Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 256: Soldiers Destroy Xuzhou!

Chapter 256: Soldiers Destroy Xuzhou!

Henan Yin, the south bank of the Yellow River.

In the past half a month or so, Liu Bao, the wise king of the left of the Southern Huns, was exhausted by an unknown cavalry of the Han army, and he wanted to die.

If Liu Bao defends the main camp, the surrounding small tribes will be raided; if he spreads his forces to help other tribes defend, his own base camp will be raided again.

After going back and forth several times, Liu Bao realized that he had been led by the nose by the Han people.
Recently, spies on the north bank of the Yellow River sent back news that there were signs of mobilization of troops and horses in Hanoi County, and signs of warships gathering.

Looking at the leaders of the small tribes with low morale, Liu Bao knew that nothing could be done, so he could only frown and pinch his nose, and gave the order to withdraw back to Hedong.

The Huns could withdraw if they wanted to, but Zhao Yun and Xia Houlan couldn't let them leave easily.

Xia Houlan was dirty all over, even the white horse that sat on it turned gray.

After discovering the changes of the Huns, he came to Zhao Yun and said, "Zilong, the Huns are starting to move out."

Zhao Yun's appearance is not much better than Xia Houlan's,

The handsome face was covered with dry and cracked dead skin, and the armor on his body was also stained with dark red blood, but it was the blood of the Huns.

Zhao Yun came to the front on horseback, looked at the Zuo Xianwang's tribe swaying in the distance, and said, "They are indeed leaving."

After looking at it for a while, Zhao Yun said again: "Those Han captives who are surrounded will definitely become a burden. We must be careful not to kill the captives when the Huns become angry."

Xia Houlan picked up her itchy back with a branch, and asked, "Then what should we do?"

"Let's let them move first, and then we'll use the guerrilla tactics taught to us by my husband to nibble away at them bit by bit!"

"When the enemy is stationed, we will harass, and if the enemy is tired, we will attack?" Xia Houlan said with a grin on the corner of her mouth.

The corners of Zhao Yun's mouth were also slightly raised, "Exactly! But the rhythm and frequency must be well controlled."

Xia Houlan threw away the branch, and said with a smile: "It's time to compete for endurance again."

The arrival of Liu Bei's emissary further strengthened Cao Cao's idea of ​​sending troops to Xuzhou.

After meeting the emperor, Cao Cao successfully persuaded the emperor to send troops to attack Cao Bao in Xuzhou.

But the emperor unexpectedly put forward a condition for Cao Cao, that is, before Cao Cao sent troops, he had to send someone to receive Henan Yin.

Henan Yin, governed by Luoyang!

Cao Cao knew that the Son of Heaven was the old capital of Xinnian, and that although Henan Yin was withered, he was not as useless as before.

Guo Bang in Chang'an is dead. After Li Jue annexed Guo Bang's forces, he can only live in a corner, lingering, and the threat to the west of Luoyang has been reduced to a minimum.

In the south, after Zhang Liao and Li Tong entered Wancheng, they have now almost completely controlled Nanyang County, Wuguan was also occupied by Zhang Liao's army, and there was basically no threat south of Luoyang.

Needless to say, the east, its own territory.

Now it seems that Zhang Yang, Hanoi County in the north, is still a little threatening.

But Zhang Yang didn't have the ambition and strength to expand at all, so Cao Cao reckoned that it was time to take down Henan Yin.

The emperor agreed, and after deliberation, the court officials finally decided to send Sima Fang's son Sima Lang to take over Henan Yin.

Sima Fang didn't show his face much in the Three Kingdoms, but his descendants are all famous historical figures.

He has a total of eight sons, known as "Sima Bada", and the most famous is his second son, Sima Yi, who has the appearance of "The Eagle Watches the Wolf"!
Sima Fang served successively as Luoyang Ling and Jing Zhaoyin when he was young, and he is a typical loyal minister of the Han Dynasty.

Letting his son Sima Lang take over Henan Yin, Emperor Xian wanted to cultivate his own power, and at the same time it was a gift in disguise for Sima Fang.

At the end of April in the first year of Jian'an, Cao Bao, the former Xuzhou Ministry, rebelled. Xuzhou Mu Liu Bei fled to Guangling for fear of being attacked from both sides.

After Yuan Shu heard the news, he immediately dispatched generals Chen Ji and Lei Bo to reinforce Ji Ling, and then took advantage of Liu Bei's departure and Xuzhou's gate opened to the north to attack Xuzhou!

Cao Bao hastily responded to the battle, and there was no general under his command.

After confronting Yuan Shu several times, he finally returned in a big defeat, losing almost half of Xuzhou including Xiaopei.

In May of the first year of Jian'an, Taiwei Cao Cao went to the emperor and said that Cao Bao of Xuzhou had harmed the court and ordered officials to commit rebellion. He asked for [-] soldiers and horses, falsely claiming [-], and went all the way to Xuzhou.

Cao Cao personally led the army to crusade against Xuzhou, but because of Yuan Shu's intervention, Cao Jun had to pass Yuan Shu's barrier first if he wanted to deal with Cao Bao.

This battle is difficult and dangerous, so almost all of Cao Cao's [-] troops are elites selected by Cao Cao himself.

He even "borrowed" the Beiwei army from Lu Yan. If Zhao Yun and Xia Houlan hadn't been training in Sizhou, this cavalry would certainly not have escaped the clutches of Lao Cao.

The families of Lu Yan and Lu Bu were also in Cao Cao's army.

This trip to Xuzhou happened to be able to escort Lu Bu's family back to Qingzhou.

Along the way, Lu Lingqi still studied with Lu Yan as usual, acting as the commander of the personal guards, looking just like when she didn't pierce the window paper.

Since Diao Chan and Yan knew about the "flaws" brought about by Lu Yan's exercises, they stopped asking about Lu Lingqi's affairs, anyway, they couldn't do anything wrong.

After arriving at the border between Taishan County and Xuzhou, Lu Yan bid farewell to Lu Lingqi and her party.

Looking at Lu Bu's family members who were slowly leaving under the escort of Cao Chun, Cheng Lian and others, Lu Yan's mind appeared for no reason the appearance of Lu Lingqi's husband and wife.
"What are you thinking, you are a man who wants to become a fairy!" Lu Yan shook his head, throwing out the troubles that had just sprouted in his mind, "Oh, you will only delay her"

Sending Lu Bu's family back means that Cao Cao has completed the deal with Chen Gong.

The situation in Xuzhou has been corrupted to this point. If Cao Cao was later, Yuan Shu might have taken it first.

But no matter whether it is Cao Cao or Yuan Shu who wins Xuzhou in the end, since they are not very popular with famous families now, Chen Gong can still make a lot of money in the end.

The difference is that if Yuan Shu occupies Xuzhou, Chen Gong may earn more.

After deliberation, Cao Cao decided to divide his troops into two groups.

Along the way, Xia Houdun, the prefect of Taishan County and Jianwu General, was the commander, and Xun You, the general of the military division, was the military division;

With General Yamen Wei Yan and Pingkou General Xu Huang as deputy generals, General Le Jin who was trapped in the battle as the vanguard, led [-] troops, and marched towards Yuan Shu's General Ji Ling who was stationed in Xiaopei (Huang Zhong had to take care of his seriously ill son. did not join the army).

On the other way, Cao Cao himself led an army of [-] to Xuzhou.

This time, Cao Cao did not bring along the most trusted military advisers in the past to sacrifice wine and play Zhicai. Instead, he used military adviser general Cheng Yu and Dianjun Sima Jiaxu as his left and right military advisers.

Because of Xi Zhicai, he fell ill.

Xi Zhicai did not listen to Lu Yan's advice, and was too conscientious in his daily life, insisting on doing everything by himself, and finally became sick from overwork and fell ill.

For the sake of his health, Cao Cao once again issued an order to Xi Zhicai not to participate in any military affairs, so that he can recuperate at home with peace of mind.

Xi Zhicai's good friend Guo Jia stayed to take care of him, and in the end he did not go to Xuzhou with the army.

The composition of Cao Cao's army is quite interesting.
There is the [-] Beiwei Army led by Tai Shici and Dian Wei; the [-] Tiger Guards formed by the newly joined Xu Chu; and the [-] Tigers and Leopards trained together by Cao Ang and Cao Chun, which are currently led by Cao Ang and Cao Xiu ride.
Among the [-] troops, one-third of them are special forces!

During this trip to Xuzhou, in addition to attacking Cao Bao, Cao Cao actually had the intention of training soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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