people doing standing outside? Hiccup!" Guo Jia originally wanted to drink Lu Yan's wine at the banquet, but when he turned around, he found that Lu Yan had disappeared at some point.

Confused, Guo Jia looked around, and when he came to the entrance of the hall, he happened to see Lu Yan and Lu Lingqi standing together, looking up at the empty night sky in a daze.

Guo Jia raised his head to look at the sky with his head full of confusion, but there was nothing, so he shouted at Lu Yan and Lu Lingqi: "There is nothing in the sky, are you two watching?"

The moment Lu Yan turned his head, he could clearly see Lu Lingqi's mouth twitching twice from the corner of his eyes.

However, Lu Lingqi, uncharacteristically, did not fight with Guo Jia as usual, but said blankly: "Sir, Jijiu, I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well, so I'll take my leave first."

Although Guo Jia drank a lot, he still clearly felt that Lu Lingqi had emotional problems.

Guo Jia, who knew that something might have happened to her, smiled awkwardly and said to Lu Yan: "Ah, the eldest lady looks heartless on weekdays, so she also has such a daughter's side."

Lu Yan did not answer Guo Jia's words, but asked thoughtfully: "Feng Xiao, you are very stable now, why don't you take your family over to live with you?"

"Eh? How do you know I have a family?" Guo Jia asked in surprise.

"Nonsense, I also know that you have a son named Guo Yi!" Lu Yan chuckled in his heart, then made an excuse and said, "Zhicai told me."

Guo Jia muttered and didn't know what he was talking about.
Lu Yan, after glancing at Lu Lingqi who left alone, picked up Guo Jia with one hand and returned to the banquet.

In the hall, seeing Lu Yan carrying Guo Jia back like a chicken, Xu Chu, a strong man, stared straight at him.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Guo Jia immediately scolded: "You guys can't beat Lu Yan, what are you looking at?" He tried to use other people's embarrassment to resolve his own embarrassing situation.

Xu Chu carefully looked at Lu Yan and Guo Jia in Lu Yan's hands for a while, then looked at Dian Wei, and asked, "What's going on, General Hussars?"

"What else is going on? Didn't Guo Jijiu make it very clear? Come and drink, don't think about those troublesome things." Dian Wei seemed to be used to it, and didn't pay attention to the horrifying scene in front of him at all. .

Xu Chu's eyes were full of disbelief. He looked at Lu Yan's slender arms and legs, and then at his own shoulders that were almost as thick as Lu Yan's skull. Strange scribe.

Dian Wei couldn't bear the fact that his good buddy he had just made was making fun of himself, so he persuaded him: "When we fought against the Xiliang army in Luoyang, you have heard about the story of one man breaking a thousand riders, sir?"

Xu Chu replied in a daze: "Ah? Are you talking about the rumor that one man can beat ten thousand riders?"

"It's actually a thousand cavalry, to be precise, a thousand flying bear troops!"

"In this world, is there really someone who can break a thousand horses alone??" Xu Chu still couldn't believe it.

"Do you look at me like I'm going to lie to you?"

Xu Chu looked at Dian Wei's ugly and ferocious face, his throat trembled a little, but he still restrained the urge in his stomach, turned his head away and said: "Okay, I believe you."

"A child can be taught!" Dian Wei turned his head with a smile, and pulled out an idiom he didn't know who heard it from.

The banquet lasted until early in the morning. After the group of people drank and lay down under the table, Lu Yan asked them to send them to the rooms that had been arranged earlier.

In order to take care of these drunkards, Lu Yan also specially hired many temporary servants to take care of them all night, um, they were all men.

The next day, before dawn,

Suddenly Cheng Yu shouted anxiously from the door, "Changsheng! Is the lord here with you? I have something important to report, so hurry up and open the door!"

The servant opened the door, and Cheng Yu collapsed in with a stride. His old man has some background in martial arts, but his legs are very flexible.

After hearing Cheng Yu's shout, Lu Yan had already arrived at the front yard.

After entering the door, he saw Lu Yan. Then Cheng Yu waved the envelope in his hand and said:
"Qingzhou sent an urgent letter. The person who wrote the letter is Chen Gong, Lv Bu's military adviser, and the person who brought the letter is Cheng Lian, a hero under Lv Bu's command!"

(End of this chapter)

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